@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ | |||||
[submodule "lib/OSVVM"] | |||||
path = lib/OSVVM | |||||
url = https://github.com/OSVVM/OSVVM.git |
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ | |||||
This is a local copy of the Artistic License 2.0. | |||||
The original can be obtained here: [http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0) | |||||
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
# Artistic License 2.0 | |||||
**Copyright © 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation.** | |||||
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. | |||||
### Preamble | |||||
This license establishes the terms under which a given free software Package may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or redistributed. The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some artistic control over the development of that Package while still keeping the Package available as open source and free software. | |||||
You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this license directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package. If the terms of this license do not permit the full use that you propose to make of the Package, you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek a different licensing arrangement. | |||||
### Definitions | |||||
*"Copyright Holder"* means the individual(s) or organization(s) named in the copyright notice for the entire Package. | |||||
*"Contributor"* means any party that has contributed code or other material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's procedures. | |||||
*"You"* and *"your"* means any person who would like to copy, distribute, or modify the Package. | |||||
*"Package"* means the collection of files distributed by the Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of those files. A given Package may consist of either the Standard Version, or a Modified Version. | |||||
*"Distribute"* means providing a copy of the Package or making it accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or organization, to others outside of your company or organization. | |||||
*"Distributor Fee"* means any fee that you charge for Distributing this Package or providing support for this Package to another party. It does not mean licensing fees. | |||||
*"Standard Version"* refers to the Package if it has not been modified, or has been modified only in ways explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder. | |||||
*"Modified Version"* means the Package, if it has been changed, and such changes were not explicitly requested by the Copyright Holder. | |||||
*"Original License"* means this Artistic License as Distributed with the Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as it may be modified by The Perl Foundation in the future. | |||||
*"Source"* form means the source code, documentation source, and configuration files for the Package. | |||||
*"Compiled"* form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary, or any other form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of the Source form. | |||||
### Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution | |||||
(1) You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that you do not Distribute the Modified Version. | |||||
### Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version | |||||
(2) You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the Standard Version of this Package in any medium without restriction, either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers. At your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a Compiled form of the Package. | |||||
(3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such will be subject to the Original License. | |||||
### Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source | |||||
(4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following: | |||||
- (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright Holder may include your modifications in the Standard Version. | |||||
- (b) ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the user installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the Modified Version must bear a name that is different from the name of the Standard Version. | |||||
- (c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to make the Source form of the Modified Version available to others under | |||||
- (i) the Original License or | |||||
- (ii) a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and redistribute the Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply to the copy that the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of the Modified Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are allowed. | |||||
Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or Modified Versions without the Source | |||||
(5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to get the Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be valid at the time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you must provide new instructions on demand or cease further distribution. If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution within thirty days after you become aware that the instructions are invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your rights under this license. | |||||
(6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without the Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to the Source of the Modified Version. | |||||
### Aggregating or Linking the Package | |||||
(7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions as included in the aggregation. | |||||
(8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package. | |||||
### Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version | |||||
