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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ | |||||
{signal: [ | |||||
{name: 'tx', wave: '10.10...101..'}, | |||||
{name: '', wave: "x34.......53x", data: ["start", "data (0x42, 0d66)", "par", "stop"] } | |||||
]} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ | |||||
{signal: [ | |||||
{name: 'reset', wave: '01...|.....'}, | |||||
{name: 'clk', wave: 'P....|.....'}, | |||||
{name: 'valid', wave: '0.1.0|..10.'}, | |||||
{name: 'accept', wave: '0..10|1..0.'}, | |||||
{name: 'data', wave: 'x.3.x|..3x.'} | |||||
]} |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ | |||||
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--- | |||||
title: Using Python for Verification of Digital Systems | |||||
subtitle: QZ 2021 | |||||
author: | |||||
- Torsten MeiĂźner | |||||
- torsten.meissner@secunet.com | |||||
date: February 2022 | |||||
... | |||||
# Overview | |||||
* Introduction | |||||
* Functional Verification | |||||
* Co-Simulation | |||||
* Cocotb | |||||
* Python Packages | |||||
* Live Demo | |||||
* Summary | |||||
# Introduction | |||||
## FPGA-Workflow | |||||
1. Specification | |||||
2. Design entry | |||||
3. **Verification** | |||||
4. Synthesis | |||||
5. Device Mapping | |||||
6. Place & Route | |||||
7. Static Timing Analysis | |||||
8. Programming file generation | |||||
# Introduction | |||||
## Design Entry | |||||
1. Schematic Entry | |||||
2. **Hardware Description Languages (RTL)** | |||||
* **(System)Verilog** | |||||
* **VHDL** | |||||
3. High level languages | |||||
* System C | |||||
* Bluespec | |||||
* Chisel | |||||
* nmigen | |||||
# Functional Verification | |||||
1. **Functional Verification** | |||||
* **Simulation** | |||||
* Emulation | |||||
2. Formal Verification | |||||
* Property checking | |||||
* Equivalence checking | |||||
3. Lab Tests | |||||
* Target platform | |||||
* Logic Analyzer | |||||
* Oscilloscope | |||||
# Functional Verification | |||||
## Simulation | |||||
* Executing of design description in a simulator | |||||
* Test benches as infrastructure (HDL, C, etc.) | |||||
* Reference models (HDL, C, etc.) | |||||
* Directed & Random tests | |||||
* Code & functional Coverage | |||||
* Assertion Based Verification (PSL, SVA) | |||||
* Verification Frameworks (UVM, OSVVM, vUnit, etc.) | |||||
* Co-Simulation | |||||
# HDL Simulation | |||||
![](images/vhdl_sim.png) | |||||
# Co-Simulation | |||||
- Simulation with access to/from external program code | |||||
- Linked per shared library | |||||
## HDL Programming Interfaces | |||||
- VHDL Procedural Interface (VHPI) | |||||
- Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) | |||||
- Propitrary interfaces (FLI) | |||||
- Access data in VHDL models in the simulator | |||||
## Features | |||||
- Static VHDL Design Data (Traverse hierarchy etc.) | |||||
- Dynamic VHDL Objects (R/W values of VHDL objects) | |||||
- Interaction and control (Callbacks as comm. mechanism between simulator user code) | |||||
- Foreign model instantiation and intercommunication | |||||
# Co-Simulation with SW reference Model | |||||
![](images/vhdl_cosim.png) | |||||
HDL testbench controls program flow | |||||
# Cocotb | |||||
- COroutine based COsimulation TestBench environment | |||||
- Verifying HDL designs with Python | |||||
- HDL normally only used for design, not the testbench | |||||
- Simulator only used to execute DUT RTL description | |||||
- Support many simulators (Free & propitrary) | |||||
- Free & open-source, active community | |||||
## | |||||
- High-level, multi-paradigm language | |||||
- Writing Python is fast - **very productive** language. | |||||
- **Easy interfacing** to other languages from Python | |||||
- **Huge library** of existing code to re-use | |||||
- **Interpreted** - tests can be edited and re-run w/o recompiling the design | |||||
- **Popular** - far more engineers know Python than Verilog / VHDL | |||||
- Working and reliable packet manager (PyPI) | |||||
