Various projects using Raspberry Pi
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
10 years ago
  1. with Ada.Text_IO;
  2. with bcm2835_h;
  3. with st7565lcd;
  4. with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
  5. with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
  6. use Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
  7. with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
  8. procedure raspilcd is
  9. -- shorter names for packages
  10. package IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
  11. package LCD renames st7565lcd;
  12. package IOS renames Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
  13. -- definitions
  14. My_File : IOS.FILE_TYPE;
  15. My_File_Access : IOS.STREAM_ACCESS;
  16. -- picture data
  17. picture_header : LCD.t_bmp_header;
  18. color_mask : LCD.t_color_mask;
  19. picture_data : LCD.t_bmp_array (0 .. 128 * 64 - 1);
  20. -- lcd pixel array
  21. lcd_data : LCD.t_lcd_array;
  22. -- exception handling
  23. tool_info : string := "raspi-lcd version 0.1, (c) 2014 by tmeissner";
  24. usage : string := "usage: ./raspitest BMP-FILE (as root)";
  25. bmp_error : string := "error: malformed BMP-FILE (valid: 128x64, no compression, 32bpp)";
  26. cli_exception : exception;
  27. bmp_exception : exception;
  28. begin
  29. -- no picture given
  30. if Argument_Count /= 1 then
  31. raise cli_exception;
  32. end if;
  33. -- open picture file
  34. declare
  35. filename : string := Argument (1);
  36. begin
  37. IOS.Open(My_File, In_File, filename);
  38. My_File_Access := IOS.Stream(My_File);
  39. end;
  40. -- read bmp header
  41. LCD.t_bmp_header'Read(My_File_Access, picture_header);
  42. --Put_Line("Width: " & Integer'Image(picture_header.biWidth));
  43. --Put_Line("Height: " & Integer'Image(picture_header.biHeight));
  44. --Put_Line("Color Depth: " & Integer'Image(Integer(picture_header.biBitCount)));
  45. --Put_Line("Compression: " & Integer'Image(Integer(picture_header.biCompression)));
  46. -- check for valid bmp format
  47. if (abs picture_header.biHeight /= 64 or picture_header.biWidth /= 128 or
  48. (picture_header.biCompression /= 0 and picture_header.biCompression /= 3) or
  49. picture_header.biBitCount /= 32) then
  50. raise bmp_exception;
  51. end if;
  52. -- get color map if existing
  53. if picture_header.biCompression = 3 then
  54. LCD.t_color_mask'Read(My_File_Access, color_mask);
  55. end if;
  56. -- read in image data
  57. if picture_header.biHeight < 0 then
  58. -- top-down pixel matrix
  59. for index in picture_data'range loop
  60. if not IOS.End_Of_File(My_File) then
  61. LCD.t_byte_array'Read(My_File_Access, picture_data(index));
  62. end if;
  63. end loop;
  64. else
  65. -- bottom-top pixel matrix
  66. for row in reverse 0 .. 63 loop
  67. for column in 0 .. 127 loop
  68. if not IOS.End_Of_File(My_File) then
  69. LCD.t_byte_array'Read(My_File_Access, picture_data(row * 128 + column));
  70. end if;
  71. end loop;
  72. end loop;
  73. end if;
  74. -- close picture file
  75. Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Close(My_File);
  76. -- convert bmp to lcd matrix
  77. lcd_data := LCD.bmp_to_lcd(bmp => picture_data, color_mask => color_mask);
  78. -- load bcm2835 lib
  79. -- print picture and some text on lcd
  80. if integer(bcm2835_h.bcm2835_init) = 0 then
  81. IO.Put_Line("Error while initializing BCM2835 library");
  82. else
  83. LCD.io_init;
  84. LCD.lcd_init;
  85. LCD.lcd_picture(xpos => 0, ypos => 0, picture => lcd_data);
  86. bcm2835_h.bcm2835_delay(5000);
  87. LCD.lcd_clear;
  88. LCD.lcd_ascii57_string(xpos => 0, ypos => 0, data => "raspiFPGA 0.1");
  89. LCD.lcd_ascii57_string(xpos => 0, ypos => 1, data => "(c) raspiDEV 2013");
  90. -- close library
  91. if integer(bcm2835_h.bcm2835_close) = 0 then
  92. IO.Put_Line("Error while closing BCM2835 library");
  93. end if;
  94. end if;
  95. -- exception handling
  96. exception
  97. when e: cli_exception =>
  98. put_line(tool_info);
  99. put_line(usage);
  100. when e: bmp_exception =>
  101. put_line(tool_info);
  102. put_line(bmp_error);
  103. end raspilcd;