Various projects using Raspberry Pi
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261 lines
18 KiB

10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. with Interfaces;
  2. with Interfaces.C;
  3. package st7565lcd is
  4. -- type definitions
  5. subtype byte is Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
  6. subtype word is Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
  7. subtype dword is Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
  8. type t_byte_array is array (natural range <>) of byte;
  9. type t_font_array is array (natural range <>) of t_byte_array (0 .. 4);
  10. type t_bmp_array is array (natural range <>) of t_byte_array (0 .. 3);
  11. subtype t_lcd_array is t_byte_array (0 .. 128 * 8 - 1);
  12. -- bmp header structure
  13. type t_bmp_header is record
  14. bfType : word;
  15. bfSize : dword;
  16. bfReserved : dword;
  17. bfOffBits : dword;
  18. biSize : dword;
  19. biWidth : integer;
  20. biHeight : integer;
  21. biPlanes : word;
  22. biBitCount : word;
  23. biCompression : dword;
  24. biSizeImage : dword;
  25. biXPelsPerMeter : integer;
  26. biYPelsPerMeter : integer;
  27. biClrUsed : dword;
  28. biClrImportant : dword;
  29. end record;
  30. -- color mask
  31. type t_color_mask is record
  32. red : dword := 16#00FF0000#;
  33. green : dword := 16#0000FF00#;
  34. blue : dword := 16#000000FF#;
  35. alpha : dword := 16#FF000000#;
  36. end record;
  37. -- character set
  38. font_5x7 : constant t_font_array (32 .. 126) := (
  39. ( 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- - 16#20 - 32
  40. ( 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#5f#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- ! - 16#21 - 33
  41. ( 16#00#, 16#07#, 16#00#, 16#07#, 16#00# ), -- " - 16#22 - 34
  42. ( 16#14#, 16#7f#, 16#14#, 16#7f#, 16#14# ), -- # - 16#23 - 35
  43. ( 16#24#, 16#2a#, 16#7f#, 16#2a#, 16#12# ), -- $ - 16#24 - 36
  44. ( 16#23#, 16#13#, 16#08#, 16#64#, 16#62# ), -- % - 16#25 - 37
  45. ( 16#36#, 16#49#, 16#55#, 16#22#, 16#50# ), -- & - 16#26 - 38
  46. ( 16#00#, 16#05#, 16#03#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- ' - 16#27 - 39
  47. ( 16#00#, 16#1c#, 16#22#, 16#41#, 16#00# ), -- ( - 16#28 - 40
  48. ( 16#00#, 16#41#, 16#22#, 16#1c#, 16#00# ), -- ) - 16#29 - 41
  49. ( 16#14#, 16#08#, 16#3e#, 16#08#, 16#14# ), -- * - 16#2a - 42
  50. ( 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#3e#, 16#08#, 16#08# ), -- + - 16#2b - 43
  51. ( 16#00#, 16#50#, 16#30#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- , - 16#2c - 44
  52. ( 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#08# ), -- - - 16#2d - 45
  53. ( 16#00#, 16#60#, 16#60#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- . - 16#2e - 46
  54. ( 16#20#, 16#10#, 16#08#, 16#04#, 16#02# ), -- / - 16#2f - 47
  55. ( 16#3e#, 16#51#, 16#49#, 16#45#, 16#3e# ), -- 0 - 16#30 - 48
  56. ( 16#00#, 16#42#, 16#7f#, 16#40#, 16#00# ), -- 1 - 16#31 - 49
  57. ( 16#42#, 16#61#, 16#51#, 16#49#, 16#46# ), -- 2 - 16#32 - 50
  58. ( 16#21#, 16#41#, 16#45#, 16#4b#, 16#31# ), -- 3 - 16#33 - 51
  59. ( 16#18#, 16#14#, 16#12#, 16#7f#, 16#10# ), -- 4 - 16#34 - 52
  60. ( 16#27#, 16#45#, 16#45#, 16#45#, 16#39# ), -- 5 - 16#35 - 53
  61. ( 16#3c#, 16#4a#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#30# ), -- 6 - 16#36 - 54
  62. ( 16#01#, 16#71#, 16#09#, 16#05#, 16#03# ), -- 7 - 16#37 - 55
