- with Ada.Text_IO;
- with bcm2835_h;
- with RaspiLcd;
- procedure raspitest is
- package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
- package LCD renames RaspiLcd;
- begin
- if integer(bcm2835_h.bcm2835_init) = 0 then
- IO.Put_Line("Error while initializing BCM2835 library");
- else
- LCD.io_init;
- LCD.lcd_init;
- LCD.lcd_picture(xpos => 0, ypos => 0);
- bcm2835_h.bcm2835_delay(5000);
- LCD.lcd_clear;
- LCD.lcd_ascii57_string(xpos => 0, ypos => 0, data => "raspiFPGA 0.1");
- LCD.lcd_ascii57_string(xpos => 0, ypos => 1, data => "(c) raspiDEV 2013");
- -- close library
- if integer(bcm2835_h.bcm2835_close) = 0 then
- IO.Put_Line("Error while closing BCM2835 library");
- end if;
- end if;
- end raspitest;