cryptography ip-cores in vhdl / verilog
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-- ======================================================================
-- AES encryption/decryption
-- Copyright (C) 2019 Torsten Meissner
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-- ======================================================================
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.aes_pkg.all;
entity aes_enc is
generic (
design_type : string := "ITER"
port (
reset_i : in std_logic; -- async reset
clk_i : in std_logic; -- clock
key_i : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); -- key input
data_i : in std_logic_vector(0 to 127); -- data input
valid_i : in std_logic; -- input key/data valid flag
accept_o : out std_logic;
data_o : out std_logic_vector(0 to 127); -- data output
valid_o : out std_logic; -- output data valid flag
accept_i : in std_logic
end entity aes_enc;
architecture rtl of aes_enc is
-- Fixed round keys for verification until key schedule is implemented
type t_key_array is array (1 to 11) of t_key;
constant c_round_keys : t_key_array := (
(x"2b7e1516", x"28aed2a6", x"abf71588", x"09cf4f3c"),
(x"a0fafe17", x"88542cb1", x"23a33939", x"2a6c7605"),
(x"f2c295f2", x"7a96b943", x"5935807a", x"7359f67f"),
(x"3d80477d", x"4716fe3e", x"1e237e44", x"6d7a883b"),
(x"ef44a541", x"a8525b7f", x"b671253b", x"db0bad00"),
(x"d4d1c6f8", x"7c839d87", x"caf2b8bc", x"11f915bc"),
(x"6d88a37a", x"110b3efd", x"dbf98641", x"ca0093fd"),
(x"4e54f70e", x"5f5fc9f3", x"84a64fb2", x"4ea6dc4f"),
(x"ead27321", x"b58dbad2", x"312bf560", x"7f8d292f"),
(x"ac7766f3", x"19fadc21", x"28d12941", x"575c006e"),
(x"d014f9a8", x"c9ee2589", x"e13f0cc8", x"b6630ca6")
signal s_round_key : t_key := (others => (others => '0'));
-- psl default clock is rising_edge(Clk_i);
IterG : if design_type = "ITER" generate
signal s_round : t_enc_rounds;
s_round_key <= c_round_keys(s_round) when s_round >= 1 and s_round <= 11 else
(others => (others => '0'));
CryptP : process (reset_i, clk_i) is
variable v_state : t_datatable2d;
if (reset_i = '0') then
v_state := (others => (others => (others => '0')));
s_round <= 0;
accept_o <= '0';
data_o <= (others => '0');
valid_o <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
case s_round is
when 0 =>
accept_o <= '1';
if (accept_o = '1' and valid_i = '1') then
accept_o <= '0';
v_state := set_state(data_i);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
end if;
when 1 =>
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
when t_enc_rounds'high-1 =>
v_state := subbytes(v_state);
v_state := shiftrow(v_state);
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
-- set data & valid to save one cycle
valid_o <= '1';
data_o <= get_state(v_state);
when t_enc_rounds'high =>
if (valid_o = '1' and accept_i = '1') then
valid_o <= '0';
data_o <= (others => '0');
s_round <= 0;
-- Set accept to save one cycle
accept_o <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
v_state := subbytes(v_state);
v_state := shiftrow(v_state);
v_state := mixcolumns(v_state);
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
end case;
end if;
end process CryptP;
-- synthesis off
verification : block is
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
s_data <= data_o when rising_edge(clk_i) else
128x"0" when reset_i = '0';
-- psl cover accept_o;
-- psl assert always (accept_o -> s_round = 0);
-- psl cover valid_i and accept_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_i and accept_o -> next not accept_o);
-- psl cover valid_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_o -> s_round = t_enc_rounds'high);
-- psl cover valid_o and accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and accept_i -> next not valid_o);
-- psl cover valid_o and not accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next valid_o);
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next data_o = s_data);
end block verification;
-- synthesis on
end generate IterG;
end architecture rtl;