Examples of using cocotb for functional verification of VHDL designs with GHDL.
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import logging
from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge, RisingEdge, Timer, ReadOnly
class Uart:
"""UART base class"""
def __init__(self, txrx, clock, div, bits, parity, *args, **kwargs):
self._version = "0.0.1"
self.log = logging.getLogger(f"cocotb.{txrx._path}")
self._txrx = txrx
self._clock = clock
self._div = div
self._bits = bits
self._par = parity
self._clkedge = RisingEdge(self._clock)
async def _wait_cycle(self):
for x in range(self._div):
await self._clkedge
def odd_parity(data):
parity = True
while data:
parity = not parity
data = data & (data - 1)
return int(parity)
class UartReceiver(Uart):
def __init__(self, txrx, clock, div, bits, parity, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(txrx, clock, div, bits, parity, *args, **kwargs)
self.log.info("UART receiver")
self.log.info(" cocotbext-uart version %s", self._version)
self.log.info(" Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner")
async def receive(self):
"""Receive and return one UART frame"""
# Wait for frame start
await FallingEdge(self._txrx)
# Consume start bit
await self._get_start_bit()
# Receive data bits
self._rec = 0
for x in range(self._bits):
await self._wait_cycle()
await ReadOnly()
self._rec |= bool(self._txrx.value.integer) << x
if self._par:
# Consume parity bit
await self._get_parity_bit()
# Consume stop bit
await self._get_stop_bit()
self.log.info("Received data: %s", hex(self._rec))
return self._rec
async def _get_start_bit(self):
"""Consume and check start bit"""
for x in range(int(self._div/2)):
await self._clkedge
await ReadOnly()
if self._txrx.value == 1:
self.log.warning("Start bit set")
async def _get_stop_bit(self):
"""Consume and check stop bit"""
await self._wait_cycle()
await ReadOnly()
if self._txrx.value == 0:
self.log.warning("Stop bit not set")
async def _get_parity_bit(self):
"""Consume and check parity bit"""
await self._wait_cycle()
await ReadOnly()
if self.odd_parity(self._rec) != self._txrx.value:
self.log.warning("Parity wrong")
class UartDriver(Uart):
def __init__(self, txrx, clock, div, bits, parity, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(txrx, clock, div, bits, parity, *args, **kwargs)
self.log.info("UART sender")
self.log.info(" cocotbext-uart version %s", self._version)
self.log.info(" Copyright (c) 2022 Torsten Meissner")
# Drive input defaults (setimmediatevalue to avoid x asserts)
async def send(self, data):
"""Send one UART frame"""
self._data = data;
self.log.info("Sending data: %s", hex(self._data))
# Send start bit
await self._send_bit(0)
# Send data bits
for x in range(self._bits):
self._txrx.value = (self._data >> x) & 1
await self._wait_cycle()
if self._par:
# Send parity bit
await self._send_bit(self.odd_parity(self._data))
# Consume stop bit
await self._send_bit(1)
async def _send_bit(self, data):
self._txrx.value = data
await self._wait_cycle()