- import logging
- import cocotb
- from cocotb.utils import get_sim_time
- from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge, RisingEdge, Timer, ReadOnly
- class Sram:
- def __init__(self, clk, wen, ren, adr, din, dout, mem, *args, **kwargs):
- self._version = "0.0.1"
- self.log = logging.getLogger(f"cocotb.{clk._path}")
- self._clk = clk
- self._wen = wen
- self._ren = ren
- self._adr = adr
- self._din = din
- self._dout = dout
- self._mem = mem
- self._clkedge = RisingEdge(self._clk)
- class SramRead(Sram):
- def __init__(self, clk, ren, adr, din, mem, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(clk, None, ren, adr, din, None, mem, *args, **kwargs)
- self.log.info("SRAM read")
- self.log.info(" cocotbext-sram version %s", self._version)
- self.log.info(" Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner")
- self._active = None
- self._restart()
- def _restart(self):
- self.log.debug("SramRead._restart()")
- if self._active is not None:
- self._active.kill()
- # Schedule SRAM read to run concurrently
- self._active = cocotb.start_soon(self._read())
- async def _read(self):
- self.log.debug("SramRead._read()")
- while True:
- await self._clkedge
- if self._ren.value == 1:
- _data = self._mem[str(self._adr.value)]
- self._din.value = _data
- self.log.info("Read data: %s from adr: %s", hex(_data), hex(self._adr.value))
- class SramWrite(Sram):
- def __init__(self, clk, wen, adr, dout, mem, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(clk, wen, None, adr, None, dout, mem, *args, **kwargs)
- self.log.info("SRAM write")
- self.log.info(" cocotbext-sram version %s", self._version)
- self.log.info(" Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner")
- self._active = None
- self._restart()
- def _restart(self):
- self.log.debug("SramWrite._restart()")
- if self._active is not None:
- self._active.kill()
- # Schedule SRAM write to run concurrently
- self._active = cocotb.start_soon(self._write())
- async def _write(self):
- self.log.debug("SramWrite._write()")
- while True:
- await self._clkedge
- if self._wen.value == 1:
- self._mem[str(self._adr.value)] = self._dout.value
- self.log.info("Wrote data: %s to adr: %s", hex(self._dout.value), hex(self._adr.value))
- class SramMonitor(Sram):
- def __init__(self, clk, wen, ren, adr, din, dout, *args, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(clk, wen, ren, adr, din, dout, None, *args, **kwargs)
- self.log.info("SRAM monitor")
- self.log.info(" cocotbext-sram version %s", self._version)
- self.log.info(" Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner")
- self._active = None
- self._transactions = {}
- self._restart()
- def _restart(self):
- self.log.debug("SramMonitor._restart()")
- if self._active is not None:
- self._active.kill()
- # Schedule SRAM read to run concurrently
- self._active = cocotb.start_soon(self._read())
- async def _read(self):
- self.log.debug("SramMonitor._read()")
- while True:
- await self._clkedge
- if self._wen.value:
- self._transactions[str(get_sim_time('ns'))] = {
- "type" : "write",
- "adr" : str(self._adr.value),
- "data" : str(self._dout.value)}
- elif self._ren.value:
- await self._clkedge
- await ReadOnly()
- self._transactions[str(get_sim_time('ns'))] = {
- "type" : "read",
- "adr" : str(self._adr.value),
- "data" : str(self._din.value)}
- @property
- def transactions(self, index=None):
- if index:
- key = list(self._transactions.keys())[index]
- return {key: self._transactions[key]}
- else:
- return self._transactions