  63. ( 16#36#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#36# ), -- 8 - 16#38 - 56
  64. ( 16#06#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#29#, 16#1e# ), -- 9 - 16#39 - 57
  65. ( 16#00#, 16#36#, 16#36#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- : - 16#3a - 58
  66. ( 16#00#, 16#56#, 16#36#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- ; - 16#3b - 59
  67. ( 16#08#, 16#14#, 16#22#, 16#41#, 16#00# ), -- < - 16#3c - 60
  68. ( 16#14#, 16#14#, 16#14#, 16#14#, 16#14# ), -- = - 16#3d - 61
  69. ( 16#00#, 16#41#, 16#22#, 16#14#, 16#08# ), -- > - 16#3e - 62
  70. ( 16#02#, 16#01#, 16#51#, 16#09#, 16#06# ), -- ? - 16#3f - 63
  71. ( 16#32#, 16#49#, 16#79#, 16#41#, 16#3e# ), -- @ - 16#40 - 64
  72. ( 16#7e#, 16#11#, 16#11#, 16#11#, 16#7e# ), -- A - 16#41 - 65
  73. ( 16#7f#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#36# ), -- B - 16#42 - 66
  74. ( 16#3e#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#22# ), -- C - 16#43 - 67
  75. ( 16#7f#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#22#, 16#1c# ), -- D - 16#44 - 68
  76. ( 16#7f#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#41# ), -- E - 16#45 - 69
  77. ( 16#7f#, 16#09#, 16#09#, 16#09#, 16#01# ), -- F - 16#46 - 70
  78. ( 16#3e#, 16#41#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#7a# ), -- G - 16#47 - 71
  79. ( 16#7f#, 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#7f# ), -- H - 16#48 - 72
  80. ( 16#00#, 16#41#, 16#7f#, 16#41#, 16#00# ), -- I - 16#49 - 73
  81. ( 16#20#, 16#40#, 16#41#, 16#3f#, 16#01# ), -- J - 16#4a - 74
  82. ( 16#7f#, 16#08#, 16#14#, 16#22#, 16#41# ), -- K - 16#4b - 75
  83. ( 16#7f#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#40# ), -- L - 16#4c - 76
  84. ( 16#7f#, 16#02#, 16#0c#, 16#02#, 16#7f# ), -- M - 16#4d - 77
  85. ( 16#7f#, 16#04#, 16#08#, 16#10#, 16#7f# ), -- N - 16#4e - 78
  86. ( 16#3e#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#3e# ), -- O - 16#4f - 79
  87. ( 16#7f#, 16#09#, 16#09#, 16#09#, 16#06# ), -- P - 16#50 - 80
  88. ( 16#3e#, 16#41#, 16#51#, 16#21#, 16#5e# ), -- Q - 16#51 - 81
  89. ( 16#7f#, 16#09#, 16#19#, 16#29#, 16#46# ), -- R - 16#52 - 82
  90. ( 16#46#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#49#, 16#31# ), -- S - 16#53 - 83
  91. ( 16#01#, 16#01#, 16#7f#, 16#01#, 16#01# ), -- T - 16#54 - 84
  92. ( 16#3f#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#3f# ), -- U - 16#55 - 85
  93. ( 16#1f#, 16#20#, 16#40#, 16#20#, 16#1f# ), -- V - 16#56 - 86
  94. ( 16#3f#, 16#40#, 16#38#, 16#40#, 16#3f# ), -- W - 16#57 - 87
  95. ( 16#63#, 16#14#, 16#08#, 16#14#, 16#63# ), -- X - 16#58 - 88
  96. ( 16#07#, 16#08#, 16#70#, 16#08#, 16#07# ), -- Y - 16#59 - 89
  97. ( 16#61#, 16#51#, 16#49#, 16#45#, 16#43# ), -- Z - 16#5a - 90
  98. ( 16#00#, 16#7f#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#00# ), -- [ - 16#5b - 91
  99. ( 16#02#, 16#04#, 16#08#, 16#10#, 16#20# ), -- \ - 16#5c - 92
  100. ( 16#00#, 16#41#, 16#41#, 16#7f#, 16#00# ), -- ] - 16#5d - 93
  101. ( 16#04#, 16#02#, 16#01#, 16#02#, 16#04# ), -- ^ - 16#5e - 94
  102. ( 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#40# ), -- _ - 16#5f - 95
  103. ( 16#00#, 16#01#, 16#02#, 16#04#, 16#00# ), -- ` - 16#60 - 96
  104. ( 16#20#, 16#54#, 16#54#, 16#54#, 16#78# ), -- a - 16#61 - 97
  105. ( 16#7f#, 16#48#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#38# ), -- b - 16#62 - 98
  106. ( 16#38#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#20# ), -- c - 16#63 - 99
