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Implement some bonus marks

* Add functions cons, len & init
T. Meissner 6 years ago
2 changed files with 71 additions and 1 deletions
  1. +66
  2. +5

+ 66
- 0
chapter_10/lispy.c View File

@ -346,6 +346,9 @@ lval* builtin(lval* a, char* func) {
if (strcmp("tail", func) == 0) {return builtin_tail(a);}
if (strcmp("join", func) == 0) {return builtin_join(a);}
if (strcmp("eval", func) == 0) {return builtin_eval(a);}
if (strcmp("cons", func) == 0) {return builtin_cons(a);}
if (strcmp("len", func) == 0) {return builtin_len(a);}
if (strcmp("init", func) == 0) {return builtin_init(a);}
/* Check for operators */
if (strstr("+-*/%^", func) ||
@ -542,6 +545,69 @@ lval* lval_join(lval* x, lval* y) {
lval* builtin_cons(lval* a) {
/* Check error conditions */
LASSERT(a, a->count == 2 ,
"Function 'cons' takes exactly 2 arguments!");
LASSERT(a, a->cell[1]->type == LVAL_QEXPR,
"Function 'cons' passed incorrect type!");
lval* v = lval_qexpr();
v = lval_add(v, lval_pop(a, 0));
lval* y = lval_pop(a, 0);
while (y->count) {
v = lval_add(v, lval_pop(y, 0));
return v;
lval* builtin_len(lval* a) {
/* Check error conditions */
LASSERT(a, a->count == 1,
"Function 'len' passed too many arguments!");
LASSERT(a, a->cell[0]->type == LVAL_QEXPR,
"Function 'len' passed incorrect type!");
lval* v = lval_num(a->cell[0]->count);
return v;
lval* builtin_init(lval* a) {
/* Check error conditions */
LASSERT(a, a->count == 1,
"Function 'init' passed too many arguments!");
LASSERT(a, a->cell[0]->type == LVAL_QEXPR,
"Function 'init' passed incorrect type!");
LASSERT(a, a->cell[0]->count != 0,
"Function 'init' passed {}!");
/* Otherwise take first argument */
lval* v = lval_take(a, 0);
/* Delete last element and return */
lval_del(lval_pop(v, v->count-1));
return v;
long min(long x, long y) {
if (x <= y) {
return x;

+ 5
- 1
chapter_10/lispy.h View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ static char* parser =
" \
number : /-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]*|[0-9]*)/ ; \
symbol : \"list\" | \"head\" | \"tail\" | \"join\" | \
\"eval\" | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | \
\"eval\" | \"len\" | \"init\" | \"cons\" | \
'+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | \
'^' | \"min\" | \"max\" ; \
sexpr : '(' <expr>* ')' ; \
qexpr : '{' <expr>* '}' ; \
@ -78,3 +79,6 @@ lval* builtin_list(lval* a);
lval* builtin_eval(lval* a);
lval* builtin_join(lval* a);
lval* lval_join(lval* x, lval* y);
lval* builtin_cons(lval* a);
lval* builtin_len(lval* a);
lval* builtin_init(lval* a);