(9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause the Package to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the terms of this license. | |||||
### General Provisions | |||||
(10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. | |||||
(11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. | |||||
(12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. | |||||
(13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. | |||||
(14) Disclaimer of Warranty: | |||||
@ -1,672 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: MemoryPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: MemoryPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description | |||||
-- Package defines a protected type, MemoryPType, and methods | |||||
-- for efficiently implementing memory data structures | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 05/2005: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- 06/2015: 2015.06 Updated for Alerts, ... | |||||
-- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification | |||||
-- 01/2016: 2016.01 Update for buf.all(buf'left) | |||||
-- 11/2016: 2016.11 Refinement to MemRead to return value, X (if X), U (if not initialized) | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2005 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
library IEEE ; | |||||
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
use IEEE.numeric_std.all ; | |||||
use IEEE.numeric_std_unsigned.all ; | |||||
use IEEE.math_real.all ; | |||||
use work.TextUtilPkg.all ; | |||||
use work.TranscriptPkg.all ; | |||||
use work.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
package MemoryPkg is | |||||
type MemoryPType is protected | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemInit ( AddrWidth, DataWidth : in integer ) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemWrite ( Addr, Data : in std_logic_vector ) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemRead ( | |||||
Addr : in std_logic_vector ; | |||||
Data : out std_logic_vector | |||||
) ; | |||||
impure function MemRead ( Addr : std_logic_vector ) return std_logic_vector ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemErase ; | |||||
procedure deallocate ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SetAlertLogID (A : AlertLogIDType) ; | |||||
procedure SetAlertLogID (Name : string ; ParentID : AlertLogIDType := ALERTLOG_BASE_ID ; CreateHierarchy : Boolean := TRUE) ; | |||||
impure function GetAlertLogID return AlertLogIDType ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadH ( -- Hexadecimal File Read | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure FileReadH (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) ; | |||||
procedure FileReadH (FileName : string) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadB ( -- Binary File Read | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure FileReadB (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) ; | |||||
procedure FileReadB (FileName : string) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteH ( -- Hexadecimal File Write | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure FileWriteH (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) ; | |||||
procedure FileWriteH (FileName : string) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteB ( -- Binary File Write | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure FileWriteB (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) ; | |||||
procedure FileWriteB (FileName : string) ; | |||||
end protected MemoryPType ; | |||||
end MemoryPkg ; | |||||
package body MemoryPkg is | |||||
constant BLOCK_WIDTH : integer := 10 ; | |||||
type MemoryPType is protected body | |||||
type MemBlockType is array (integer range <>) of integer ; | |||||
type MemBlockPtrType is access MemBlockType ; | |||||
type MemArrayType is array (integer range <>) of MemBlockPtrType ; | |||||
type ArrayPtrVarType is access MemArrayType ; | |||||
variable ArrayPtrVar : ArrayPtrVarType := NULL ; | |||||
variable AddrWidthVar : integer := -1 ; -- set by MemInit - merges addr length and initialized checks. | |||||
variable DataWidthVar : natural := 1 ; -- set by MemInit | |||||
variable BlockkWidthVar : natural := 0 ; -- set by MemInit | |||||
variable AlertLogIDVar : AlertLogIDType := OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID ; | |||||
type FileFormatType is (BINARY, HEX) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemInit ( AddrWidth, DataWidth : In integer ) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if AddrWidth <= 0 then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemInit. AddrWidth = " & to_string(AddrWidth) & " must be > 0.", FAILURE) ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if DataWidth <= 0 then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemInit. DataWidth = " & to_string(DataWidth) & " must be > 0.", FAILURE) ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
AddrWidthVar := AddrWidth ; | |||||
DataWidthVar := DataWidth ; | |||||
BlockkWidthVar := minimum(BLOCK_WIDTH, AddrWidth) ; | |||||
ArrayPtrVar := new MemArrayType(0 to 2**(AddrWidth-BlockkWidthVar)-1) ; | |||||
end procedure MemInit ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemWrite ( Addr, Data : in std_logic_vector ) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable BlockAddr, WordAddr : integer ; | |||||
alias aAddr : std_logic_vector (Addr'length-1 downto 0) is Addr ; | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Check Bounds of Address and if memory is initialized | |||||
if Addr'length /= AddrWidthVar then | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar = NULL) then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemWrite: Memory not initialized, Write Ignored.", FAILURE) ; | |||||
else | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemWrite: Addr'length: " & to_string(Addr'length) & " /= Memory Address Width: " & to_string(AddrWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Check Bounds on Data | |||||
if Data'length /= DataWidthVar then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemWrite: Data'length: " & to_string(Data'length) & " /= Memory Data Width: " & to_string(DataWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if is_X( Addr ) then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemWrite: Address X, Write Ignored.") ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Slice out upper address to form block address | |||||
if aAddr'high >= BlockkWidthVar then | |||||
BlockAddr := to_integer(aAddr(aAddr'high downto BlockkWidthVar)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
BlockAddr := 0 ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- If empty, allocate a memory block | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr) = NULL) then | |||||
ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr) := new MemBlockType(0 to 2**BlockkWidthVar-1) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Address of a word within a block | |||||
WordAddr := to_integer(aAddr(BlockkWidthVar -1 downto 0)) ; | |||||
-- Write to BlockAddr, WordAddr | |||||
if (Is_X(Data)) then | |||||
ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr) := -1 ; | |||||
else | |||||
ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr) := to_integer( Data ) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure MemWrite ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemRead ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
Addr : In std_logic_vector ; | |||||
Data : Out std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
variable BlockAddr, WordAddr : integer ; | |||||
alias aAddr : std_logic_vector (Addr'length-1 downto 0) is Addr ; | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Check Bounds of Address and if memory is initialized | |||||
if Addr'length /= AddrWidthVar then | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar = NULL) then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemRead: Memory not initialized. Returning U", FAILURE) ; | |||||
else | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemRead: Addr'length: " & to_string(Addr'length) & " /= Memory Address Width: " & to_string(AddrWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'U') ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Check Bounds on Data | |||||
if Data'length /= DataWidthVar then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.MemRead: Data'length: " & to_string(Data'length) & " /= Memory Data Width: " & to_string(DataWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'U') ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- If Addr X, data = X | |||||
if is_X( aAddr ) then | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'X') ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Slice out upper address to form block address | |||||
if aAddr'high >= BlockkWidthVar then | |||||
BlockAddr := to_integer(aAddr(aAddr'high downto BlockkWidthVar)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
BlockAddr := 0 ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Empty Block, return all U | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr) = NULL) then | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'U') ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Address of a word within a block | |||||
WordAddr := to_integer(aAddr(BlockkWidthVar -1 downto 0)) ; | |||||
if ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr) >= 0 then | |||||
-- Get the Word from the Array | |||||
Data := to_slv(ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr), Data'length) ; | |||||
elsif ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr) = -1 then | |||||
-- X in Word, return all X | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'X') ; | |||||
else | |||||
-- Location Uninitialized, return all X | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'U') ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure MemRead ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function MemRead ( Addr : std_logic_vector ) return std_logic_vector is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable BlockAddr, WordAddr : integer ; | |||||
alias aAddr : std_logic_vector (Addr'length-1 downto 0) is Addr ; | |||||
variable Data : std_logic_vector(DataWidthVar-1 downto 0) ; | |||||
begin | |||||
MemRead(Addr, Data) ; | |||||
return Data ; | |||||
end function MemRead ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure MemErase is | |||||
-- Deallocate the memory, but not the array of pointers | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
for BlockAddr in ArrayPtrVar'range loop | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr) /= NULL) then | |||||
deallocate (ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure deallocate is | |||||
-- Deallocate all allocated memory | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
MemErase ; | |||||
deallocate(ArrayPtrVar) ; | |||||
AddrWidthVar := -1 ; | |||||
DataWidthVar := 1 ; | |||||
BlockkWidthVar := 0 ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SetAlertLogID (A : AlertLogIDType) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
AlertLogIDVar := A ; | |||||
end procedure SetAlertLogID ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SetAlertLogID(Name : string ; ParentID : AlertLogIDType := ALERTLOG_BASE_ID ; CreateHierarchy : Boolean := TRUE) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
AlertLogIDVar := GetAlertLogID(Name, ParentID, CreateHierarchy) ; | |||||