# Cocotb Co-Simulation | |||||
![](images/cocotb_cosim.png) | |||||
Python testbench controls program flow | |||||
# Cocotb Design Interaction | |||||
## Accessing Design | |||||
- *dut* as handle to toplevel instantiation | |||||
- Access to toplevel and other signals with dot-notation | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
# Reference to toplevel clock input | |||||
clk = dut.clk_i | |||||
# Reference to signal in sub-unit | |||||
cpu_pc = dut.cpu.regfile.pc | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
## Read / Write Values from Signals | |||||
- Via handle's *value* property | |||||
- Direct R/W access through the hierarchy | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
# Via value property | |||||
valid = dut.valid_i.value | |||||
if valid.value == 0: | |||||
valid.value = 1 | |||||
# Direct access through hierarchy | |||||
if dut.reset_i.value == 1: | |||||
dut.cpu.regfile.pc.value = 0 | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb concurrent & sequential execution | |||||
## *async*: Mark Functions & Methods as Coroutines | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
async def reset(signal, time,): | |||||
signal.value = 0 | |||||
# Block execution, wait for simulator time advances by 100 ns | |||||
await Timer(time, units='ns') # cocotb built-in class | |||||
signal.value = 1 | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
## *await*: Wait for other Coroutines or Simulator | |||||
- Block on another coroutines execution | |||||
- Pass control of execution back to simulator, allowing simulation time to advance | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
print("Hold reset") | |||||
await reset(dut.reset_i) | |||||
print("Released reset") | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb concurrent execution | |||||
## *start()* | |||||
1. Schedules the new coroutine to be executed concurrently | |||||
2. Yields control to allow the new task (& any other pending tasks) to run | |||||
3. Resumes the calling task | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
await cocotb.start(reset(dut.reset_i, 100) | |||||
await Timer(90, units='ns') | |||||
print(f"Reset is still active: {dut.reset_i.value}") | |||||
await Timer(15, units='ns') | |||||
print(f"Reset has gone inactive: {dut.reset_i.value}") | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
## *start_soon()*: | |||||
- Schedules the new coroutine for future execution, after the calling task yields control | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
clock = Clock(dut.clk_i, 10, units="ns") # Create a clock, cocotb built-in class | |||||
cocotb.start_soon(clock.start()) # Start the clock concurrently | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb test functions | |||||
## *@cocotb.test()* Decorator | |||||
- Mark a callable which returns a coroutine as a test | |||||
- Provides a test timeout | |||||
- Allows to mark tests as skipped or expecting errors or failures | |||||
- Tests are evaluated in the order of their definition in a test module | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
@cocotb.test() | |||||
async def test_aes_init(dut): | |||||
""" Test AES initialization """ | |||||
... | |||||
@cocotb.test() | |||||
async def test_aes_enc(dut): | |||||
""" Test AES encryption """ | |||||
... | |||||
# This test is skipped from execution | |||||
@cocotb.test(skip=True) | |||||
async def test_aes_enc(dut): | |||||
""" Test AES encryption """ | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb Triggers | |||||
- Indicate when cocotb scheduler should resume coroutine execution | |||||
- Triggers should awaited for by coroutines | |||||
- Cause execution of the current coroutine to pause | |||||
- Execution of paused coroutine will resumes when trigger fires | |||||
- Triggers for simulator events, task synchronization etc. | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
# Wait for 100 ns | |||||
await Timer(100, units='ns') | |||||
