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New Wishbone checks; Fix illegal PSL property

* A lot of new checks are added to WishboneCheckerE unit
  trying to implement the rules of the Wishbone spec.
* An illegal use of the suffix implication instead of logical
  implicationis fixed in WishboneMasterE unit
T. Meissner 6 years ago
5 changed files with 53 additions and 15 deletions
  1. +46
  2. +1
  3. +2
  4. +1
  5. +3

+ 46
- 8
syn/WishBoneCheckerE.vhd View File

@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ entity WishBoneCheckerE is
--+ wishbone inputs
WbSDat_i : in std_logic_vector;
WbSAck_i : in std_logic;
WbSErr_i : in std_logic
WbSErr_i : in std_logic;
WbRty_i : in std_logic
end entity WishBoneCheckerE;
@ -33,10 +34,10 @@ begin
-- Wishbone protocol checks
-- psl property initialize(boolean init_state) is
-- psl property initialize_interface (boolean init_state) is
-- always ({WbRst_i} |=> {init_state[+] && {WbRst_i[*]; not(WbRst_i)}});
-- psl RULE_3_00 : assert initialize(not(WbMCyc_i) and not(WbMStb_i) and not(WbMWe_i))
-- psl RULE_3_00 : assert initialize_interface (not(WbMCyc_i) and not(WbMStb_i) and not(WbMWe_i))
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.00 violated";
-- psl property reset_signal is
@ -45,11 +46,48 @@ begin
-- psl RULE_3_05 : assert reset_signal
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.05 violated";
-- -- psl property master_cycle_signal(boolean master_strobe, master_cyc) is
-- -- always {master_strobe} |-> {master_cyc[+] && {not(master_strobe)[->]:WbClk_i}};
-- --
-- -- psl RULE_3_25 : assert master_cycle_signal(WbMStb_i, WbMCyc_i)
-- -- report "Wishbone rule 3.25 violated";
-- psl property CYC_O_signal is
-- always {not(WbMStb_i); WbMStb_i} |-> {(WbMCyc_i and WbMStb_i)[+]; not(WbMStb_i)};
-- psl RULE_3_25 : assert CYC_O_signal
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.25 violated";
-- psl property slave_no_response is
-- always not(WbMCyc_i) -> not(WbSAck_i) and not(WbSErr_i);
-- psl property slave_response_to_master is
-- always {not(WbMStb_i); WbMStb_i} |->
-- {{(WbMStb_i and not(WbSAck_i))[*];
-- WbMStb_i and WbSAck_i;
-- not(WbMStb_i)} |
-- {(WbMStb_i and not(WbSErr_i))[*];
-- WbMStb_i and WbSErr_i;
-- not(WbMStb_i)} |
-- {(WbMStb_i and not(WbRty_i))[*];
-- WbMStb_i and WbRty_i;
-- not(WbMStb_i)}
-- };
-- psl RULE_3_30_0 : assert slave_no_response
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.30_0 violated";
-- psl RULE_3_30_1 : assert slave_response_to_master
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.30_0 violated";
-- psl property slave_response is
-- always {not(WbMStb_i); WbMCyc_i and WbMStb_i} |->
-- {not(WbSAck_i or WbSErr_i or WbRty_i)[*]; WbSAck_i or WbSErr_i or WbRty_i};
-- psl RULE_3_35 : assert slave_response
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.35 violated";
-- psl property response_signals is
-- never ((WbSErr_i and WbRty_i) or (WbSErr_i and WbSAck_i) or (WbSAck_i and WbRty_i));
-- psl RULE_3_45 : assert response_signals
-- report "Wishbone rule 3.45 violated";
-- -- psl property slave_negated_response is
end architecture check;

+ 1
- 1
syn/WishBoneMasterE.vhd View File

@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ begin
-- report "WB master: Write error";
-- psl WB_READ : assert always
-- ((not(WbCyc_o) and not(WbStb_o) and LocalRen_i and not(LocalWen_i)) |->
-- ((not(WbCyc_o) and not(WbStb_o) and LocalRen_i and not(LocalWen_i)) ->
-- next (WbCyc_o = '1' and WbStb_o = '1' and WbWe_o = '0')) abort WbRst_i
-- report "WB master: Read error";

+ 2
- 1
syn/WishBoneP.vhd View File

@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ package WishBoneP is
--+ wishbone inputs
WbSDat_i : in std_logic_vector;
WbSAck_i : in std_logic;
WbSErr_i : in std_logic
WbSErr_i : in std_logic;
WbRty_i : in std_logic
end component WishBoneCheckerE;

+ 1
- 1
test/Makefile View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ spi: spit
ghdl -r --std=$(VHD_STD) $@t --wave=$@t.ghw
wishbonet: OsvvmContext.o AssertP.o SimP.o QueueP.o DictP.o UtilsP.o \
wishbonet: OsvvmContext.o AssertP.o SimP.o QueueP.o DictP.o UtilsP.o $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneCheckerE.vhd \
$(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneP.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneMasterE.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneSlaveE.vhd WishBoneT.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) -fpsl $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneP.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) -fpsl $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneCheckerE.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneMasterE.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneSlaveE.vhd

+ 3
- 4
test/WishBoneT.vhd View File

@ -236,7 +236,6 @@ begin
WbSlaveLocalP : process is
variable v_data : std_logic_vector(s_slave_local_din'range);
wait until rising_edge(s_wb_clk);
if (s_wb_reset = '1') then
@ -248,8 +247,7 @@ begin
WB_SLAVE_REG : assert sv_wb_slave_dict.hasKey(slv_to_uint(s_slave_local_adress))
report "ERROR: Requested register at addr 0x" & to_hstring(s_slave_local_adress) & " not written before"
severity failure;
sv_wb_slave_dict.get(slv_to_uint(s_slave_local_adress), v_data);
s_slave_local_din <= v_data;
s_slave_local_din <= sv_wb_slave_dict.get(slv_to_uint(s_slave_local_adress));
end if;
end if;
end process WbSlaveLocalP;
@ -269,7 +267,8 @@ i_WishBoneChecker : WishBoneCheckerE
--+ wishbone inputs
WbSDat_i => s_wishbone.RDat,
WbSAck_i => s_wishbone.Ack,
WbSErr_i => s_wishbone.Err
WbSErr_i => s_wishbone.Err,
WbRty_i => '0'
