-- -- File Name : RandomPkg.vhd -- Design Unit Name : RandomPkg -- Revision : STANDARD VERSION, revision 2014.01 -- -- Maintainer : Jim Lewis email : jim@synthworks.com -- Contributor(s) : -- Jim Lewis email : jim@synthworks.com -- * -- -- * In writing procedures normal, poisson, the following sources were referenced : -- Wikipedia -- package rnd2 written by John Breen and Ken Christensen -- package RNG written by Gnanasekaran Swaminathan -- -- -- Description : -- RandomPType, a protected type, defined to hold randomization RandomSeeds and -- function methods to facilitate randomization with uniform and weighted -- distributions -- -- Developed for : -- SynthWorks Design Inc. -- VHDL Training Classes -- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 -- http ://www.SynthWorks.com -- -- Revision History : -- Date Version Description -- 12/2006 : 0.1 Initial revision -- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification -- 02/2009 : 1.0 First Public Released Version -- 02/25/2009 1.1 Replaced reference to std_2008 with a reference to -- ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- 06/2010 1.2 Added Normal and Poisson distributions -- 03/2011 2.0 Major clean-up. -- Moved RandomParmType and control to here -- 07/2011 2.1 Bug fix to convenience functions for slv, unsigned, and signed. -- 06/2012 2.2 Removed '_' in the name of subprograms FavorBig and FavorSmall -- to make more consistent with other subprogram names -- 04/2013 2013.04 Changed DistInt -- Now returns input array range. -- For literals, no impact. It still returns 0 to N-1 (the default array range) -- Impacts named constants, signals, or variables. -- Added error checking to weight values -- Better Min, Max error handling in Uniform, FavorBig, FavorSmall, Normal, Poisson -- 5/2013 - Removed extra variable declaration in functions RandInt and RandReal -- 5/2013 2013.05 Big vector randomization added overloading RandUnsigned, RandSlv, and RandSigned -- Added NULL_RANGE_TYPE to minimize null range warnings -- 1/2014 2014.01 Added RandTime, RandReal(set), RandIntV, RandRealV, RandTimeV -- Made sort, revsort from SortListPkg_int visible via aliases -- -- Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and -- distributed without restriction. -- -- This source file is free software ; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License -- as published by The Perl Foundation ; either version 2.0 of -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. -- If not download it from, -- http ://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 -- use work.RandomBasePkg.all ; use work.SortListPkg_int.all ; use std.textio.all ; library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.numeric_std.all ; use ieee.numeric_std_unsigned.all ; use ieee.math_real.all ; -- comment out following 3 lines with VHDL-2008. Leave in for VHDL-2002 -- library ieee_proposed ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 -- use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 -- use ieee_proposed.standard_textio_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 package RandomPkg is -- Uncomment the following with VHDL-2008 package generics. -- For now they are defined in the package RandomBasePkg.vhd -- package RandomGenericPkg is -- generic ( -- type RandomSeedType ; -- base type for randomization -- procedure Uniform (Result : out real ; Seed : inout RandomSeedType) ; -- function GenRandSeed(IV : integer_vector) return RandomSeedType ; -- function GenRandSeed(I : integer) return RandomSeedType ; -- function GenRandSeed(S : string) return RandomSeedType ; -- ) ; -- make things from SortListPkg_int visible alias sort is work.SortListPkg_int.sort[integer_vector return integer_vector] ; alias revsort is work.SortListPkg_int.revsort[integer_vector return integer_vector] ; -- note NULL_RANGE_TYPE should probably be in std.standard subtype NULL_RANGE_TYPE is integer range 0 downto 1 ; constant NULL_INTV : integer_vector (NULL_RANGE_TYPE) := (others => 0) ; -- Supports DistValInt functionality type DistRecType is record Value : integer ; Weight : integer ; end record ; type DistType is array (natural range <>) of DistRecType ; -- Parameters for randomization -- RandomDistType specifies the distribution to use for randomize type RandomDistType is (NONE, UNIFORM, FAVOR_SMALL, FAVOR_BIG, NORMAL, POISSON) ; type RandomParmType is record Distribution : RandomDistType ; Mean : Real ; -- also used as probability of success StdDeviation : Real ; -- also used as number of trials for binomial end record ; -- RandomParm IO function to_string(A : RandomDistType) return string ; procedure write(variable L : inout line ; A : RandomDistType ) ; procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomDistType ; good : out boolean ) ; procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomDistType ) ; function to_string(A : RandomParmType) return string ; procedure write(variable L : inout line ; A : RandomParmType ) ; procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomParmType ; good : out boolean ) ; procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomParmType ) ; type RandomPType is protected -- Seed Manipulation -- Known ambiguity between InitSeed with string and integer_vector -- Recommendation, use : RV.InitSeed(RV'instance_path) ; -- For integer_vector use either : RV.InitSeed(IV => (1,5)) ; -- or : RV.InitSeed(integer_vector'(1,5)) ; procedure InitSeed (S : string ) ; procedure InitSeed (I : integer ) ; procedure InitSeed (IV : integer_vector ) ; -- SetSeed & GetSeed : Used to save and restore seed values procedure SetSeed (RandomSeedIn : RandomSeedType ) ; impure function GetSeed return RandomSeedType ; -- SeedRandom = SetSeed & GetSeed for SV compatibility -- replace with aliases when they work in popular simulators procedure SeedRandom (RandomSeedIn : RandomSeedType ) ; impure function SeedRandom return RandomSeedType ; -- alias SeedRandom is SetSeed [RandomSeedType] ; -- alias SeedRandom is GetSeed [return RandomSeedType] ; -- Setting Randomization Parameters -- Allows RandInt to have distributions other than uniform procedure SetRandomParm (RandomParmIn : RandomParmType) ; procedure SetRandomParm ( Distribution : RandomDistType ; Mean : Real := 0.0 ; Deviation : Real := 0.0 ) ; impure function GetRandomParm return RandomParmType ; impure function GetRandomParm return RandomDistType ; -- For compatibility with previous version - replace with alias procedure SetRandomMode (RandomDistIn : RandomDistType) ; -- alias SetRandomMode is SetRandomParm [RandomDistType, Real, Real] ; -- Base Randomization Distributions -- Uniform : Generate a random number with a Uniform distribution impure function Uniform (Min, Max : in real) return real ; impure function Uniform (Min, Max : integer) return integer ; impure function Uniform (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector) return integer ; -- FavorSmall -- Generate random numbers with a greater number of small -- values than large values impure function FavorSmall (Min, Max : real) return real ; impure function FavorSmall (Min, Max : integer) return integer ; impure function FavorSmall (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector) return integer ; -- FavorBig -- Generate random numbers with a greater number of large -- values than small values impure function FavorBig (Min, Max : real) return real ; impure function FavorBig (Min, Max : integer) return integer ; impure function FavorBig (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector) return integer ; -- Normal : Generate a random number with a normal distribution impure function Normal (Mean, StdDeviation : real) return real ; -- Normal + RandomVal >= Min and RandomVal < Max impure function Normal (Mean, StdDeviation, Min, Max : real) return real ; impure function Normal ( Mean : real ; StdDeviation : real ; Min : integer ; Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector := NULL_INTV ) return integer ; -- Poisson : Generate a random number with a poisson distribution -- Discrete distribution = only generates integral values impure function Poisson (Mean : real) return real ; -- Poisson + RandomVal >= Min and RandomVal < Max impure function Poisson (Mean, Min, Max : real) return real ; impure function Poisson ( Mean : real ; Min : integer ; Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector := NULL_INTV ) return integer ; -- randomization with a range impure function RandInt (Min, Max : integer) return integer ; impure function RandReal(Min, Max : Real) return real ; impure function RandTime (Min, Max : time ; Unit : time := ns) return time ; impure function RandSlv (Min, Max, Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandUnsigned (Min, Max, Size : natural) return Unsigned ; impure function RandSigned (Min, Max : integer ; Size : natural ) return Signed ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandRealV (Min, Max : real ; Size : natural) return real_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Size : natural ; Unit : time := ns) return time_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural ; Unit : time := ns) return time_vector ; -- randomization with a range and exclude vector impure function RandInt (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer ; impure function RandTime (Min, Max : time ; Exclude : time_vector ; Unit : time := ns) return time ; impure function RandSlv (Min, Max : natural ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandUnsigned (Min, Max : natural ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Unsigned ; impure function RandSigned (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Signed ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Exclude : time_vector ; Size : natural ; Unit : in time := ns) return time_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Exclude : time_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural ; Unit : in time := ns) return time_vector ; -- Randomly select a value within a set of values impure function RandInt ( A : integer_vector ) return integer ; impure function RandReal ( A : real_vector ) return real ; impure function RandTime (A : time_vector) return time ; impure function RandSlv (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandUnsigned (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return Unsigned ; impure function RandSigned (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Signed ; impure function RandIntV (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandIntV (A : integer_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandRealV (A : real_vector ; Size : natural) return real_vector ; impure function RandRealV (A : real_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return real_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (A : time_vector ; Size : natural) return time_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (A : time_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return time_vector ; -- Randomly select a value within a set of values with exclude values (so can skip last or last n) impure function RandInt ( A, Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer ; impure function RandReal ( A, Exclude : real_vector ) return real ; impure function RandTime (A, Exclude : time_vector) return time ; impure function RandSlv (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandUnsigned (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return Unsigned ; impure function RandSigned (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Signed ; impure function RandIntV (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandIntV (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector ; impure function RandRealV (A, Exclude : real_vector ; Size : natural) return real_vector ; impure function RandRealV (A, Exclude : real_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return real_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (A, Exclude : time_vector ; Size : natural) return time_vector ; impure function RandTimeV (A, Exclude : time_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return time_vector ; -- Randomly select between 0 and N-1 based on the specified weight. -- where N = number values in weight array impure function DistInt ( Weight : integer_vector ) return integer ; impure function DistSlv ( Weight : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector ; impure function DistUnsigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return unsigned ; impure function DistSigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return signed ; -- Distribution with just weights and with exclude values impure function DistInt ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer ; impure function DistSlv ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector ; impure function DistUnsigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return unsigned ; impure function DistSigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return signed ; -- Distribution with weight and value impure function DistValInt ( A : DistType ) return integer ; impure function DistValSlv ( A : DistType ; Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function DistValUnsigned ( A : DistType ; Size : natural) return unsigned ; impure function DistValSigned ( A : DistType ; Size : natural) return signed ; -- Distribution with weight and value and with exclude values impure function DistValInt ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer ; impure function DistValSlv ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function DistValUnsigned ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return unsigned ; impure function DistValSigned ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return signed ; -- Large vector handling. impure function RandUnsigned (Size : natural) return unsigned ; impure function RandSlv (Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandSigned (Size : natural) return signed ; impure function RandUnsigned (Max : Unsigned) return unsigned ; impure function RandSlv (Max : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandSigned (Max : signed) return signed ; impure function RandUnsigned (Min, Max : unsigned) return unsigned ; impure function RandSlv (Min, Max : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandSigned (Min, Max : signed) return signed ; -- Convenience Functions impure function RandReal return real ; -- 0.0 to 1.0 impure function RandReal(Max : Real) return real ; -- 0.0 to Max impure function RandInt (Max : integer) return integer ; impure function RandSlv (Max, Size : natural) return std_logic_vector ; impure function RandUnsigned (Max, Size : natural) return Unsigned ; impure function RandSigned (Max : integer ; Size : natural ) return Signed ; end protected RandomPType ; end RandomPkg ; -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ package body RandomPkg is ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Local Randomization Support ----------------------------------------------------------------- constant NULL_SLV : std_logic_vector (NULL_RANGE_TYPE) := (others => '0') ; constant NULL_UV : unsigned (NULL_RANGE_TYPE) := (others => '0') ; constant NULL_SV : signed (NULL_RANGE_TYPE) := (others => '0') ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Scale -- Scale a value to be within a given range -- function Scale (A, Min, Max : real) return real is variable ValRange : Real ; begin ValRange := Max - Min ; return A * ValRange + Min ; end function Scale ; function Scale (A : real ; Min, Max : integer) return integer is variable ValRange : real ; variable rMin, rMax : real ; begin rMin := real(Min) - 0.5 ; rMax := real(Max) + 0.5 ; ValRange := rMax - rMin ; return integer(round(A * ValRange + rMin)) ; end function Scale ; -- create more smaller values function FavorSmall (A : real) return real is begin return 1.0 - sqrt(A) ; end FavorSmall ; -- create more larger values -- alias FavorBig is sqrt[real return real] ; function FavorBig (A : real) return real is begin return sqrt(A) ; end FavorBig ; -- local. function to_time_vector (A : integer_vector ; Unit : time) return time_vector is variable result : time_vector(A'range) ; begin for i in A'range loop result(i) := A(i) * Unit ; end loop ; return result ; end function to_time_vector ; -- local function to_integer_vector (A : time_vector ; Unit : time) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(A'range) ; begin for i in A'range loop result(i) := A(i) / Unit ; end loop ; return result ; end function to_integer_vector ; -- Local. Remove the exclude list from the list - integer_vector procedure RemoveExclude(A, Exclude : integer_vector ; variable NewA : out integer_vector ; variable NewALength : inout natural ) is alias norm_NewA : integer_vector(1 to NewA'length) is NewA ; begin NewALength := 0 ; for i in A'range loop if not inside(A(i), Exclude) then NewALength := NewALength + 1 ; norm_NewA(NewALength) := A(i) ; end if ; end loop ; end procedure RemoveExclude ; -- Local. Inside - real_vector function inside(A : real ; Exclude : real_vector) return boolean is begin for i in Exclude'range loop if A = Exclude(i) then return TRUE ; end if ; end loop ; return FALSE ; end function inside ; -- Local. Remove the exclude list from the list - real_vector procedure RemoveExclude(A, Exclude : real_vector ; variable NewA : out real_vector ; variable NewALength : inout natural ) is alias norm_NewA : real_vector(1 to NewA'length) is NewA ; begin NewALength := 0 ; for i in A'range loop if not inside(A(i), Exclude) then NewALength := NewALength + 1 ; norm_NewA(NewALength) := A(i) ; end if ; end loop ; end procedure RemoveExclude ; -- Local. Inside - time_vector function inside(A : time ; Exclude : time_vector) return boolean is begin for i in Exclude'range loop if A = Exclude(i) then return TRUE ; end if ; end loop ; return FALSE ; end function inside ; -- Local. Remove the exclude list from the list - time_vector procedure RemoveExclude(A, Exclude : time_vector ; variable NewA : out time_vector ; variable NewALength : inout natural ) is alias norm_NewA : time_vector(1 to NewA'length) is NewA ; begin NewALength := 0 ; for i in A'range loop if not inside(A(i), Exclude) then NewALength := NewALength + 1 ; norm_NewA(NewALength) := A(i) ; end if ; end loop ; end procedure RemoveExclude ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- RandomParmType IO ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- function to_string(A : RandomDistType) return string is begin return RandomDistType'image(A) ; end function to_string ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure write(variable L : inout line ; A : RandomDistType ) is begin write(L, to_string(A)) ; end procedure write ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomDistType ; good : out boolean ) is variable strval : string(1 to 40) ; variable len : natural ; begin -- procedure SREAD (L : inout LINE ; VALUE : out STRING ; STRLEN : out NATURAL) ; sread(L, strval, len) ; A := RandomDistType'value(strval(1 to len)) ; good := len > 0 ; end procedure read ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomDistType ) is variable good : boolean ; begin read(L, A, good) ; assert good report "read[line, RandomDistType] failed" severity error ; end procedure read ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- function to_string(A : RandomParmType) return string is begin return RandomDistType'image(A.Distribution) & " " & to_string(A.Mean, 2) & " " & to_string(A.StdDeviation, 2) ; end function to_string ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure write(variable L : inout line ; A : RandomParmType ) is begin write(L, to_string(A)) ; end procedure write ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomParmType ; good : out boolean ) is variable strval : string(1 to 40) ; variable len : natural ; variable igood : boolean ; begin loop -- procedure SREAD (L : inout LINE ; VALUE : out STRING ; STRLEN : out NATURAL) ; sread(L, strval, len) ; A.Distribution := RandomDistType'value(strval(1 to len)) ; igood := len > 0 ; exit when not igood ; read(L, A.Mean, igood) ; exit when not igood ; read(L, A.StdDeviation, igood) ; exit ; end loop ; good := igood ; end procedure read ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure read(variable L : inout line ; A : out RandomParmType ) is variable good : boolean ; begin read(L, A, good) ; assert good report "read[line, RandomParmType] failed" severity error ; end procedure read ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- type RandomPType is protected body -- -- RandomSeed manipulation -- variable RandomSeed : RandomSeedType := GenRandSeed(integer_vector'(1,7)) ; procedure InitSeed (S : string ) is begin RandomSeed := GenRandSeed(S) ; end procedure InitSeed ; procedure InitSeed (I : integer ) is begin RandomSeed := GenRandSeed(I) ; end procedure InitSeed ; procedure InitSeed (IV : integer_vector ) is begin RandomSeed := GenRandSeed(IV) ; end procedure InitSeed ; procedure SetSeed (RandomSeedIn : RandomSeedType ) is begin RandomSeed := RandomSeedIn ; end procedure SetSeed ; procedure SeedRandom (RandomSeedIn : RandomSeedType ) is begin RandomSeed := RandomSeedIn ; end procedure SeedRandom ; impure function GetSeed return RandomSeedType is begin return RandomSeed ; end function GetSeed ; impure function SeedRandom return RandomSeedType is begin return RandomSeed ; end function SeedRandom ; -- -- randomization mode -- variable RandomParm : RandomParmType ; -- left most values ok for init procedure SetRandomParm (RandomParmIn : RandomParmType) is begin RandomParm := RandomParmIn ; end procedure SetRandomParm ; procedure SetRandomParm ( Distribution : RandomDistType ; Mean : Real := 0.0 ; Deviation : Real := 0.0 ) is begin RandomParm := RandomParmType'(Distribution, Mean, Deviation) ; end procedure SetRandomParm ; impure function GetRandomParm return RandomParmType is begin return RandomParm ; end function GetRandomParm ; impure function GetRandomParm return RandomDistType is begin return RandomParm.Distribution ; end function GetRandomParm ; -- For compatibility with previous version procedure SetRandomMode (RandomDistIn : RandomDistType) is begin SetRandomParm(RandomDistIn) ; end procedure SetRandomMode ; -- -- Base Randomization Distributions -- -- -- Uniform : Generate a random number with a Uniform distribution -- impure function Uniform (Min, Max : in real) return real is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin assert (Max >= Min) report "%%RandomPkg Uniform : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; Uniform(rRandomVal, RandomSeed) ; return scale(rRandomVal, Min, Max) ; end function Uniform ; impure function Uniform (Min, Max : integer) return integer is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin assert (Max >= Min) report "%%RandomPkg Uniform : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; Uniform(rRandomVal, RandomSeed) ; return scale(rRandomVal, Min, Max) ; end function Uniform ; impure function Uniform (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector) return integer is variable iRandomVal : integer ; variable ExcludeList : SortListPType ; variable count : integer ; begin ExcludeList.add(Exclude, Min, Max) ; count := ExcludeList.count ; iRandomVal := Uniform(Min, Max - count) ; -- adjust count, note iRandomVal changes while checking. for i in 1 to count loop exit when iRandomVal < ExcludeList.Get(i) ; iRandomVal := iRandomVal + 1 ; end loop ; ExcludeList.erase ; return iRandomVal ; end function Uniform ; -- -- FavorSmall -- Generate random numbers with a greater number of small -- values than large values -- impure function FavorSmall (Min, Max : real) return real is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin assert (Max >= Min) report "%%RandomPkg FavorSmall : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; Uniform(rRandomVal, RandomSeed) ; return scale(FavorSmall(rRandomVal), Min, Max) ; -- real end function FavorSmall ; impure function FavorSmall (Min, Max : integer) return integer is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin assert (Max >= Min) report "%%RandomPkg FavorSmall : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; Uniform(rRandomVal, RandomSeed) ; return scale(FavorSmall(rRandomVal), Min, Max) ; -- integer end function FavorSmall ; impure function FavorSmall (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector) return integer is variable iRandomVal : integer ; variable ExcludeList : SortListPType ; variable count : integer ; begin ExcludeList.add(Exclude, Min, Max) ; count := ExcludeList.count ; iRandomVal := FavorSmall(Min, Max - count) ; -- adjust count, note iRandomVal changes while checking. for i in 1 to count loop exit when iRandomVal < ExcludeList.Get(i) ; iRandomVal := iRandomVal + 1 ; end loop ; ExcludeList.erase ; return iRandomVal ; end function FavorSmall ; -- -- FavorBig -- Generate random numbers with a greater number of large -- values than small values -- impure function FavorBig (Min, Max : real) return real is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin assert (Max >= Min) report "%%RandomPkg FavorBig : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; Uniform(rRandomVal, RandomSeed) ; return scale(FavorBig(rRandomVal), Min, Max) ; -- real end function FavorBig ; impure function FavorBig (Min, Max : integer) return integer is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin assert (Max >= Min) report "%%RandomPkg FavorBig : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; Uniform(rRandomVal, RandomSeed) ; return scale(FavorBig(rRandomVal), Min, Max) ; -- integer end function FavorBig ; impure function FavorBig (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector) return integer is variable iRandomVal : integer ; variable ExcludeList : SortListPType ; variable count : integer ; begin ExcludeList.add(Exclude, Min, Max) ; count := ExcludeList.count ; iRandomVal := FavorBig(Min, Max - count) ; -- adjust count, note iRandomVal changes while checking. for i in 1 to count loop exit when iRandomVal < ExcludeList.Get(i) ; iRandomVal := iRandomVal + 1 ; end loop ; ExcludeList.erase ; return iRandomVal ; end function FavorBig ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Normal -- Generate a random number with a normal distribution -- -- Use Box Muller, per Wikipedia : -- http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box%E2%80%93Muller_transform -- -- Use polar method, per Wikipedia : -- http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsaglia_polar_method -- impure function Normal (Mean, StdDeviation : real) return real is variable x01, y01 : real ; variable StdNormalDist : real ; -- mean 0, variance 1 begin -- add this check to set parameters? if StdDeviation < 0.0 then report "standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity failure ; return -1.0 ; end if ; -- Box Muller Uniform (x01, RandomSeed) ; Uniform (y01, RandomSeed) ; StdNormalDist := sqrt(-2.0 * log(x01)) * cos(math_2_pi*y01) ; -- Polar