- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- use ieee.numeric_std.all;
- entity vai_fifo is
- generic (
- Formal : boolean := true;
- Depth : positive := 16;
- Width : positive := 16
- );
- port (
- Reset_n_i : in std_logic;
- Clk_i : in std_logic;
- -- write
- Valid_i : in std_logic;
- Accept_o : out std_logic;
- Din_i : in std_logic_vector(Width-1 downto 0);
- -- read
- Valid_o : out std_logic;
- Accept_i : in std_logic;
- Dout_o : out std_logic_vector(Width-1 downto 0)
- );
- end entity vai_fifo;
- architecture rtl of vai_fifo is
- signal s_wen : std_logic;
- signal s_ren : std_logic;
- signal s_full : std_logic;
- signal s_empty : std_logic;
- begin
- i_fwft_fifo : entity work.fwft_fifo
- generic map (
- Formal => Formal,
- Depth => Depth,
- Width => Width
- )
- port map (
- Reset_n_i => Reset_n_i,
- Clk_i => Clk_i,
- -- write
- Wen_i => s_wen,
- Din_i => Din_i,
- Full_o => s_full,
- Werror_o => open,
- -- read
- Ren_i => s_ren,
- Dout_o => Dout_o,
- Empty_o => s_empty,
- Rerror_o => open
- );
- s_wen <= Valid_i and not s_full;
- s_ren <= Accept_i and not s_empty;
- Accept_o <= not s_full;
- Valid_o <= not s_empty;
- FormalG : if Formal generate
- default clock is rising_edge(Clk_i);
- -- Initial reset
- RESTRICT_RESET : restrict
- {not Reset_n_i[*3]; Reset_n_i[+]}[*1];
- -- Inputs are low during reset for simplicity
- not Reset_n_i ->
- not Valid_i and not Accept_i;
- end generate FormalG;
- end architecture rtl;