with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with Interfaces.C.extensions; use Interfaces.C.extensions; with bcm2835_h; use bcm2835_h; package body RaspiLcd is procedure io_init is begin bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_CS, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP)); bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_RST, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP)); bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_A0, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP)); bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_CLK, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP)); bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_SI, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP)); end io_init; procedure lcd_init is begin -- reset bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1)); bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_RST, on => unsigned_char(LOW)); bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1)); bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_RST, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1)); -- init routine for index in lcd_init_data'range loop lcd_transfer_data(value => lcd_init_data(index), si => false); end loop; lcd_clear; end lcd_init; -- display strings on the lcd at a given position -- data is a string with any allowed range -- for strings not beginning at 0 we have to decrement the index -- variable for xpos by the value of the range begin, so we get -- for xpos a range from (xpos + 0 .. xpos + number of char in string) procedure lcd_ascii57_string (xpos : natural; ypos : natural; data : string) is begin for index in data'range loop lcd_ascii57(xpos => xpos + (index - data'first) * 6, ypos => ypos, data => character'val(character'pos(data(index)))); end loop; end lcd_ascii57_string; procedure lcd_ascii57 (xpos : natural; ypos : natural; data : character) is begin lcd_set_page(page => ypos, column => xpos); -- write one 5x7 char for index in 0..4 loop lcd_transfer_data(value => font_5x7(character'pos(data))(index), si => true); end loop; -- one free column between chars lcd_transfer_data(value => 16#00#, si => true); end lcd_ascii57; procedure lcd_picture (xpos : natural; ypos: natural) is begin for outdex in 0..7 loop lcd_set_page(page => ypos + outdex, column => xpos); for index in (128 * outdex) .. (128 * (outdex + 1) - 1) loop lcd_transfer_data(value => picture(index), si => true); end loop; end loop; end lcd_picture; procedure lcd_clear is begin bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(LOW)); for outdex in 0..7 loop lcd_set_page(page => outdex, column => 0); for index in 0..128 loop lcd_transfer_data(value => 16#00#, si => true); end loop; end loop; bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); end lcd_clear; procedure lcd_transfer_data (value : byte; si : boolean) is begin bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(LOW)); bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CLK, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); if si then bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_A0, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); else bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_A0, on => unsigned_char(LOW)); end if; lcd_byte(value); bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); end lcd_transfer_data; procedure lcd_set_page (page : natural; column : natural) is lsb : byte := byte(column + 1) and 16#0f#; msb : byte := byte(column + 1) and 16#f0#; page_int : byte := byte(page) or 16#b0#; begin msb := Shift_Right(msb, 4); msb := msb or 16#10#; lcd_transfer_data(value => page_int, si => false); lcd_transfer_data(value => msb, si => false); lcd_transfer_data(value => lsb, si => false); null; end lcd_set_page; procedure lcd_byte (data : byte) is data_int : byte := data; begin for index in 0..7 loop bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1)); bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CLK, on => unsigned_char(LOW)); if (data_int and 16#80#) = 16#80# then bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_SI, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); else bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_SI, on => unsigned_char(LOW)); end if; data_int := Shift_Left(data_int, 1); bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1)); bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CLK, on => unsigned_char(HIGH)); end loop; end lcd_byte; end RaspiLcd;