end procedure SetAlertLogID ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function GetAlertLogID return AlertLogIDType is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return AlertLogIDVar ; | |||||
end function GetAlertLogID ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- PT Local | |||||
procedure FileReadX ( | |||||
-- Hexadecimal or Binary File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
DataFormat : FileFormatType ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
-- Format: | |||||
-- @hh..h -- Address in hex | |||||
-- hhh_XX_ZZ -- data values in hex - space delimited | |||||
-- "--" or "//" -- comments | |||||
file MemFile : text open READ_MODE is FileName ; | |||||
variable Addr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable SmallAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable BigAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable Data : std_logic_vector(DataWidthVar - 1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable LineNum : natural ; | |||||
variable ItemNum : natural ; | |||||
variable AddrInc : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable buf : line ; | |||||
variable ReadValid : boolean ; | |||||
variable Empty : boolean ; | |||||
variable MultiLineComment : boolean ; | |||||
variable NextChar : character ; | |||||
variable StrLen : integer ; | |||||
begin | |||||
MultiLineComment := FALSE ; | |||||
if StartAddr'length /= AddrWidthVar and EndAddr'length /= AddrWidthVar then | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar = NULL) then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.FileReadX: Memory not initialized, FileRead Ignored.", FAILURE) ; | |||||
else | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.FileReadX: Addr'length: " & to_string(Addr'length) & " /= Memory Address Width: " & to_string(AddrWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
Addr := StartAddr ; | |||||
LineNum := 0 ; | |||||
if StartAddr <= EndAddr then | |||||
SmallAddr := StartAddr ; | |||||
BigAddr := EndAddr ; | |||||
AddrInc := (AddrWidthVar -1 downto 0 => '0') + 1 ; | |||||
else | |||||
SmallAddr := EndAddr ; | |||||
BigAddr := StartAddr ; | |||||
AddrInc := (others => '1') ; -- -1 | |||||
end if; | |||||
ReadLineLoop : while not EndFile(MemFile) loop | |||||
ReadLine(MemFile, buf) ; | |||||
LineNum := LineNum + 1 ; | |||||
ItemNum := 0 ; | |||||
ItemLoop : loop | |||||
EmptyOrCommentLine(buf, Empty, MultiLineComment) ; | |||||
exit ItemLoop when Empty ; | |||||
ItemNum := ItemNum + 1 ; | |||||
NextChar := buf.all(buf'left) ; | |||||
if (NextChar = '@') then | |||||
-- Get Address | |||||
read(buf, NextChar) ; | |||||
ReadHexToken(buf, Addr, StrLen) ; | |||||
exit ReadLineLoop when AlertIf(AlertLogIDVar, StrLen = 0, "MemoryPType.FileReadX: Address length 0 on line: " & to_string(LineNum), FAILURE) ; | |||||
exit ItemLoop when AlertIf(AlertLogIDVar, Addr < SmallAddr, | |||||
"MemoryPType.FileReadX: Address in file: " & to_hstring(Addr) & | |||||
" < StartAddr: " & to_hstring(StartAddr) & " on line: " & to_string(LineNum)) ; | |||||
exit ItemLoop when AlertIf(AlertLogIDVar, Addr > BigAddr, | |||||
"MemoryPType.FileReadX: Address in file: " & to_hstring(Addr) & | |||||
" > EndAddr: " & to_hstring(BigAddr) & " on line: " & to_string(LineNum)) ; | |||||
elsif DataFormat = HEX and ishex(NextChar) then | |||||
-- Get Hex Data | |||||
ReadHexToken(buf, data, StrLen) ; | |||||
exit ReadLineLoop when AlertIfNot(AlertLogIDVar, StrLen > 0, | |||||
"MemoryPType.FileReadH: Error while reading data on line: " & to_string(LineNum) & | |||||
" Item number: " & to_string(ItemNum), FAILURE) ; | |||||
log("MemoryPType.FileReadX: MemWrite(Addr => " & to_hstring(Addr) & ", Data => " & to_hstring(Data) & ")", DEBUG) ; | |||||
MemWrite(Addr, data) ; | |||||
Addr := Addr + AddrInc ; | |||||
elsif DataFormat = BINARY and isstd_logic(NextChar) then | |||||
-- Get Binary Data | |||||
-- read(buf, data, ReadValid) ; | |||||
ReadBinaryToken(buf, data, StrLen) ; | |||||
-- exit ReadLineLoop when AlertIfNot(AlertLogIDVar, ReadValid, | |||||
exit ReadLineLoop when AlertIfNot(AlertLogIDVar, StrLen > 0, | |||||
"MemoryPType.FileReadB: Error while reading data on line: " & to_string(LineNum) & | |||||
" Item number: " & to_string(ItemNum), FAILURE) ; | |||||
log("MemoryPType.FileReadX: MemWrite(Addr => " & to_hstring(Addr) & ", Data => " & to_string(Data) & ")", DEBUG) ; | |||||
MemWrite(Addr, data) ; | |||||
Addr := Addr + AddrInc ; | |||||
else | |||||
-- Invalid Text, Issue Warning and skip it | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, | |||||
"MemoryPType.FileReadX: Invalid text on line: " & to_string(LineNum) & | |||||
" Item: " & to_string(ItemNum) & ". Skipping text: " & buf.all) ; | |||||
exit ItemLoop ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ItemLoop ; | |||||
end loop ReadLineLoop ; | |||||
-- -- must read EndAddr-StartAddr number of words if both start and end specified | |||||
-- if (StartAddr /= 0 or (not EndAddr) /= 0) and (Addr /= EndAddr) then | |||||
-- Alert("MemoryPType.FileReadH: insufficient data values", WARNING) ; | |||||
-- end if ; | |||||
file_close(MemFile) ; | |||||
end FileReadX ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadH ( | |||||
-- Hexadecimal File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
FileReadX(FileName, HEX, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileReadH ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadH (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) is | |||||
-- Hexadecimal File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileReadX(FileName, HEX, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileReadH ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadH (FileName : string) is | |||||