  107. ( 16#38#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#48#, 16#7f# ), -- d - 16#64 - 100
  108. ( 16#38#, 16#54#, 16#54#, 16#54#, 16#18# ), -- e - 16#65 - 101
  109. ( 16#08#, 16#7e#, 16#09#, 16#01#, 16#02# ), -- f - 16#66 - 102
  110. ( 16#38#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#54#, 16#34# ), -- g - 16#67 - 103
  111. ( 16#7f#, 16#08#, 16#04#, 16#04#, 16#78# ), -- h - 16#68 - 104
  112. ( 16#00#, 16#44#, 16#7d#, 16#40#, 16#00# ), -- i - 16#69 - 105
  113. ( 16#20#, 16#40#, 16#44#, 16#3d#, 16#00# ), -- j - 16#6a - 106
  114. ( 16#7f#, 16#10#, 16#28#, 16#44#, 16#00# ), -- k - 16#6b - 107
  115. ( 16#00#, 16#41#, 16#7f#, 16#40#, 16#00# ), -- l - 16#6c - 108
  116. ( 16#7c#, 16#04#, 16#18#, 16#04#, 16#78# ), -- m - 16#6d - 109
  117. ( 16#7c#, 16#08#, 16#04#, 16#04#, 16#78# ), -- n - 16#6e - 110
  118. ( 16#38#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#44#, 16#38# ), -- o - 16#6f - 111
  119. ( 16#7c#, 16#14#, 16#14#, 16#14#, 16#08# ), -- p - 16#70 - 112
  120. ( 16#08#, 16#14#, 16#14#, 16#18#, 16#7c# ), -- q - 16#71 - 113
  121. ( 16#7c#, 16#08#, 16#04#, 16#04#, 16#08# ), -- r - 16#72 - 114
  122. ( 16#48#, 16#54#, 16#54#, 16#54#, 16#20# ), -- s - 16#73 - 115
  123. ( 16#04#, 16#3f#, 16#44#, 16#40#, 16#20# ), -- t - 16#74 - 116
  124. ( 16#3c#, 16#40#, 16#40#, 16#20#, 16#7c# ), -- u - 16#75 - 117
  125. ( 16#1c#, 16#20#, 16#40#, 16#20#, 16#1c# ), -- v - 16#76 - 118
  126. ( 16#3c#, 16#40#, 16#30#, 16#40#, 16#3c# ), -- w - 16#77 - 119
  127. ( 16#44#, 16#28#, 16#10#, 16#28#, 16#44# ), -- x - 16#78 - 120
  128. ( 16#0c#, 16#50#, 16#50#, 16#50#, 16#3c# ), -- y - 16#79 - 121
  129. ( 16#44#, 16#64#, 16#54#, 16#4c#, 16#44# ), -- z - 16#7a - 122
  130. ( 16#00#, 16#08#, 16#36#, 16#41#, 16#00# ), -- { - 16#7b - 123
  131. ( 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#7f#, 16#00#, 16#00# ), -- | - 16#7c - 124
  132. ( 16#00#, 16#41#, 16#36#, 16#08#, 16#00# ), -- } - 16#7d - 125
  133. ( 16#10#, 16#08#, 16#08#, 16#10#, 16#08# ) -- ~ - 16#7e - 126
  134. );
  135. -- raspberry picture
  136. raspberry : constant t_lcd_array := (
  137. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 1. row
  138. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 1. row
  139. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#F0#,16#F8#,16#58#,16#1C#,16#1C#,16#0C#,16#0C#,16#06#,16#86#,16#86#,16#86#,16#0E#, -- 1. row
  140. 16#0E#,16#06#,16#0E#,16#1E#,16#1C#,16#1C#,16#0C#,16#3C#,16#38#,16#78#,16#F0#,16#E0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#E0#,16#70#, -- 1. row
  141. 16#38#,16#18#,16#1C#,16#1C#,16#0C#,16#0E#,16#0E#,16#0E#,16#0E#,16#0E#,16#0E#,16#86#,16#86#,16#06#,16#04#,16#0C#, -- 1. row
  142. 16#0C#,16#18#,16#F8#,16#F8#,16#F8#,16#F0#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 1. row
  143. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 1. row
  144. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 1. row
  145. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 2. row
  146. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 2. row
  147. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#03#,16#0F#,16#3F#,16#7C#,16#F0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#00#,16#01#,16#01#, -- 2. row
  148. 16#03#,16#02#,16#06#,16#04#,16#04#,16#1C#,16#B8#,16#F0#,16#E0#,16#70#,16#30#,16#1F#,16#0F#,16#0F#,16#3F#,16#30#, -- 2. row
  149. 16#F0#,16#E0#,16#B0#,16#18#,16#08#,16#0C#,16#04#,16#06#,16#02#,16#01#,16#01#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#C0#, -- 2. row