form rejected due to mean 50.0, std deviation = 5 resulted -- in a median of 49 -- -- find two Uniform distributed values with range -1 to 1 -- -- that satisify S = X **2 + Y**2 < 1.0 -- loop -- Uniform (x01, RandomSeed) ; -- Uniform (y01, RandomSeed) ; -- x := 2.0 * x01 - 1.0 ; -- scale to -1 to 1 -- y := 2.0 * y01 - 1.0 ; -- s := x*x + y*y ; -- exit when s < 1.0 and s > 0.0 ; -- end loop ; -- -- Calculate Standard Normal Distribution -- StdNormalDist := x * sqrt((-2.0 * log(s)) / s) ; -- Convert to have Mean and StdDeviation return StdDeviation * StdNormalDist + Mean ; end function Normal ; -- Normal + RandomVal >= Min and RandomVal <= Max impure function Normal (Mean, StdDeviation, Min, Max : real) return real is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin if Max < Min then report "%%RandomPkg Normal : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; else loop rRandomVal := Normal (Mean, StdDeviation) ; exit when rRandomVal >= Min and rRandomVal <= Max ; end loop ; end if ; return rRandomVal ; end function Normal ; -- Normal + RandomVal >= Min and RandomVal <= Max impure function Normal ( Mean : real ; StdDeviation : real ; Min : integer ; Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector := NULL_INTV ) return integer is variable iRandomVal : integer ; begin if Max < Min then report "%%RandomPkg Normal : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; else loop iRandomVal := integer(round( Normal(Mean, StdDeviation) )) ; exit when iRandomVal >= Min and iRandomVal <= Max and not inside(iRandomVal, Exclude) ; end loop ; end if ; return iRandomVal ; end function Normal ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Poisson -- Generate a random number with a poisson distribution -- Discrete distribution = only generates integral values -- -- Use knuth method, per Wikipedia : -- http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution -- impure function Poisson (Mean : real) return real is variable Product : Real := 1.0 ; variable Bound : Real := 0.0 ; variable UniformRand : Real := 0.0 ; variable PoissonRand : Real := 0.0 ; begin Bound := exp(-1.0 * Mean) ; Product := 1.0 ; -- add this check to set parameters? if Mean <= 0.0 or Bound <= 0.0 then report "Poisson : Mean < 0 or too large. Mean = " & real'image(Mean) severity failure ; return -1.0 ; end if ; while (Product >= Bound) loop PoissonRand := PoissonRand + 1.0 ; Uniform(UniformRand, RandomSeed) ; Product := Product * UniformRand ; end loop ; return PoissonRand ; end function Poisson ; -- no range -- Poisson + RandomVal >= Min and RandomVal < Max impure function Poisson (Mean, Min, Max : real) return real is variable rRandomVal : real ; begin if Max < Min then report "%%RandomPkg Poisson : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; else loop rRandomVal := Poisson (Mean) ; exit when rRandomVal >= Min and rRandomVal <= Max ; end loop ; end if ; return rRandomVal ; end function Poisson ; impure function Poisson ( Mean : real ; Min : integer ; Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector := NULL_INTV ) return integer is variable iRandomVal : integer ; begin if Max < Min then report "%%RandomPkg Poisson : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; else loop iRandomVal := integer(round( Poisson (Mean) )) ; exit when iRandomVal >= Min and iRandomVal <= Max and not inside(iRandomVal, Exclude) ; end loop ; end if ; return iRandomVal ; end function Poisson ; -- -- integer randomization with a range -- Distribution determined by RandomParm -- impure function RandInt (Min, Max : integer) return integer is begin case RandomParm.Distribution is when NONE | UNIFORM => return Uniform(Min, Max) ; when FAVOR_SMALL => return FavorSmall(Min, Max) ; when FAVOR_BIG => return FavorBig (Min, Max) ; when NORMAL => return Normal(RandomParm.Mean, RandomParm.StdDeviation, Min, Max) ; when POISSON => return Poisson(RandomParm.Mean, Min, Max) ; when others => report "RandomPkg : distribution not implemented" severity failure ; return integer'low ; end case ; end function RandInt ; -- -- real randomization with a range -- Distribution determined by RandomParm -- impure function RandReal(Min, Max : Real) return real is begin case RandomParm.Distribution is when NONE | UNIFORM => return Uniform(Min, Max) ; when FAVOR_SMALL => return FavorSmall(Min, Max) ; when FAVOR_BIG => return FavorBig (Min, Max) ; when NORMAL => return Normal(RandomParm.Mean, RandomParm.StdDeviation, Min, Max) ; when POISSON => return Poisson(RandomParm.Mean, Min, Max) ; when others => report "RandomPkg : distribution not implemented" severity failure ; return real(integer'low) ; end case ; end function RandReal ; impure function RandTime (Min, Max : time ; Unit :time := ns) return time is variable IntVal : integer ; begin -- if Max - Min > 2**31 result will be out of range IntVal := RandInt(0, (Max - Min)/Unit) ; Return Min + Unit*IntVal ; end function RandTime ; impure function RandSlv (Min, Max, Size : natural) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(RandInt(Min, Max), Size)) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandUnsigned (Min, Max, Size : natural) return Unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(RandInt(Min, Max), Size) ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSigned (Min, Max : integer ; Size : natural ) return Signed is begin return to_signed(RandInt(Min, Max), Size) ; end function RandSigned ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandInt(Min, Max) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; variable iUnique : natural ; begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandIntV(Min, Max, Size) iUnique := Unique ; if Max-Min+1 < Unique then report "RandIntV / RandRealV / RandTimeV: Unique > number of values available" severity failure ; iUnique := Max-Min+1 ; end if ; for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandInt(Min, Max, result(maximum(1, 1 + i - iUnique) to Size)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandRealV (Min, Max : real ; Size : natural) return real_vector is variable result : real_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandReal(Min, Max) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandRealV ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Size : natural ; Unit : time := ns) return time_vector is variable result : time_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandTime(Min, Max, Unit) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandTimeV ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural ; Unit : time := ns) return time_vector is begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandTimeV(Min, Max, Size) return to_time_vector(RandIntV(Min/Unit, Max/Unit, Unique, Size), Unit) ; end function