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-- File Name: VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd
-- Design Unit Name: VendorCovApiPkg
-- Revision: ALDEC VERSION
-- Maintainer:
-- Package Defines
-- A set of foreign procedures that link OSVVM's CoveragePkg
-- coverage model creation and coverage capture with the
-- built-in capability of a simulator.
-- Revision History: For more details, see CoveragePkg_release_notes.pdf
-- Date Version Description
-- 11/2016: 2016.11 Initial revision
-- 12/2016 2016.11a Fixed an issue with attributes
-- Copyright (c) 2016 by Aldec. All rights reserved.
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and
-- distributed without restriction.
-- Modified copies of this source file may be distributed
-- under the terms of the ARTISTIC License as published by
-- The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of the License,
-- or (at your option) any later version.
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details.
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source.
-- If not download it from,
-- --
package VendorCovApiPkg is
subtype VendorCovHandleType is integer;
-- Types for how coverage bins are represented. Matches OSVVM types.
type VendorCovRangeType is record
min: integer;
max: integer;
end record;
type VendorCovRangeArrayType is array ( integer range <> ) of VendorCovRangeType;
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Point/Item Functional Coverage Model
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available
impure function VendorCovPointCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType;
attribute foreign of VendorCovPointCreate[ string return VendorCovHandleType ]: function is "VHPI systf; cvg_CvpCreate";
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Cross Functional Coverage Model
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available
impure function VendorCovCrossCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType;
attribute foreign of VendorCovCrossCreate[ string return VendorCovHandleType ]: function is "VHPI systf; cvg_CrCreate";
-- Sets/Updates the name of the Coverage Model.
-- Should not be called until the data structure is created by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate.
-- Replaces name that was set by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate.
procedure VendorCovSetName( obj: VendorCovHandleType; name: string );
attribute foreign of VendorCovSetName[ VendorCovHandleType, string ]: procedure is "VHPI systf; cvg_SetCoverName";
-- Add a bin or set of bins to either a Point/Item or Cross Functional Coverage Model
-- Checking for sizing that is different from original sizing already done in OSVVM CoveragePkg
-- It is important to maintain an index that corresponds to the order the bins were entered as
-- that is used when coverage is recorded.
procedure VendorCovBinAdd( obj: VendorCovHandleType; bins: VendorCovRangeArrayType; Action: integer; atleast: integer; name: string );
attribute foreign of VendorCovBinAdd[ VendorCovHandleType, VendorCovRangeArrayType, integer, integer, string ]: procedure is "VHPI systf; cvg_CvpCrBinCreate";
-- Increment the coverage of bin identified by index number.
-- Index ranges from 1 to Number of Bins.
-- Index corresponds to the order the bins were entered (starting from 1)
procedure VendorCovBinInc( obj: VendorCovHandleType; index: integer );
attribute foreign of VendorCovBinInc[ VendorCovHandleType, integer ]: procedure is "VHPI systf; cvg_CvpCrBinIncr";
-- Action (integer):
-- constant COV_COUNT : integer := 1;
-- constant COV_IGNORE : integer := 0;
-- constant COV_ILLEGAL : integer := -1;
end package;
package body VendorCovApiPkg is
-- Replace any existing package body for this package
end package body VendorCovApiPkg ;