library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.math_real.all; use work.pkg.all; entity psl_next_event_a is port ( clk : in std_logic ); end entity psl_next_event_a; architecture psl of psl_next_event_a is signal a, c : std_logic; signal b : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin -- 012345678901234567890123 SEQ_A : sequencer generic map ("_-______________-_______") port map (clk, a); SEQ_B : hex_sequencer generic map ("443334477444433355554555") port map (clk, b); SEQ_C : sequencer generic map ("_____-___---______--_--_") port map (clk, c); -- All is sensitive to rising edge of clk default clock is rising_edge(clk); -- Check for one possible value of b -- Both assertions should hold -- Assertions don't hold, assuming GHDL bug NEXT_EVENT_0_a : assert always ((a and b = x"4") -> next_event_a(c)[1 to 4](b = x"4")); NEXT_EVENT_1_a : assert always ((a and b = x"5") -> next_event_a(c)[1 to 4](b = x"5")); -- Check for all possible values of b -- Workaround for missing PSL forall in {i to j} statement -- This assertions should hold -- Assertions for i = 4 & i = 5 don't hold, assuming GHDL bug check_b : for i in 0 to 2**b'length-1 generate signal i_slv : std_logic_vector(b'range); begin i_slv <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 4)); -- Without name it works assert always ((a and b = i_slv) -> next_event_a(c)[1 to 4](b = i_slv)); -- This errors because of similar names for all asserts -- ERROR: Assert `count_id(cell->name) == 0' failed in kernel/ -- NEXT_EVENT_a : assert always ((a and b = i_slv) -> next_event_a(c)[1 to 4](b = i_slv)); end generate check_b; end architecture psl;