RandTimeV ; -- -- integer randomization with a range and exclude vector -- Distribution determined by RandomParm -- impure function RandInt (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer is begin case RandomParm.Distribution is when NONE | UNIFORM => return Uniform(Min, Max, Exclude) ; when FAVOR_SMALL => return FavorSmall(Min, Max, Exclude) ; when FAVOR_BIG => return FavorBig (Min, Max, Exclude) ; when NORMAL => return Normal(RandomParm.Mean, RandomParm.StdDeviation, Min, Max, Exclude) ; when POISSON => return Poisson(RandomParm.Mean, Min, Max, Exclude) ; when others => report "RandomPkg : distribution not implemented" severity failure ; return integer'low ; end case ; end function RandInt ; impure function RandTime (Min, Max : time ; Exclude : time_vector ; Unit : time := ns) return time is variable IntVal : integer ; begin -- if Min or Max > 2**31 value will be out of range return RandInt(Min/Unit, Max/Unit, to_integer_vector(Exclude, Unit)) * Unit ; end function RandTime ; impure function RandSlv (Min, Max : natural ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(RandInt(Min, Max, Exclude), Size)) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandUnsigned (Min, Max : natural ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(RandInt(Min, Max, Exclude), Size) ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSigned (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Signed is begin return to_signed(RandInt(Min, Max, Exclude), Size) ; end function RandSigned ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandInt(Min, Max, Exclude) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandIntV (Min, Max : integer ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable ResultPlus : integer_vector(1 to Size + Exclude'length) ; begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandIntV(Min, Max, Size) ResultPlus(Size+1 to ResultPlus'right) := Exclude ; for i in 1 to Size loop ResultPlus(i) := RandInt(Min, Max, ResultPlus(maximum(1, 1 + i - Unique) to ResultPlus'right)) ; end loop ; return ResultPlus(1 to Size) ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Exclude : time_vector ; Size : natural ; Unit : in time := ns) return time_vector is begin return to_time_vector( RandIntV(Min/Unit, Max/Unit, to_integer_vector(Exclude, Unit), Size), Unit ) ; end function RandTimeV ; impure function RandTimeV (Min, Max : time ; Exclude : time_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural ; Unit : in time := ns) return time_vector is begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandIntV(Min, Max, Size) return to_time_vector( RandIntV(Min/Unit, Max/Unit, to_integer_vector(Exclude, Unit), Unique, Size), Unit ) ; end function RandTimeV ; -- -- Randomly select a value within a set of values -- Distribution determined by RandomParm -- impure function RandInt ( A : integer_vector ) return integer is alias A_norm : integer_vector(1 to A'length) is A ; begin return A_norm( RandInt(1, A'length) ) ; end function RandInt ; impure function RandReal ( A : real_vector ) return real is alias A_norm : real_vector(1 to A'length) is A ; begin return A_norm( RandInt(1, A'length) ) ; end function RandReal ; impure function RandTime ( A : time_vector ) return time is alias A_norm : time_vector(1 to A'length) is A ; begin return A_norm( RandInt(1, A'length) ) ; end function RandTime ; impure function RandSlv (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(RandInt(A), Size)) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandUnsigned (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return Unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(RandInt(A), Size) ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSigned (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Signed is begin return to_signed(RandInt(A), Size) ; end function RandSigned ; impure function RandIntV (A : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandInt(A) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandIntV (A : integer_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; variable iUnique : natural ; begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandIntV(A, Size) -- require A'length >= Unique iUnique := Unique ; if A'length < Unique then report "RandIntV: Unique > length of set of values" severity failure ; iUnique := A'length ; end if ; for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandInt(A, result(maximum(1, 1 + i - iUnique) to Size)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandRealV (A : real_vector ; Size : natural) return real_vector is variable result : real_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandReal(A) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandRealV ; impure function RandRealV (A : real_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return real_vector is alias A_norm : real_vector(1 to A'length) is A ; variable result : real_vector(1 to Size) ; variable IntResult : integer_vector(result'range) ; begin -- randomly generate indices IntResult := RandIntV(1, A'length, Unique, Size) ; -- translate indicies into result values for i in result'range loop result(i) := A_norm(IntResult(i)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandRealV ; impure function RandTimeV (A : time_vector ; Size : natural) return time_vector is variable result : time_vector(1 to Size) ; begin for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandTime(A) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandTimeV ; impure function RandTimeV (A : time_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return time_vector is alias A_norm : time_vector(1 to A'length) is A ; variable result : time_vector(1 to Size) ; variable IntResult : integer_vector(result'range) ; begin -- randomly generate indices IntResult := RandIntV(1, A'length, Unique, Size) ; -- translate indicies into result values for i in result'range loop result(i) := A_norm(IntResult(i)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandTimeV ; -- -- Randomly select a value within a set of values with exclude values (so can skip last or last n) -- Distribution determined by RandomParm -- impure function RandInt ( A, Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer is variable NewA : integer_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength : natural ; begin -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Randomize Index return NewA(RandInt(1, NewALength)) ; end function RandInt ; impure function RandReal ( A, Exclude : real_vector ) return real is variable NewA : real_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength : natural ; begin -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Randomize Index return NewA(RandInt(1, NewALength)) ; end function RandReal ; impure