# Wait for rising clock edge | |||||
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_i) | |||||
# Wait for 10 clock cycles | |||||
await ClockCycles(dut.clk_i, 10) | |||||
# Fires when first trigger in fires & returns its result | |||||
t1 = Timer(10, units='ns') | |||||
t2 = Timer(15, units='ns') | |||||
t_ret = await First(t1, t2) # returns after 10 ns simulation time | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb Example: Verifying an UART transmitter | |||||
![](images/cocotb_uarttx.png) | |||||
# Cocotb Example: Verifying an UART transmitter | |||||
## | |||||
![](images/vai_uart_wave.png) | |||||
# Cocotb Example: Verifying an UART transmitter | |||||
## Valid-Accept Driver Model | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
async def send(self, data, sync=True): | |||||
if sync: | |||||
await self._clkedge | |||||
self._valid.value = 1 | |||||
if isinstance(self._data, list): | |||||
for i in range(len(self._data)): | |||||
self._data[i].value = data[i] | |||||
else: | |||||
self._data.value = data | |||||
while True: | |||||
await ReadOnly() | |||||
if self._accept.value: | |||||
break | |||||
await self._clkedge | |||||
await self._clkedge | |||||
self._valid.value = 0 | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb Example: Verifying an UART transmitter | |||||
## UART Receiver Model | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
async def receive(self): | |||||
# Wait for frame start | |||||
await FallingEdge(self._txrx) | |||||
# Consume start bit | |||||
await self._get_start_bit() | |||||
# Receive data bits | |||||
self._rec = 0 | |||||
for x in range(self._bits): | |||||
await self._wait_cycle() | |||||
await ReadOnly() | |||||
self._rec |= bool(self._txrx.value.integer) << x | |||||
if self._par: | |||||
# Consume parity bit | |||||
await self._get_parity_bit() | |||||
# Consume stop bit | |||||
await self._get_stop_bit() | |||||
return self._rec | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb Example: Verifying an UART transmitter | |||||
## Test function | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
@cocotb.test() | |||||
async def test_uarttx(dut): | |||||
# Instantiate VAI driver & UART receiver | |||||
vai_driver = VaiDriver(dut.clk_i, dut.data_i, dut.valid_i, dut.accept_o) | |||||
uart_receiver = UartReceiver(dut.tx_o, dut.clk_i, 10, 8, True); | |||||
# Drive input defaults (setimmediatevalue to avoid x asserts) | |||||
dut.data_i.setimmediatevalue(0) | |||||
dut.valid_i.setimmediatevalue(0) | |||||
cocotb.start_soon(Clock(dut.clk_i, 10, units="ns").start()) # Start the clock | |||||
await reset(dut.reset_n_i, 100) # Block until reset() has completed | |||||
# Test 10 UART transmissions | |||||
for i in range(256): | |||||
await RisingEdge(dut.clk_i) | |||||
await vai_driver.send(i) | |||||
rec = await uart_receiver.receive(); | |||||
assert rec == i, "UART sent data was incorrect on the {}th cycle".format(i) | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Cocotb Example: Verifying an UART transmitter | |||||
~~~~ {.shell .stretch} | |||||
loading VPI module '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/cocotb/libs/libcocotbvpi_ghdl.so' | |||||
-.--ns INFO cocotb.gpi ../gpi/GpiCommon.cpp:99 in gpi_print_registered_impl VPI registered | |||||
VPI module loaded! | |||||
0.00ns INFO Running on GHDL version 2.0.0-dev (v1.0.0-974-g0e46300c) [Dunoon edition] | |||||
0.00ns INFO Running tests with cocotb v1.7.0.dev0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.9/... | |||||
0.00ns INFO Seeding Python random module with 1644512771 | |||||
0.00ns INFO Found test tb_uarttx.test_uarttx | |||||
0.00ns INFO running test_uarttx (1/1) | |||||
First simple test | |||||
0.00ns INFO Valid-accept driver | |||||
0.00ns INFO cocotbext-vai version 0.0.1 | |||||
0.00ns INFO Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner | |||||
0.00ns INFO UART receiver | |||||
0.00ns INFO cocotbext-uart version 0.0.1 | |||||
0.00ns INFO Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner | |||||
100.00ns INFO Released reset | |||||
