Various projects using Raspberry Pi
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10 years ago
  1. with Interfaces;
  2. use Interfaces;
  3. with Interfaces.C;
  4. use Interfaces.C;
  5. with Interfaces.C.extensions;
  6. use Interfaces.C.extensions;
  7. with bcm2835_h;
  8. use bcm2835_h;
  9. with Ada.Text_IO;
  10. use Ada.Text_IO;
  11. package body st7565lcd is
  12. procedure io_init is
  13. begin
  14. bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_CS, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP));
  15. bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_RST, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP));
  16. bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_A0, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP));
  17. bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_CLK, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP));
  18. bcm2835_gpio_fsel(pin => LCD_SI, mode => unsigned_char(BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP));
  19. end io_init;
  20. procedure lcd_init is
  21. begin
  22. -- reset
  23. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  24. bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1));
  25. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_RST, on => unsigned_char(LOW));
  26. bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1));
  27. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_RST, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  28. bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1));
  29. -- init routine
  30. for index in lcd_init_data'range loop
  31. lcd_transfer_data(value => lcd_init_data(index), si => false);
  32. end loop;
  33. lcd_clear;
  34. end lcd_init;
  35. -- display strings on the lcd at a given position
  36. -- data is a string with any allowed range
  37. -- for strings not beginning at 0 we have to decrement the index
  38. -- variable for xpos by the value of the range begin, so we get
  39. -- for xpos a range from (xpos + 0 .. xpos + number of char in string)
  40. procedure lcd_ascii57_string (xpos : natural; ypos : natural; data : string) is
  41. begin
  42. for index in data'range loop
  43. lcd_ascii57(xpos => xpos + (index - data'first) * 6, ypos => ypos, data => character'val(character'pos(data(index))));
  44. end loop;
  45. end lcd_ascii57_string;
  46. procedure lcd_ascii57 (xpos : natural; ypos : natural; data : character) is
  47. begin
  48. lcd_set_page(page => ypos, column => xpos);
  49. -- write one 5x7 char
  50. for index in 0..4 loop
  51. lcd_transfer_data(value => font_5x7(character'pos(data))(index), si => true);
  52. end loop;
  53. -- one free column between chars
  54. lcd_transfer_data(value => 16#00#, si => true);
  55. end lcd_ascii57;
  56. procedure lcd_picture (xpos : natural; ypos: natural; picture : t_lcd_array) is
  57. begin
  58. for outdex in 0..7 loop
  59. lcd_set_page(page => ypos + outdex, column => xpos);
  60. for index in (128 * outdex) .. (128 * (outdex + 1) - 1) loop
  61. lcd_transfer_data(value => picture(index), si => true);
  62. end loop;
  63. end loop;
  64. end lcd_picture;
  65. procedure lcd_clear is
  66. begin
  67. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(LOW));
  68. for outdex in 0..7 loop
  69. lcd_set_page(page => outdex, column => 0);
  70. for index in 0..128 loop
  71. lcd_transfer_data(value => 16#00#, si => true);
  72. end loop;
  73. end loop;
  74. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  75. end lcd_clear;
  76. procedure lcd_transfer_data (value : byte; si : boolean) is
  77. begin
  78. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(LOW));
  79. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CLK, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  80. if si then
  81. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_A0, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  82. else
  83. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_A0, on => unsigned_char(LOW));
  84. end if;
  85. lcd_byte(value);
  86. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CS, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  87. end lcd_transfer_data;
  88. procedure lcd_set_page (page : natural; column : natural) is
  89. lsb : byte := byte(column + 1) and 16#0f#;
  90. msb : byte := byte(column + 1) and 16#f0#;
  91. page_int : byte := byte(page) or 16#b0#;
  92. begin
  93. msb := Shift_Right(msb, 4);
  94. msb := msb or 16#10#;
  95. lcd_transfer_data(value => page_int, si => false);
  96. lcd_transfer_data(value => msb, si => false);
  97. lcd_transfer_data(value => lsb, si => false);
  98. null;
  99. end lcd_set_page;
  100. procedure lcd_byte (data : byte) is
  101. data_int : byte := data;
  102. begin
  103. for index in 0..7 loop
  104. bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1));
  105. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CLK, on => unsigned_char(LOW));
  106. if (data_int and 16#80#) = 16#80# then
  107. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_SI, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  108. else
  109. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_SI, on => unsigned_char(LOW));
  110. end if;
  111. data_int := Shift_Left(data_int, 1);
  112. bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(unsigned_long_long(1));
  113. bcm2835_gpio_write(pin => LCD_CLK, on => unsigned_char(HIGH));
  114. end loop;
  115. end lcd_byte;
  116. function bmp_to_lcd (bmp_picture : t_bmp_picture) return t_lcd_array is
  117. lcd : t_lcd_array := (others => 16#00#);
  118. logic : byte;
  119. begin
  120. for aussen in 0 .. 7 loop
  121. logic := 16#01#;
  122. for outdex in 0 .. 7 loop
  123. for index in 0 .. 127 loop
  124. if (( * 1024 + outdex * 128 + index)(which_byte( or
  125. * 1024 + outdex * 128 + index)(which_byte( or
  126. * 1024 + outdex * 128 + index)(which_byte( < 16#88#) then
  127. lcd(aussen * 128 + index) := lcd(aussen * 128 + index) or logic;
  128. end if;
  129. end loop;
  130. logic := Shift_Left(logic, 1);
  131. end loop;
  132. end loop;
  133. return lcd;
  134. end bmp_to_lcd;
  135. function which_byte (data : dword) return integer is
  136. begin
  137. case data is
  138. when 16#000000FF# =>
  139. return 0;
  140. when 16#0000FF00# =>
  141. return 1;
  142. when 16#00FF0000# =>
  143. return 2;
  144. when 16#FF000000# =>
  145. return 3;
  146. when others =>
  147. raise mask_exception;
  148. end case;
  149. end which_byte;
  150. -- read_bmp : read a bmp file in t_bmp_picture record
  151. procedure read_bmp (file : in Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.File_Type;
  152. file_access : access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
  153. bmp_picture : in out t_bmp_picture) is
  154. begin
  155. -- read header
  156. t_bmp_header'Read(file_access, bmp_picture.header);
  157. -- check for valid header
  158. if (abs bmp_picture.header.biHeight /= 64 or bmp_picture.header.biWidth /= 128 or
  159. (bmp_picture.header.biCompression /= 0 and bmp_picture.header.biCompression /= 3) or
  160. bmp_picture.header.biBitCount /= 32) then
  161. raise bmp_exception;
  162. end if;
  163. -- get color map if existing
  164. if bmp_picture.header.biCompression = 3 then
  165. t_color_mask'Read(file_access, bmp_picture.mask);
  166. end if;
  167. -- read in image data
  168. if bmp_picture.header.biHeight < 0 then
  169. -- top-down pixel matrix
  170. for index in'range loop
  171. if not Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.End_Of_File(file) then
  172. t_byte_array'Read(file_access,;
  173. end if;
  174. end loop;
  175. else
  176. -- bottom-top pixel matrix
  177. for row in reverse 0 .. 63 loop
  178. for column in 0 .. 127 loop
  179. if not Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.End_Of_File(file) then
  180. t_byte_array'Read(file_access, * 128 + column));
  181. end if;
  182. end loop;
  183. end loop;
  184. end if;
  185. end read_bmp;
  186. end st7565lcd;