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#include <complex.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
gsl_vector_complex *cvec_dot_gslcplx(gsl_vector_complex *v, gsl_complex x);
gsl_vector_complex *vec_dot_gslcplx(gsl_vector *v, gsl_complex x);
gsl_vector_complex *cvec_dot_c(gsl_vector_complex *v, complex double x);
gsl_vector_complex *vec_dot_c(gsl_vector *v, complex double x);
void gsl_vector_complex_print(gsl_vector_complex *v);
#define gsl_cplx_from_c99(x) (gsl_complex){.dat = {creal(x), cimag(x)}}
complex double ddot(complex double x, complex double y);
#define dot(x, y) _Generic((x), \
gsl_vector* : dot_given_vec(y), \
gsl_vector_complex* : dot_given_cplx_vec(y), \
default : ddot) \
((x), (y))
#define dot_given_vec(y) _Generic ((y), \
gsl_complex : vec_dot_gslcplx, \
default : vec_dot_c)
#define dot_given_cplx_vec(y) _Generic((y), \
gsl_complex : cvec_dot_gslcplx, \
default : cvec_dot_c)