  150. 16#F0#,16#F8#,16#7F#,16#1F#,16#07#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 2. row
  151. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 2. row
  152. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 2. row
  153. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 3. row
  154. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 3. row
  155. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#80#,16#E0#,16#F3#,16#33#,16#3F#,16#1F#,16#1E#,16#0E#,16#0E#, -- 3. row
  156. 16#0C#,16#0C#,16#EC#,16#EC#,16#EE#,16#BE#,16#0F#,16#0F#,16#07#,16#06#,16#02#,16#02#,16#02#,16#02#,16#02#,16#06#, -- 3. row
  157. 16#06#,16#0F#,16#0F#,16#BE#,16#EE#,16#CC#,16#8C#,16#0C#,16#0C#,16#0C#,16#0E#,16#1E#,16#1E#,16#3F#,16#73#,16#E1#, -- 3. row
  158. 16#C1#,16#00#,16#36#,16#25#,16#55#,16#5D#,16#49#,16#6D#,16#32#,16#0C#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 3. row
  159. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 3. row
  160. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 3. row
  161. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 4. row
  162. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 4. row
  163. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#80#,16#C0#,16#E0#,16#70#,16#7F#,16#7F#,16#3F#,16#FC#,16#FC#,16#FC#,16#3C#,16#1C#,16#0E#, -- 4. row
  164. 16#07#,16#07#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#02#,16#06#,16#0E#,16#1C#,16#FC#,16#FC#,16#FC#,16#3C#,16#0E#, -- 4. row
  165. 16#06#,16#02#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#07#,16#06#,16#0C#,16#18#,16#78#,16#F0#,16#F0#,16#33#, -- 4. row
  166. 16#7F#,16#7F#,16#70#,16#F0#,16#C0#,16#80#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 4. row
  167. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 4. row
  168. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 4. row
  169. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 5. row
  170. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 5. row
  171. 16#00#,16#00#,16#FF#,16#FF#,16#83#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#C0#,16#FF#,16#FF#,16#F0#,16#F0#,16#F0#,16#80#, -- 5. row
  172. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#80#,16#80#,16#C0#,16#60#,16#78#,16#7F#,16#7F#,16#7F#,16#7C#,16#70#, -- 5. row
  173. 16#E0#,16#C0#,16#80#,16#80#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#80#,16#80#,16#C0#,16#E0#,16#FF#,16#FF#,16#C0#, -- 5. row
  174. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#C3#,16#FF#,16#FE#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 5. row
  175. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 5. row
  176. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 5. row
  177. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 6. row
  178. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 6. row
  179. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#03#,16#0F#,16#3E#,16#FC#,16#FC#,16#0E#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#03#,16#07#,16#07#,16#0F#, -- 6. row
  180. 16#1F#,16#3F#,16#7F#,16#FF#,16#FF#,16#07#,16#01#,16#01#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 6. row
  181. 16#00#,16#00#,16#01#,16#03#,16#FF#,16#FF#,16#7F#,16#1F#,16#0F#,16#07#,16#07#,16#03#,16#01#,16#01#,16#01#,16#01#, -- 6. row
  182. 16#03#,16#FE#,16#FE#,16#7E#,16#07#,16#03#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 6. row
