- [![tests](https://github.com/tmeissner/libvhdl/workflows/tests/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/tmeissner/libvhdl/actions?query=workflow%3Atests)
- The original repository is now located on my own git-server at [https://git.goodcleanfun.de/tmeissner/libvhdl](https://git.goodcleanfun.de/tmeissner/libvhdl)
- It is mirrored to github with every push, so both should be in sync.
- # libvhdl
- A LGPL3 licensed library of reusable components for VHDL designs and testbenches.
- The intention of this library is not to realize the most optimized and highest performing code.
- Instead it serves more as an example how to implement various things in VHDL and test them efficiently.
- ## sim
- (Non-)synthesizable components for testbenches
- ##### AssertP (Deprecated, better use Alerts from OSVVM instead)
- Package with various assertion procedures.
- * `assert_true(x[, str, level])` checks if boolean x = false
- * `assert_false(x[, str, level])` checks if boolean x = false
- * `assert_equal(x, y[, str, level])` checks if x = y
- * `assert_unequal(x, y[, str, level])` checks if x /= y
- All of the assert_* procedures have following optional parameters:
- * `str` print string str to console instead implemented one
- * `level` severity level (note, warning, error, failure)
- ##### SimP
- Package with various components general useful for simulation
- * `wait_cycles(x, n)` waits for n rising edges on std_logic signal x
- * `spi_master()` configurable master for SPI protocol, supports all cpol/cpha modes
- * `spi_slave()` configurable slave for SPI protocol, supports all cpol/cpha modes
- ##### QueueP
- Generic package with various implementations of queue types:
- * `t_simple_queue` simple array based FIFO queue
- * `t_list_queue` linked list FIFO queue using access types
- ##### DictP
- Generic package with implementation of dictionary (aka associative array) type:
- * `t_dict` linked list dictionary using access types
- ## syn
- Synthesizable components for implementing in FPGA
- ##### SpiMasterE
- Configurable SPI master with support modes 0-3 and simple VAI local backend.
- ##### SpiSlaveE
- Configurable SPI slave with support modes 0-3 and simple VAI local backend.
- ##### UartTx
- Configurable UART transmitter
- ##### UartRx
- Configurable UART receiver
- ##### WishBoneMasterE
- Simple WishBone bus master with support of classic single write & read
- ##### WishBoneSlaveE
- Simple WishBone bus slave with support of classic single write & read and register backend
- ## test
- Unit tests for each component
- ##### QueueT
- Unit tests for components of QueueP package
- ##### SimT
- Unit tests for components of SimP package
- ##### SpiT
- Unit tests for SpiMasterE and SpiSlaveE components
- ##### UartT
- Unit test for UartTx and UartRx components
- ##### WishBoneT
- Unit tests for WishBoneMasterE and WishBoneSlaveE components
- ## formal
- Formal verification for selected components
- ## common
- Common utilities
- ##### UtilsP
- Common functions useful for simulation/synthesis
- * `and_reduce(x)` returns and of all items in x, collapsed to one std_logic/boolean
- * `or_reduce(x)` returns or of all items in x, collapsed to one std_logic/boolean
- * `xor_reduce(x)` returns xor of items in x, collapsed to one std_logic
- * `even_parity(x)` returns even parity of x
- * `odd_parity(x)` returns odd parity of x
- * `count_ones(x)` returns number of '1' in x
- * `one_hot(x)` returns true if x is one-hot coded, false otherwise
- * `is_unknown(x)` returns true if x contains 'U' bit, false otherwise
- * `uint_to_slv(x, l)` returns std_logic_vector (unsigned) with length l converted from x (natural)
- * `slv_to_uint(x)` returns natural converted from x (std_logic_vector) (unsigned)
- * `uint_bitsize(x)` returns number of bits needed for given x (natural)
- ## Dependencies
- To run the tests, you have to install GHDL. You can get it from
- [https://github.com/tgingold/ghdl/](https://github.com/tgingold/ghdl/). Your GHDL version should not be too old, because libvhdl needs VHDL-2008 support. So, it's best to get the latest stable release or build from latest sources.
- libvhdl uses the OSVVM library to generate random data for the unit tests. It is shipped with libvhdl as git submodule. You have to use the `--recursive` option when clone
- the libvhdl Repository to get it: `git clone --recursive https://git.goodcleanfun.de/tmeissner/libvhdl`
- Another useful tool is GTKWave, install it if you want to use the waveform files generated by some of the tests.
- ## Building
- Type `make` to do all tests. You should see the successfully running tests like this:
- ```
- $ make
- ghdl -a --std=02 ../sim/QueueP.vhd QueueT.vhd
- ghdl -e --std=02 QueueT
- ghdl -r --std=02 QueueT
- QueueT.vhd:52:5:@0ms:(report note): INFO: t_simple_queue test finished successfully
- QueueT.vhd:87:5:@0ms:(report note): INFO: t_list_queue test finished successfully
- ```