110.00ns INFO Send data: 0xb6 | |||||
... | |||||
11160.00ns INFO Received data: 0xd8 | |||||
11160.00ns INFO test_uarttx passed | |||||
11160.00ns INFO ********************************************************************** | |||||
** TEST STATUS SIM TIME (ns) REAL TIME (s) | |||||
********************************************************************** | |||||
** tb_uarttx.test_uarttx PASS 11160.00 0.21 | |||||
********************************************************************** | |||||
** TESTS=1 PASS=1 FAIL=0 SKIP=0 11160.00 0.22 | |||||
********************************************************************** | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Python Packages | |||||
## Cocotb related | |||||
- Reusable packages for cocotb testbenches | |||||
- Bus protocols, reference models etc. | |||||
- Verification libraries | |||||
- pyuvm | |||||
- cocotb-coverage | |||||
- umv-python | |||||
- Depending on cocotb | |||||
## Python generic | |||||
- Generic Python packages useful for verification | |||||
- pyvsc | |||||
- pyucis | |||||
- Whole Python ecosystem | |||||
- Not depending on cocotb | |||||
# Python Packages: pyvsc | |||||
## Python library for Verification Stimulus and Coverage | |||||
- Random verification-stimulus generation | |||||
- Functional coverage collection | |||||
- Implemented in pure Python | |||||
- Uses Boolector SMT-solver for solving user-defined constraints | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
@vsc.randobj | |||||
class my_cr(): | |||||
def __init__(self): | |||||
self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8) | |||||
self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8) | |||||
@vsc.constraint | |||||
def ab_c(self): | |||||
self.a != 0 | |||||
self.a <= self.b | |||||
self.b in vsc.rangelist(1,2,4,8) | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
# Live Demo | |||||
## UART transmitter & receiver | |||||
- Simple tests using self written Python models for VAI & UART | |||||
## Wishbone slave with local SRAM interface | |||||
- Using cocotbext-wishbone package from PyPI | |||||
## AES128 en- and decryption | |||||
- Using pyvsc for constrained random & functional coverage | |||||
- Using Pycrypto for AES reference | |||||
# Summary | |||||
- Easy to use | |||||
- Good documentation | |||||
- In active development with regularly releases | |||||
- Free and open-source | |||||
- Allows Python SW-developers to verify digital systems | |||||
- Supports all major simulators used by FPGA teams | |||||
## Presentations code examples | |||||
* https://github.com/tmeissner/cocotb_with_ghdl | |||||
## References | |||||
* https://github.com/cocotb/cocotb | |||||
* https://github.com/fvutils/pyvsc | |||||
* https://github.com/wallento/cocotbext-wishbone | |||||
# Extras: Accessing signals | |||||
## *dut.signal.value = 1* | |||||
- Value is stored by the Scheduler | |||||
- All stored values are written at the same time at the end of the current simulator time step | |||||
## *.setimmediatevalue()* | |||||
- Value is assigned to this simulation object immediately | |||||
## Access to elements of indexable objects (arrays etc.) | |||||
~~~~ {.python .stretch} | |||||
dut.some_array[0].value = 1 | |||||
~~~~ | |||||
- Bit order depends on the HDL object (*to* or *downto*) | |||||
# Extras: Accessing signals | |||||
## Reading synchronous signals | |||||
- Returns after clock changes, but no sympathetic signals changed yet | |||||
- Sampling any signal here returns values settled during previous clock cycle | |||||
- Equivalent to registered processes in HDLs | |||||
## *ReadOnly()* | |||||
- Triggers in the postpone phase | |||||
- All signals have settled | |||||
- No more updates may occur on the clock edge event | |||||
- Sampling any signal here returns values settled current clock cycle | |||||
# Extras: Accessing signals | |||||
![](images/readonly.png) |
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ | |||||
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