Examples of using cocotb for functional verification of VHDL designs with GHDL.
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import vsc
# Random stimuli model class
class constraints():
def __init__(self):
self.key = vsc.rand_bit_t(128)
self.data = vsc.rand_bit_t(128)
def c(self):
self.data >= 0 and self.data <= 2**128-1
vsc.dist(self.key, [
vsc.weight(0, 15),
vsc.weight((1,2**128-2), 70),
vsc.weight((2**128-1), 15)])
# Stimuli covergroup
class covergroup():
def __init__(self, name="bla"):
self.options.name = name
mode = vsc.bit_t(1),
key = vsc.bit_t(128)
self.enc = vsc.coverpoint(self.mode, bins=dict(
enc = vsc.bin(0)))
self.dec = vsc.coverpoint(self.mode, bins=dict(
dec = vsc.bin(1)))
self.key0 = vsc.coverpoint(self.key, bins=dict(
key0 = vsc.bin(0)))
self.keyF = vsc.coverpoint(self.key, bins=dict(
keyF = vsc.bin(2**128-1)))
self.encXkey0 = vsc.cross([self.enc, self.key0])
self.encXkeyF = vsc.cross([self.enc, self.keyF])
self.decXkey0 = vsc.cross([self.dec, self.key0])
self.decXkeyF = vsc.cross([self.dec, self.keyF])