Examples of using cocotb for functional verification of VHDL designs with GHDL.
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v 4
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/SpiMasterE.vhd" "f09ec5c73ee60bb4bf5affae843aa588b05518bc" "20240114194831.851":
entity spimastere at 1( 0) + 0 on 4;
architecture rtl of spimastere at 36( 1125) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/SpiSlaveE.vhd" "04fba7d5e1ef88072187de5b1329c8a9bc402014" "20240114194831.852":
entity spislavee at 1( 0) + 0 on 4;
architecture rtl of spislavee at 35( 960) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/UartRx.vhd" "52e3a130f357ae260ee22ded47ca4556a03c5a59" "20240114194831.852":
entity uartrx at 21( 1019) + 0 on 4;
architecture rtl of uartrx at 49( 1884) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/UartTx.vhd" "3f8d153c4f2194997742573794afed61480a0f8d" "20240114194831.852":
entity uarttx at 21( 1022) + 0 on 4;
architecture rtl of uarttx at 48( 1813) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/WishBoneCheckerE.vhd" "4f6366f5ceda20267013f682b66267fbe227266b" "20240114194831.852":
entity wishbonecheckere at 1( 0) + 0 on 4;
architecture check of wishbonecheckere at 28( 619) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/WishBoneMasterE.vhd" "c899e200fe03c4944584015fe8f3b270e6ce05db" "20240114194831.853":
entity wishbonemastere at 1( 0) + 0 on 4;
architecture rtl of wishbonemastere at 42( 1216) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/WishBoneP.vhd" "220d27784fed8f2e2cb4dfa665e494225d83af9b" "20240114194831.853":
package wishbonep at 1( 0) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/libvhdl/syn/WishBoneSlaveE.vhd" "6f28f1fee7e34dc09e7666e3f9fe902019547d17" "20240114194831.853":
entity wishboneslavee at 1( 0) + 0 on 4;
architecture rtl of wishboneslavee at 39( 1109) + 0 on 4;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/cryptocores/aes/rtl/vhdl/aes.vhd" "cabaca485f28b2109d43a1524eeb1987c03f8d83" "20240114194832.428":
entity aes at 22( 1051) + 0 on 17;
architecture rtl of aes at 50( 1873) + 0 on 18;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/cryptocores/aes/rtl/vhdl/aes_dec.vhd" "4ef897f2b84bd300c603df81b68d374b3b3fa883" "20240114194832.289":
entity aes_dec at 21( 1002) + 0 on 15;
architecture rtl of aes_dec at 48( 1747) + 0 on 16;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/cryptocores/aes/rtl/vhdl/aes_enc.vhd" "ab0354f24a4814bb0c70a638569ab5c1b15a178e" "20240114194832.153":
entity aes_enc at 21( 1002) + 0 on 13;
architecture rtl of aes_enc at 48( 1748) + 0 on 14;
file "/build/pyuvm_tests/" "../ext/cryptocores/aes/rtl/vhdl/aes_pkg.vhd" "a799bffcc5b16bb191bb36604a1a92299dd20430" "20240114194832.017":
package aes_pkg at 27( 1116) + 0 on 11 body;
package body aes_pkg at 169( 8729) + 0 on 12;