Examples of using cocotb for functional verification of VHDL designs with GHDL.
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  1. import cocotb
  2. from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge, RisingEdge, Timer
  3. from cocotb.queue import QueueEmpty, Queue
  4. from cocotb.clock import Clock
  5. import logging
  6. import enum
  7. import pyuvm
  8. # Logger setup
  9. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.NOTSET)
  10. logger = logging.getLogger()
  11. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
  12. # AES mode enum
  13. @enum.unique
  14. class Mode(enum.IntEnum):
  15. Encrypt = 0
  16. Decrypt = 1
  17. # VAI BFM with queues for
  18. class VaiBfm(metaclass=pyuvm.Singleton):
  19. """Valid-Accept Bfm"""
  20. def __init__(self):
  21. self.log = logging.getLogger()
  22. self.log.info("Valid-accept BFM")
  23. self.log.info(" Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner")
  24. self.dut = cocotb.top
  25. self.driver_queue = Queue(maxsize=1)
  26. self.in_monitor_queue = Queue(maxsize=0)
  27. self.out_monitor_queue = Queue(maxsize=0)
  28. self.clock = Clock(self.dut.clk_i, 10, units="ns") # Create a 10 ns period clock
  29. cocotb.start_soon(self.clock.start())
  30. # Reset coroutine
  31. async def reset(self):
  32. self.dut.reset_i.value = 0
  33. self.dut.valid_i.value = 0
  34. self.dut.mode_i.value = 0
  35. self.dut.key_i.value = 0
  36. self.dut.data_i.value = 0
  37. self.dut.accept_i.value = 0
  38. await Timer(100, units="ns")
  39. self.dut.reset_i.value = 1
  40. # VAI input driver
  41. async def __driver(self):
  42. self.dut.valid_i.value = 0
  43. self.dut.key_i.value = 0
  44. self.dut.data_i.value = 0
  45. while True:
  46. await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk_i)
  47. if not self.dut.valid_i.value:
  48. try:
  49. (mode, key, data) = self.driver_queue.get_nowait()
  50. self.dut.mode_i.value = mode
  51. self.dut.key_i.value = key
  52. self.dut.data_i.value = data
  53. self.dut.valid_i.value = 1
  54. except QueueEmpty:
  55. continue
  56. else:
  57. if self.dut.accept_o.value:
  58. self.dut.valid_i.value = 0
  59. # VAI output receiver
  60. # We ignore data out, we use the output monitor instead
  61. async def __receiver(self):
  62. self.dut.accept_i.value = 0
  63. while True:
  64. await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk_i)
  65. if self.dut.valid_o.value and not self.dut.accept_i.value:
  66. self.dut.accept_i.value = 1
  67. else:
  68. self.dut.accept_i.value = 0
  69. # VAI input monitor
  70. async def __in_monitor(self):
  71. while True:
  72. await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk_i)
  73. if self.dut.valid_i.value and self.dut.accept_o.value:
  74. in_tuple = (self.dut.mode_i.value,
  75. self.dut.key_i.value,
  76. self.dut.data_i.value)
  77. self.in_monitor_queue.put_nowait(in_tuple)
  78. # VAI output monitor
  79. async def __out_monitor(self):
  80. while True:
  81. await RisingEdge(self.dut.clk_i)
  82. if self.dut.valid_o.value and self.dut.accept_i.value:
  83. out_data = self.dut.data_o.value
  84. self.out_monitor_queue.put_nowait(out_data)
  85. # Launching the coroutines using start_soon
  86. def start_tasks(self):
  87. cocotb.start_soon(self.__driver())
  88. cocotb.start_soon(self.__receiver())
  89. cocotb.start_soon(self.__in_monitor())
  90. cocotb.start_soon(self.__out_monitor())
  91. # The get_input() coroutine returns the next VAI input
  92. async def get_input(self):
  93. data = await self.in_monitor_queue.get()
  94. return data
  95. # The get_output() coroutine returns the next VAI output
  96. async def get_output(self):
  97. data = await self.out_monitor_queue.get()
  98. return data
  99. # send_op puts the VAI input operation into the driver queue
  100. async def send_op(self, mode, key, data):
  101. await self.driver_queue.put((mode, key, data))