-- -- File Name: SortListPkg_int.vhd -- Design Unit Name: SortListPkg_int -- Revision: STANDARD VERSION, revision 2014.01 -- -- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com -- Contributor(s): -- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com -- -- Description: -- Sorting utility for array of scalars -- Uses protected type so as to shrink and expand the data structure -- -- Developed for: -- SynthWorks Design Inc. -- VHDL Training Classes -- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 -- http://www.SynthWorks.com -- -- Revision History: -- Date Version Description -- 06/2008: 0.1 Initial revision -- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification -- 02/2009: 1.0 First Public Released Version -- 02/25/2009 1.1 Replaced reference to std_2008 with a reference to -- ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- 06/16/2010 1.2 Added EraseList parameter to to_array -- 3/2011 2.0 added inside as non protected type -- 6/2011 2.1 added sort as non protected type -- 4/2013 2013.04 No Changes -- 5/2013 2013.05 No changes of substance. -- Deleted extra variable declaration in procedure remove -- 1/2014 2014.01 Added RevSort. Added AllowDuplicate paramter to Add procedure -- -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. -- -- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and -- distributed without restriction. -- -- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License -- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be -- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied -- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. -- If not download it from, -- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 -- use std.textio.all ; library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.numeric_std.all ; use ieee.std_logic_textio.all ; -- comment out following 2 lines with VHDL-2008. Leave in for VHDL-2002 -- library ieee_proposed ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 -- use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 package SortListPkg_int is -- with VHDL-2008, convert package to generic package -- convert subtypes ElementType and ArrayofElementType to generics -- package SortListGenericPkg is subtype ElementType is integer ; subtype ArrayofElementType is integer_vector ; function inside (constant E : ElementType; constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return boolean ; impure function sort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType ; impure function revsort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType ; type SortListPType is protected procedure add ( constant A : in ElementType ; constant AllowDuplicate : Boolean := FALSE ) ; procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) ; procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ; Min, Max : integer ) ; procedure add ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) ; -- Count items in list impure function count return integer ; impure function find_index ( constant A : ElementType) return integer ; impure function inside (constant A : ElementType) return boolean ; procedure insert ( constant A : in ElementType; constant index : in integer := 1 ) ; impure function get ( constant index : in integer := 1 ) return ElementType ; procedure erase ; impure function Empty return boolean ; procedure print ; procedure remove ( constant A : in ElementType ) ; procedure remove ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) ; procedure remove ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) ; impure function to_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType ; impure function to_rev_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType ; end protected SortListPType ; end SortListPkg_int ; -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ package body SortListPkg_int is function inside (constant E : ElementType; constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return boolean is begin for i in A'range loop if E = A(i) then return TRUE ; end if ; end loop ; return FALSE ; end function inside ; type SortListPType is protected body type ListType ; type ListPointerType is access ListType ; type ListType is record A : ElementType ; -- item_num : integer ; NextPtr : ListPointerType ; -- PrevPtr : ListPointerType ; end record ; variable HeadPointer : ListPointerType := NULL ; -- variable TailPointer : ListPointerType := NULL ; procedure add ( constant A : in ElementType ; constant AllowDuplicate : Boolean := FALSE ) is variable CurPtr, tempPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if HeadPointer = NULL then HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, NULL) ; elsif A = HeadPointer.A then -- ignore duplicates if AllowDuplicate then tempPtr := HeadPointer ; HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; end if ; elsif A < HeadPointer.A then tempPtr := HeadPointer ; HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; AddLoop : loop exit AddLoop when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; exit AddLoop when A < CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; if A = CurPtr.NextPtr.A then if AllowDuplicate then exit AddLoop ; -- insert else return ; -- return without insert end if; end if ; CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop AddLoop ; tempPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; CurPtr.NextPtr := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; end if ; end procedure add ; procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) is begin for i in A'range loop add(A(i)) ; end loop ; end procedure add ; procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ; Min, Max : integer ) is begin for i in A'range loop if A(i) >= Min and A(i) <= Max then add(A(i)) ; end if ; end loop ; end