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Making alu design work with GHDL synthesis

* Remove unused SVA properties file
* Makefile optimizations
* Use prep auto-top option to prevent error with not founded top-level module
* Rewrite assignments of Dout_o & Overflow_o as GHDL synthesis don't
  support concatenation on left side of assignments
* Add some simple PSL assertions
T. Meissner 5 years ago
5 changed files with 85 additions and 108 deletions
  1. +13
  2. +50
  3. +0
  4. +0
  5. +22

+ 13
- 2
alu/Makefile View File

@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
alu: alu.vhd alu_f.sby
sby -f -d work alu_f.sby
DUT := alu
.PHONY: cover prove all clean
all: cover bmc prove
cover: ${DUT}.vhd symbiyosys.sby
sby --yosys "yosys -m ghdl" -f -d work/${DUT}-$@ symbiyosys.sby $@
bmc: ${DUT}.vhd symbiyosys.sby
sby --yosys "yosys -m ghdl" -f -d work/${DUT}-$@ symbiyosys.sby $@
prove: ${DUT}.vhd symbiyosys.sby
sby --yosys "yosys -m ghdl" -f -d work/${DUT}-$@ symbiyosys.sby $@
clean: clean:
rm -rf work rm -rf work

+ 50
- 12
alu/alu.vhd View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity alu is entity alu is
generic ( generic (
Width : natural := 8
Width : natural := 8;
Formal : boolean := true
); );
port ( port (
Reset_n_i : in std_logic; Reset_n_i : in std_logic;
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ end entity alu;
architecture rtl of alu is architecture rtl of alu is
subtype t_opc is std_logic_vector(Opc_i'length-1 downto 0);
subtype t_opc is std_logic_vector(Opc_i'range);
constant c_add : t_opc := "00"; constant c_add : t_opc := "00";
constant c_sub : t_opc := "01"; constant c_sub : t_opc := "01";
@ -36,24 +37,61 @@ begin
process (Reset_n_i, Clk_i) is process (Reset_n_i, Clk_i) is
variable v_result : std_logic_vector(Width downto 0);
begin begin
if (Reset_n_i = '0') then if (Reset_n_i = '0') then
Dout_o <= (others => '0');
v_result := (others => '0');
Dout_o <= (others => '0');
OverFlow_o <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(Clk_i)) then elsif (rising_edge(Clk_i)) then
case Opc_i is case Opc_i is
when c_add => (OverFlow_o, Dout_o) <=
std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(DinA_i), Dout_o'length+1) +
resize(unsigned(DinB_i), Dout_o'length+1));
when c_sub => (OverFlow_o, Dout_o) <=
std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(DinA_i), Dout_o'length+1) -
resize(unsigned(DinB_i), Dout_o'length+1));
when c_and => Dout_o <= DinA_i and DinB_i;
when c_or => Dout_o <= DinA_i or DinB_i;
when c_add =>
v_result := std_logic_vector(unsigned('0' & DinA_i) +
unsigned('0' & DinB_i));
when c_sub =>
v_result := std_logic_vector(unsigned('0' & DinA_i) -
unsigned('0' & DinB_i));
when c_and => v_result := DinA_i and DinB_i;
when c_or => v_result := DinA_i or DinB_i;
when others => null; when others => null;
end case; end case;
Dout_o <= v_result(Width-1 downto 0);
OverFlow_o <= v_result(Width);
end if; end if;
end process; end process;
end architecture rtl;
FormalG : if Formal generate
signal s_dina : std_logic_vector(DinA_i'range);
signal s_dinb : std_logic_vector(DinB_i'range);
-- VHDL helper logic
process is
wait until rising_edge(Clk_i);
s_dina <= DinA_i;
s_dinb <= DinB_i;
end process;
default clock is rising_edge(Clk_i);
AFTER_RESET : assert always
not Reset_n_i -> Dout_o = x"00" and OverFlow_o = '0';
ADD_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_add -> next unsigned(Dout_o) = unsigned(s_dina) + unsigned(s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i;
SUB_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_sub -> next unsigned(Dout_o) = unsigned(s_dina) - unsigned(s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i;
AND_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_and -> next Dout_o = (s_dina and s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i;
OR_OP : assert Reset_n_i and Opc_i = c_or -> next Dout_o = (s_dina or s_dinb) abort not Reset_n_i;
end generate FormalG;
end architecture rtl;

+ 0
- 18
alu/alu_f.sby View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
depth 30
wait on
mode prove
#mode bmc
abc pdr
verific -vhdl alu.vhd
verific -formal
prep -top alu_t

+ 0
- 76
alu/ View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
`define WIDTH 8
module alu_t (
input Reset_n_i,
input Clk_i,
input [1:0] Opc_i,
input [`WIDTH-1:0] DinA_i,
input [`WIDTH-1:0] DinB_i,
output [`WIDTH-1:0] Dout_o,
output OverFlow_o
`define OPC_ADD 0
`define OPC_SUB 1
`define OPC_AND 2
`define OPC_OR 3
alu #(.Width(`WIDTH)) alu_i (
reg init_state = 1;
// Initial reset
always @(*) begin
if (init_state) assume (!Reset_n_i);
if (!init_state) assume (Reset_n_i);
always @(posedge Clk_i)
init_state = 0;
default clocking
@(posedge Clk_i);
default disable iff (!Reset_n_i);
bit unsigned [`WIDTH:0] dina, dinb;
assign dina = DinA_i;
assign dinb = DinB_i;
assert property (Opc_i == `OPC_ADD |=> Dout_o == ($past(DinA_i) + $past(DinB_i)));
assert property (Opc_i == `OPC_ADD && (dina + dinb) > 2**`WIDTH-1 |=> OverFlow_o);
assert property (Opc_i == `OPC_SUB |=> Dout_o == ($past(DinA_i) - $past(DinB_i)));
assert property (Opc_i == `OPC_SUB && (dina - dinb) > 2**`WIDTH-1 |=> OverFlow_o);
assert property (Opc_i == `OPC_AND |=> Dout_o == ($past(DinA_i) & $past(DinB_i)));
assert property (Opc_i == `OPC_OR |=> Dout_o == ($past(DinA_i) | $past(DinB_i)));
property cover_opc (opc);
Opc_i == opc;
cover property (cover_opc(`OPC_ADD));
cover property (cover_opc(`OPC_SUB));
cover property (cover_opc(`OPC_AND));
cover property (cover_opc(`OPC_OR));

+ 22
- 0
alu/symbiyosys.sby View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
depth 25
cover: mode cover
bmc: mode bmc
prove: mode prove
cover: smtbmc z3
bmc: abc bmc3
prove: abc pdr
ghdl --std=08 -fpsl alu.vhd -e alu
prep -auto-top
