@ -283,6 +283,49 @@ begin
{ { s_cnt = 7 and Wen_i = '1' and Din_i = s_data } : { Ren_i [ - > 8 ] } }
| = > { Dout_o = s_data } ;
-- An alternative for GHDL: Replacing the [->] goto operator
-- by counting Ren_i starting when s_data is written into fifo.
-- The properties have to be slightly modified only.
-- Sadly proving these needs much more (engine dependend) time than
-- the separate checks above. I assume the counters are the reason.
gen_data_checks : for i in 0 to Depth - 1 generate
GEN : if i = 0 generate
DATA_FLOW_GEN : assert always
{ { s_cnt = i and Wen_i = '1' and Din_i = s_data } ; { Ren_i } }
| = > { Dout_o = s_data } ;
else generate
signal s_ren_cnt : integer range - 1 to i + 1 : = - 1 ;
process ( Reset_n_i , Clk_i ) is
if not Reset_n_i then
s_ren_cnt < = - 1 ;
elsif ( rising_edge ( Clk_i ) ) then
if s_cnt = i and Wen_i = '1' and Din_i = s_data then
s_ren_cnt < = 1 when Ren_i else 0 ;
s_ren_cnt < = s_ren_cnt + 1 when Ren_i = '1' and s_ren_cnt > = 0 ;
end if ;
end if ;
end process ;
DATA_FLOW_GEN : assert always
{ { s_cnt = i and Wen_i = '1' and Din_i = s_data } : { Ren_i [ * ] ; s_ren_cnt = i + 1 } }
| - > { Dout_o = s_data } ;
end generate GEN ;
end generate gen_data_checks ;
end generate FormalG ;