library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; library std; use std.env.all; library osvvm; use osvvm.NamePkg.all ; use osvvm.TranscriptPkg.all ; use osvvm.OsvvmGlobalPkg.all ; use osvvm.AlertLogPkg.all ; use osvvm.RandomPkg.all ; use osvvm.CoveragePkg.all ; use osvvm.MemoryPkg.all ; entity osvvm_fsm_coverage is end entity osvvm_fsm_coverage; architecture sim of osvvm_fsm_coverage is type t_fsm_state is (IDLE, ADDR, DATA); signal s_fsm_state : t_fsm_state; signal s_clk : std_logic := '0'; signal s_reset_n : std_logic := '0'; shared variable sv_cover : CovPType; procedure fsm_covadd_states (name : in string; prev : in t_fsm_state; curr : in t_fsm_state; covdb : inout CovPType) is begin covdb.AddCross(name, GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(prev)), GenBin(t_fsm_state'pos(curr))); wait; end procedure fsm_covadd_states; procedure fsm_covadd_illegal (name : in string; covdb : inout CovPType) is begin covdb.AddCross(ALL_ILLEGAL, ALL_ILLEGAL); wait; end procedure fsm_covadd_illegal; procedure fsm_covcollect (signal reset : in std_logic; signal clk : in std_logic; signal state : in t_fsm_state; covdb : inout CovPType) is variable v_state : t_fsm_state := t_fsm_state'left; begin wait until reset = '1' and rising_edge(clk); loop v_state := state; wait until rising_edge(s_clk); covdb.ICover((t_fsm_state'pos(v_state), t_fsm_state'pos(state))); end loop; end procedure fsm_covcollect; begin s_clk <= not(s_clk) after 5 ns; s_reset_n <= '1' after 20 ns; FsmP : process (s_reset_n, s_clk) is begin if (s_reset_n = '0') then s_fsm_state <= IDLE; elsif (rising_edge(s_clk)) then case s_fsm_state is when IDLE => s_fsm_state <= ADDR; when ADDR => s_fsm_state <= DATA; when DATA => s_fsm_state <= IDLE; when others => null; end case; end if; end process FsmP; fsm_covadd_states ("IDLE->ADDR", IDLE, ADDR, sv_cover); fsm_covadd_states ("ADDR->DATA", ADDR, DATA, sv_cover); fsm_covadd_states ("DATA->IDLE", DATA, IDLE, sv_cover); fsm_covadd_illegal ("ILLEGAL", sv_cover); fsm_covcollect (s_reset_n, s_clk, s_fsm_state, sv_cover); FinishP : process is begin wait until s_clk'active; if (sv_cover.IsCovered) then Log("FSM full covered :)", ALWAYS); sv_cover.SetName("FSM state coverage report"); sv_cover.WriteBin; stop(0); end if; end process FinishP; -- psl default clock is rising_edge(s_clk); -- psl IDLE_ADDR : assert always (s_fsm_state = IDLE) -> next (s_fsm_state = ADDR) abort not(s_reset_n); -- psl ADDR_DATA : assert always (s_fsm_state = ADDR) -> next (s_fsm_state = DATA) abort not(s_reset_n); -- psl DATA_IDLE : assert always (s_fsm_state = DATA) -> next (s_fsm_state = IDLE) abort not(s_reset_n); end architecture sim;