function RandTime ( A, Exclude : time_vector ) return time is variable NewA : time_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength : natural ; begin -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Randomize Index return NewA(RandInt(1, NewALength)) ; end function RandTime ; impure function RandSlv (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(RandInt(A, Exclude), Size)) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandUnsigned (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return Unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(RandInt(A, Exclude), Size) ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSigned (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return Signed is begin return to_signed(RandInt(A, Exclude), Size) ; end function RandSigned ; impure function RandIntV (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; variable NewA : integer_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength : natural ; begin -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Randomize Index for i in result'range loop result(i) := NewA(RandInt(1, NewALength)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandIntV (A, Exclude : integer_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return integer_vector is variable result : integer_vector(1 to Size) ; variable NewA : integer_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength, iUnique : natural ; begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandIntV(Min, Max, Size) -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Require NewALength >= Unique iUnique := Unique ; if NewALength < Unique then report "RandIntV: Unique > Length of Set A - Exclude" severity failure ; iUnique := NewALength ; end if ; -- Randomize using exclude list of Unique # of newly generated values for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandInt(NewA(1 to NewALength), result(maximum(1, 1 + i - iUnique) to Size)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandIntV ; impure function RandRealV (A, Exclude : real_vector ; Size : natural) return real_vector is variable result : real_vector(1 to Size) ; variable NewA : real_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength : natural ; begin -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Randomize Index for i in result'range loop result(i) := NewA(RandInt(1, NewALength)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandRealV ; impure function RandRealV (A, Exclude : real_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return real_vector is variable result : real_vector(1 to Size) ; variable NewA : real_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength, iUnique : natural ; begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandRealV(Min, Max, Size) -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Require NewALength >= Unique iUnique := Unique ; if NewALength < Unique then report "RandRealV: Unique > Length of Set A - Exclude" severity failure ; iUnique := NewALength ; end if ; -- Randomize using exclude list of Unique # of newly generated values for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandReal(NewA(1 to NewALength), result(maximum(1, 1 + i - iUnique) to Size)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandRealV ; impure function RandTimeV (A, Exclude : time_vector ; Size : natural) return time_vector is variable result : time_vector(1 to Size) ; variable NewA : time_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength : natural ; begin -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Randomize Index for i in result'range loop result(i) := NewA(RandInt(1, NewALength)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandTimeV ; impure function RandTimeV (A, Exclude : time_vector ; Unique : natural ; Size : natural) return time_vector is variable result : time_vector(1 to Size) ; variable NewA : time_vector(1 to A'length) ; variable NewALength, iUnique : natural ; begin -- if Unique = 0, it is more efficient to call RandRealV(Min, Max, Size) -- Remove Exclude from A RemoveExclude(A, Exclude, NewA, NewALength) ; -- Require NewALength >= Unique iUnique := Unique ; if NewALength < Unique then report "RandTimeV: Unique > Length of Set A - Exclude" severity failure ; iUnique := NewALength ; end if ; -- Randomize using exclude list of Unique # of newly generated values for i in result'range loop result(i) := RandTime(NewA(1 to NewALength), result(maximum(1, 1 + i - iUnique) to Size)) ; end loop ; return result ; end function RandTimeV ; -- -- Basic Discrete Distributions -- Always uses Uniform -- impure function DistInt ( Weight : integer_vector ) return integer is variable DistArray : integer_vector(weight'range) ; variable sum : integer ; variable iRandomVal : integer ; begin DistArray := Weight ; sum := 0 ; for i in DistArray'range loop DistArray(i) := DistArray(i) + sum ; if DistArray(i) < sum then report "DistInt failed : negative weight or sum > 31 bits" severity failure ; return DistArray'low ; -- allows debugging vs integer'left, out of range end if ; sum := DistArray(i) ; end loop ; if sum >= 1 then iRandomVal := Uniform(1, sum) ; for i in DistArray'range loop if iRandomVal <= DistArray(i) then return i ; end if ; end loop ; report "DistInt : randomization failed" severity failure ; else report "DistInt : No randomizatoin weights" severity failure ; end if ; return DistArray'low ; -- allows debugging vs integer'left, out of range end function DistInt ; impure function DistSlv ( Weight : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(DistInt(Weight), Size)) ; end function DistSlv ; impure function DistUnsigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(DistInt(Weight), Size) ; end function DistUnsigned ; impure function DistSigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return signed is begin return to_signed(DistInt(Weight), Size) ; end function DistSigned ; -- -- Basic Distributions with exclude values (so can skip last or last n) -- Always uses Uniform via DistInt -- impure function DistInt ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer is variable DistArray : integer_vector(weight'range) ; variable ExcludeTemp : integer ; begin DistArray := Weight ; for i in Exclude'range loop ExcludeTemp := Exclude(i) ; if ExcludeTemp >= DistArray'low and ExcludeTemp <= DistArray'high then DistArray(ExcludeTemp) := 0 ; end if ; end loop ; return DistInt(DistArray) ; end function DistInt ; impure function DistSlv ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(DistInt(Weight, Exclude), Size)) ; end function DistSlv ; impure function DistUnsigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(DistInt(Weight, Exclude), Size) ; end function DistUnsigned ; impure function DistSigned ( Weight : integer_vector ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return signed is begin return to_signed(DistInt(Weight, Exclude), Size) ; end function DistSigned ; -- -- Distribution for sparse values -- Always uses Uniform via DistInt -- impure function DistValInt ( A : DistType ) return integer is variable DistArray : integer_vector(0 to A'length -1) ; alias DistRecArray : DistType(DistArray'range) is A ; begin for i in DistArray'range loop DistArray(i) := DistRecArray(i).Weight ; end loop ; return DistRecArray(DistInt(DistArray)).Value ; end function DistValInt ; impure function DistValSlv ( A : DistType ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(DistValInt(A), Size)) ; end function DistValSlv ; impure function DistValUnsigned ( A : DistType ; Size : natural ) return unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(DistValInt(A), Size) ; end function DistValUnsigned ; impure function DistValSigned ( A : DistType ; Size : natural ) return signed is begin return to_signed(DistValInt(A), Size) ; end function DistValSigned ; -- -- Distribution for sparse values with exclude values (so can skip last or last n) -- Always uses Uniform via DistInt -- impure function DistValInt ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ) return integer is variable DistArray : integer_vector(0 to A'length -1) ; alias DistRecArray : DistType(DistArray'range) is A ; begin for i in DistRecArray'range loop if inside(DistRecArray(i).Value, exclude) then DistArray(i) := 0 ; -- exclude else DistArray(i) := DistRecArray(i).Weight ; end if ; end loop ; return DistRecArray(DistInt(DistArray)).Value ; end function DistValInt ; impure function DistValSlv ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(DistValInt(A, Exclude), Size)) ; end function DistValSlv ; impure function DistValUnsigned ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(DistValInt(A, Exclude), Size) ; end function DistValUnsigned ; impure function DistValSigned ( A : DistType ; Exclude : integer_vector ; Size : natural ) return signed is begin return to_signed(DistValInt(A, Exclude), Size) ; end function DistValSigned ; -- -- Large vector handling. -- impure function RandUnsigned (Size : natural) return unsigned is constant NumLoops : integer := integer(ceil(real(Size)/30.0)) ; constant Remain : integer := (Size - 1) mod 30 + 1 ; -- range 1 to 30 variable RandVal : unsigned(1 to Size) ; begin if size = 0 then return NULL_UV ; -- Null array end if ; for i in 0 to NumLoops-2 loop RandVal(1 + 30*i to 30 + 30*i) := to_unsigned(RandInt(0, 2**30-1), 30) ; end loop ; RandVal(1+30*(NumLoops-1) to Remain + 30*(NumLoops-1)) := to_unsigned(RandInt(0, 2**Remain-1), Remain) ; return RandVal ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSlv (Size : natural) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(RandUnsigned(Size)) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandSigned (Size : natural) return signed is begin return signed(RandUnsigned(Size)) ; end function RandSigned ; impure function RandUnsigned (Max : unsigned) return unsigned is alias normMax : unsigned (Max'length downto 1) is Max ; variable Result : unsigned(Max'range) := (others => '0') ; alias normResult : unsigned(normMax'range) is Result ; variable Size : integer ; begin -- Size = -1 if not found or Max'length = 0 Size := find_leftmost(normMax, '1') ; if Size > 0 then loop normResult(Size downto 1) := RandUnsigned(Size) ; exit when normResult <= Max ; end loop ; return Result ; -- = normResult with range same as Max else return resize("0", Max'length) ; end if ; end function RandUnsigned ; -- Working version that scales the value -- impure function RandUnsigned (Max : unsigned) return unsigned is -- constant MaxVal : unsigned(Max'length+3 downto 1) := (others => '1') ; -- begin -- if max'length > 0 then -- -- "Max'length+3" creates 3 guard bits -- return resize( RandUnsigned(Max'length+3) * ('0'&Max+1) / ('0'&MaxVal+1), Max'length) ; -- else -- return NULL_UV ; -- Null Array -- end if ; -- end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSlv (Max : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(RandUnsigned( unsigned(Max))) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandSigned (Max : signed) return signed is begin if max'length > 0 then assert (Max >= 0) report "%%RandomPkg RandSigned : Max < 0" severity FAILURE ; return signed(RandUnsigned( unsigned(Max))) ; else return NULL_SV ; -- Null Array end if ; end function RandSigned ; impure function RandUnsigned (Min, Max : unsigned) return unsigned is constant LEN : integer := maximum(Max'length, Min'length) ; begin if LEN > 0 and Min <= Max then return RandUnsigned(Max-Min) + Min ; else if Len > 0 then report "%%RandomPkg RandUnsigned : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; end if ; return NULL_UV ; end if ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSlv (Min, Max : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is constant LEN : integer := maximum(Max'length, Min'length) ; begin if LEN > 0 and Min <= Max then return RandSlv(Max-Min) + Min ; else if Len > 0 then report "%%RandomPkg RandSlv : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; end if ; return NULL_SlV ; end if ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandSigned (Min, Max : signed) return signed is constant LEN : integer := maximum(Max'length, Min'length) ; begin if LEN > 0 and Min <= Max then return resize(RandSigned(resize(Max,LEN+1) - resize(Min,LEN+1)) + Min, LEN) ; else if Len > 0 then report "%%RandomPkg RandSigned : Max < Min" severity FAILURE ; end if ; return NULL_SV ; end if ; end function RandSigned ; -- -- Convenience Functions. Resolve into calls into the other functions -- impure function RandReal return real is begin return RandReal(0.0, 1.0) ; end function RandReal ; impure function RandReal(Max : Real) return real is -- 0.0 to Max begin return RandReal(0.0, Max) ; -- assert Max >= 0.0 report "RandReal : Range Error" severity FAILURE ; -- return RandReal * Max ; end function RandReal ; impure function RandInt (Max : integer) return integer is begin return RandInt(0, Max) ; end function RandInt ; impure function RandSlv (Max, Size : natural) return std_logic_vector is begin return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(RandInt(0, Max), Size)) ; end function RandSlv ; impure function RandUnsigned (Max, Size : natural) return Unsigned is begin return to_unsigned(RandInt(0, Max), Size) ; end function RandUnsigned ; impure function RandSigned (Max : integer ; Size : natural ) return Signed is begin -- chose 0 to Max rather than -Max to +Max to be same as RandUnsigned, either seems logical return to_signed(RandInt(0, Max), Size) ; end function RandSigned ; end protected body RandomPType ; end RandomPkg ;