// configuration values
l = 27; // distance between ground and inner clip
h = 7; // height of clip
t = 5; // thickness of clip
w = 90; // width of ground plate
fs = 8; // font size
// internal variables, not change these
in = 35 / 2;
out = in + t;
d = l + in;
content = "TM";
font = "Droid Sans Mono Bold";
difference() {
union() {
difference() {
difference() {
cylinder(r1=out, r2=out, h=h, $fn=50);
cylinder(r1=in, r2=in, h=h, $fn=50);
translate([0,33,0]) cylinder(r1=25, r2=25, h=h);
translate([-w/2,-d,0]) {
cube(size = [w,7,h+5]);
difference() {
translate([-fs,-d+7,0]) cube(size=[fs*2,d-7-in+2,h]);
translate([0,1,0]) cylinder(r=out, h=h);
rotate([0,0,90]) {
translate ([-d+9,-fs/2,h]) {
linear_extrude(height=1.5) {
text(content, font=font, size=fs);
translate([-(w/2-6),-d+7,(h+5)/2]) rotate([90]) cylinder(h=3, r1=3.5, r2=0, $fn=20);
translate([w/2-6,-d+7,(h+5)/2]) rotate([90]) cylinder(h=3, r1=3.5, r2=0, $fn=20);