  183. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 6. row
  184. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 6. row
  185. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 7. row
  186. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 7. row
  187. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#01#,16#07#,16#1F#,16#3C#,16#78#,16#70#,16#E0#,16#E0#,16#E0#,16#C0#, -- 7. row
  188. 16#C0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#E1#,16#FF#,16#7F#,16#7F#,16#3C#,16#3C#,16#3C#,16#38#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#,16#38#, -- 7. row
  189. 16#38#,16#3C#,16#3C#,16#7F#,16#FF#,16#E1#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#C0#,16#E0#,16#60#,16#70#,16#38#,16#38#, -- 7. row
  190. 16#1E#,16#0F#,16#03#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 7. row
  191. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 7. row
  192. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 7. row
  193. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 8. row
  194. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 8. row
  195. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#01#,16#01#, -- 8. row
  196. 16#01#,16#03#,16#03#,16#07#,16#07#,16#0E#,16#18#,16#18#,16#38#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#,16#30#, -- 8. row
  197. 16#38#,16#18#,16#1C#,16#1E#,16#0F#,16#07#,16#03#,16#03#,16#01#,16#01#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 8. row
  198. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 8. row
  199. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#, -- 8. row
  200. 16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00#,16#00# -- 8. row
  201. );
  202. -- lcd init values
  203. lcd_init_data : constant t_byte_array := (
  204. 16#a0#, -- cmd8: adc select
  205. 16#c0#, -- cmd15: shl select
  206. 16#a3#, -- cmd11: lcd bias set
  207. 16#2c#, -- cmd16: power control set (vc=1, vr=0, vf=0)
  208. 16#2e#, -- cmd16: power control set (vc=1, vr=1, vf=0)
  209. 16#2f#, -- cmd16: power control set (vc=1, vr=1, vf=1)
  210. 16#26#, -- cmd17: regulator resistor select
  211. 16#60#, -- cmd2: display start line
  212. 16#a6#, -- cmd6: display normal
  213. 16#c8#, -- cmd15: common output mode select (reversed)
  214. 16#af#, -- cmd1: display on
  215. 16#a4#, -- cmd10: all points off
  216. 16#81#, -- cmd18: set volume 1st
  217. 16#18# -- cmd18: set volume 2nd (brightness)
  218. );
  219. -- pin definitions
  220. LCD_CS : constant Interfaces.C.unsigned_char := 24;
  221. LCD_RST : constant Interfaces.C.unsigned_char := 23;
  222. LCD_A0 : constant Interfaces.C.unsigned_char := 22;
  223. LCD_CLK : constant Interfaces.C.unsigned_char := 27;
  224. LCD_SI : constant Interfaces.C.unsigned_char := 17;
  225. -- procedures declarations
  226. procedure io_init;
  227. procedure lcd_init;
  228. procedure lcd_ascii57_string (xpos : natural; ypos : natural; data : string);
  229. procedure lcd_ascii57 (xpos : natural; ypos : natural; data : character);
  230. procedure lcd_picture (xpos : natural; ypos: natural; picture : t_lcd_array);
  231. procedure lcd_clear;
  232. procedure lcd_set_page (page : natural; column : natural);
  233. procedure lcd_transfer_data (value : byte; si : boolean);
  234. procedure lcd_byte (data : byte);
  235. function bmp_to_lcd (bmp : t_bmp_array; color_mask : t_color_mask) return t_lcd_array;
  236. function which_byte (data : dword) return integer;
  237. end st7565lcd;