procedure add ; procedure add ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) is begin for i in 1 to A.Count loop add(A.Get(i)) ; end loop ; end procedure add ; -- Count items in list impure function count return integer is variable result : positive := 1 ; variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if HeadPointer = NULL then return 0 ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; loop exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; result := result + 1 ; CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; return result ; end if ; end function count ; impure function find_index (constant A : ElementType) return integer is variable result : positive := 2 ; variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if HeadPointer = NULL then return 0 ; elsif A <= HeadPointer.A then return 1 ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; loop exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; exit when A <= CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; result := result + 1 ; CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; return result ; end if ; end function find_index ; impure function inside (constant A : ElementType) return boolean is variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if HeadPointer = NULL then return FALSE ; end if ; if A = HeadPointer.A then return TRUE ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; loop exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; exit when A < CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; if A = CurPtr.NextPtr.A then return TRUE ; -- exit end if; CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; end if ; return FALSE ; end function inside ; procedure insert( constant A : in ElementType; constant index : in integer := 1 ) is variable CurPtr, tempPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if index <= 1 then tempPtr := HeadPointer ; HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; for i in 3 to index loop exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; -- end of list CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; tempPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; CurPtr.NextPtr := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; end if; end procedure insert ; impure function get ( constant index : in integer := 1 ) return ElementType is variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if index > Count then report "%%FAILURE: SortListPType index out of range" severity failure ; return ElementType'left ; elsif HeadPointer = NULL then return ElementType'left ; elsif index <= 1 then return HeadPointer.A ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; for i in 2 to index loop CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; return CurPtr.A ; end if; end function get ; procedure erase (variable CurPtr : inout ListPointerType ) is begin if CurPtr.NextPtr /= NULL then erase (CurPtr.NextPtr) ; end if ; deallocate (CurPtr) ; end procedure erase ; procedure erase is begin if HeadPointer /= NULL then erase(HeadPointer) ; -- deallocate (HeadPointer) ; HeadPointer := NULL ; end if; end procedure erase ; impure function Empty return boolean is begin return HeadPointer = NULL ; end Empty ; procedure print is variable buf : line ; variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if HeadPointer = NULL then write (buf, string'("( )")) ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; write (buf, string'("(")) ; loop write (buf, CurPtr.A) ; exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; write (buf, string'(", ")) ; CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; write (buf, string'(")")) ; end if ; writeline(OUTPUT, buf) ; end procedure print ; procedure remove ( constant A : in ElementType ) is variable CurPtr, tempPtr : ListPointerType ; begin if HeadPointer = NULL then return ; elsif A = HeadPointer.A then tempPtr := HeadPointer ; HeadPointer := HeadPointer.NextPtr ; deallocate (tempPtr) ; else CurPtr := HeadPointer ; loop exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; if A = CurPtr.NextPtr.A then tempPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; CurPtr.NextPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr.NextPtr ; deallocate (tempPtr) ; exit ; end if ; exit when A < CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; end loop ; end if ; end procedure remove ; procedure remove ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) is begin for i in A'range loop remove(A(i)) ; end loop ; end procedure remove ; procedure remove ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) is begin for i in 1 to A.Count loop remove(A.Get(i)) ; end loop ; end procedure remove ; impure function to_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType is variable result : ArrayofElementType(1 to Count) ; begin for i in 1 to Count loop result(i) := Get(i) ; end loop ; if EraseList then erase ; end if ; return result ; end function to_array ; impure function to_rev_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType is variable result : ArrayofElementType(Count downto 1) ; begin for i in 1 to Count loop result(i) := Get(i) ; end loop ; if EraseList then erase ; end if ; return result ; end function to_rev_array ; end protected body SortListPType ; impure function sort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType is variable Result : SortListPType ; begin for i in A'range loop Result.Add(A(i), TRUE) ; end loop ; return Result.to_array(EraseList => TRUE) ; end function sort ; impure function revsort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType is variable Result : SortListPType ; begin for i in A'range loop Result.Add(A(i), TRUE) ; end loop ; return Result.to_rev_array(EraseList => TRUE) ; end function revsort ; end SortListPkg_int ;