library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use std.env.all; entity tb_uart_loop is end entity tb_uart_loop; architecture sim of tb_uart_loop is signal s_clk : std_logic := '1'; signal s_rst_n : std_logic := '0'; signal s_uart_rx : std_logic := '1'; signal s_uart_tx : std_logic; constant c_baudrate : natural := 9600; constant c_period_ns : time := 1000000000 / c_baudrate * ns; procedure uart_send ( data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal tx : out std_logic) is begin report "UART send: 0x" & to_hstring(data); tx <= '0'; wait for c_period_ns; for i in 0 to 7 loop tx <= data(i); wait for c_period_ns; end loop; tx <= '1'; wait for c_period_ns; end procedure; procedure uart_recv ( data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal rx : in std_logic) is begin wait until not rx; wait for c_period_ns; -- Skip start bit wait for c_period_ns/2; for i in 0 to 7 loop data(i) := rx; wait for c_period_ns; end loop; report "UART recv: 0x" & to_hstring(data); end procedure; begin dut : entity work.uart_loop port map ( clk_i => s_clk, rst_n_i => s_rst_n, uart_rx_i => s_uart_rx, uart_tx_o => s_uart_tx ); s_rst_n <= '1' after 120 ns; s_clk <= not s_clk after 50 ns; SendP : process is variable v_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin wait until s_rst_n; wait until rising_edge(s_clk); wait for 200 us; -- First read all registers for i in 0 to 255 loop v_data := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 8)); uart_send(v_data, s_uart_rx); end loop; wait; end process; ReceiveP : process is variable v_exp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); variable v_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin wait until s_rst_n; wait until rising_edge(s_clk); -- First read all registers for i in 0 to 255 loop v_exp := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 8)); uart_recv(v_data, s_uart_tx); assert v_data = v_exp report "UART receive error, got 0x" & to_hstring(v_data) & ", expected 0x" & to_hstring(v_exp) severity failure; end loop; wait for 200 us; report "Simulation finished :-)"; stop(0); end process; end architecture;