- library ieee;
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
- package StringP is
- function to_char (data : in std_logic) return character;
- function to_char (data : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return character;
- function to_string (data : in std_logic) return string;
- function to_string (data : in std_logic_vector) return string;
- end package StringP;
- package body StringP is
- function to_char (data : in std_logic) return character is
- begin
- case data is
- when 'U' => return 'U';
- when 'X' => return 'X';
- when '0' => return '0';
- when '1' => return '1';
- when 'Z' => return 'Z';
- when 'W' => return 'W';
- when 'L' => return 'L';
- when 'H' => return 'H';
- when '-' => return '-';
- end case;
- end to_char;
- function to_char (data : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return character is
- begin
- case data is
- when x"0" => return '0';
- when x"1" => return '1';
- when x"2" => return '2';
- when x"3" => return '3';
- when x"4" => return '4';
- when x"5" => return '5';
- when x"6" => return '6';
- when x"7" => return '7';
- when x"8" => return '8';
- when x"9" => return '9';
- when x"A" => return 'A';
- when x"B" => return 'B';
- when x"C" => return 'C';
- when x"D" => return 'D';
- when x"E" => return 'E';
- when x"F" => return 'F';
- when others => return 'X';
- end case;
- end to_char;
- function to_string (data : in std_logic) return string is
- variable str : string(1 to 1);
- begin
- str(1) := to_char(data);
- return str;
- end function to_string;
- function to_string (data : in std_logic_vector) return string is
- variable v_str : string (1 to data'length);
- variable v_str_index : positive := 1;
- begin
- for i in data'range loop
- v_str(v_str_index) := to_char(data(i));
- v_str_index := v_str_index + 1;
- end loop;
- return v_str;
- end function to_string;
- end package body StringP;