@ -66,6 +66,15 @@ begin |
signal s_dina : std_logic_vector(DinA_i'range); |
signal s_dinb : std_logic_vector(DinB_i'range); |
function max(a, b: std_logic_vector) return unsigned is |
begin |
if unsigned(a) > unsigned(b) then |
return unsigned(a); |
else |
return unsigned(b); |
end if; |
end function max; |
begin |
-- VHDL helper logic |
@ -80,16 +89,31 @@ begin |
default clock is rising_edge(Clk_i); |
AFTER_RESET : assert always |
not Reset_n_i -> Dout_o = x"00" and OverFlow_o = '0'; |
not Reset_n_i -> Dout_o = (Dout_o'range => '0') and OverFlow_o = '0'; |
ADD_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_add -> |
next unsigned(Dout_o) = unsigned(s_dina) + unsigned(s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
SUB_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_sub -> |
next unsigned(Dout_o) = unsigned(s_dina) - unsigned(s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
AND_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_and -> |
next Dout_o = (s_dina and s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
OR_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_or -> |
next Dout_o = (s_dina or s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
ADD_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_add -> next unsigned(Dout_o) = unsigned(s_dina) + unsigned(s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
OVERFLOW_ADD : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_add and (unsigned(DinA_i) + unsigned(DinB_i)) < max(DinA_i, DinB_i) -> |
next OverFlow_o abort not Reset_n_i; |
SUB_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_sub -> next unsigned(Dout_o) = unsigned(s_dina) - unsigned(s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
NOT_OVERFLOW_ADD : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_add and (unsigned(DinA_i) + unsigned(DinB_i)) >= max(DinA_i, DinB_i) -> |
next not OverFlow_o abort not Reset_n_i; |
AND_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_and -> next Dout_o = (s_dina and s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
OVERFLOW_SUB : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_sub and (unsigned(DinA_i) - unsigned(DinB_i)) > unsigned(DinA_i) -> |
next OverFlow_o abort not Reset_n_i; |
OR_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_or -> next Dout_o = (s_dina or s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i; |
NOT_OVERFLOW_SUB : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_sub and (unsigned(DinA_i) - unsigned(DinB_i)) <= unsigned(DinA_i) -> |
next not OverFlow_o abort not Reset_n_i; |
end generate FormalG; |