-- Hexadecimal File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant StartAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ; | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileReadX(FileName, HEX, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileReadH ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadB ( | |||||
-- Binary File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
FileReadX(FileName, BINARY, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileReadB ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadB (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) is | |||||
-- Binary File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileReadX(FileName, BINARY, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileReadB ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileReadB (FileName : string) is | |||||
-- Binary File Read | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant StartAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ; | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileReadX(FileName, BINARY, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileReadB ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- PT Local | |||||
procedure FileWriteX ( | |||||
-- Hexadecimal or Binary File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
DataFormat : FileFormatType ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
-- Format: | |||||
-- @hh..h -- Address in hex | |||||
-- hhhhh -- data one per line in either hex or binary as specified | |||||
file MemFile : text open WRITE_MODE is FileName ; | |||||
alias normStartAddr : std_logic_vector(StartAddr'length-1 downto 0) is StartAddr ; | |||||
alias normEndAddr : std_logic_vector(EndAddr'length-1 downto 0) is EndAddr ; | |||||
variable StartBlockAddr : natural ; | |||||
variable EndBlockAddr : natural ; | |||||
variable StartWordAddr : natural ; | |||||
variable EndWordAddr : natural ; | |||||
variable Data : std_logic_vector(DataWidthVar - 1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable FoundData : boolean ; | |||||
variable buf : line ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if StartAddr'length /= AddrWidthVar and EndAddr'length /= AddrWidthVar then | |||||
-- Check StartAddr and EndAddr Widths and Memory not initialized | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar = NULL) then | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.FileWriteX: Memory not initialized, FileRead Ignored.", FAILURE) ; | |||||
else | |||||
AlertIf(AlertLogIDVar, StartAddr'length /= AddrWidthVar, "MemoryPType.FileWriteX: StartAddr'length: " | |||||
& to_string(StartAddr'length) & | |||||
" /= Memory Address Width: " & to_string(AddrWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
AlertIf(AlertLogIDVar, EndAddr'length /= AddrWidthVar, "MemoryPType.FileWriteX: EndAddr'length: " | |||||
& to_string(EndAddr'length) & | |||||
" /= Memory Address Width: " & to_string(AddrWidthVar), FAILURE) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if StartAddr > EndAddr then | |||||
-- Only support ascending addresses | |||||
Alert(AlertLogIDVar, "MemoryPType.FileWriteX: StartAddr: " & to_hstring(StartAddr) & | |||||
" > EndAddr: " & to_hstring(EndAddr), FAILURE) ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Slice out upper address to form block address | |||||
if AddrWidthVar >= BlockkWidthVar then | |||||
StartBlockAddr := to_integer(normStartAddr(AddrWidthVar-1 downto BlockkWidthVar)) ; | |||||
EndBlockAddr := to_integer( normEndAddr(AddrWidthVar-1 downto BlockkWidthVar)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
StartBlockAddr := 0 ; | |||||
EndBlockAddr := 0 ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
BlockAddrLoop : for BlockAddr in StartBlockAddr to EndBlockAddr loop | |||||
next BlockAddrLoop when ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr) = NULL ; | |||||
if BlockAddr = StartBlockAddr then | |||||
StartWordAddr := to_integer(normStartAddr(BlockkWidthVar-1 downto 0)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
StartWordAddr := 0 ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if BlockAddr = EndBlockAddr then | |||||
EndWordAddr := to_integer(normEndAddr(BlockkWidthVar-1 downto 0)) ; | |||||
else | |||||
EndWordAddr := 2**BlockkWidthVar-1 ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
FoundData := FALSE ; | |||||
WordAddrLoop : for WordAddr in StartWordAddr to EndWordAddr loop | |||||
if (ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr) < 0) then | |||||
-- X in Word, return all X | |||||
Data := (Data'range => 'X') ; | |||||
FoundData := FALSE ; | |||||
else | |||||
-- Get the Word from the Array | |||||
Data := to_slv(ArrayPtrVar(BlockAddr)(WordAddr), Data'length) ; | |||||
if not FoundData then | |||||
-- Write Address | |||||
write(buf, '@') ; | |||||
hwrite(buf, to_slv(BlockAddr, AddrWidthVar-BlockkWidthVar) & to_slv(WordAddr, BlockkWidthVar)) ; | |||||
writeline(MemFile, buf) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
FoundData := TRUE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if FoundData then -- Write Data | |||||
if DataFormat = HEX then | |||||
hwrite(buf, Data) ; | |||||
writeline(MemFile, buf) ; | |||||
else | |||||
write(buf, Data) ; | |||||
writeline(MemFile, buf) ; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop WordAddrLoop ; | |||||
end loop BlockAddrLoop ; | |||||
file_close(MemFile) ; | |||||
end FileWriteX ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteH ( | |||||
-- Hexadecimal File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
FileWriteX(FileName, HEX, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileWriteH ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteH (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) is | |||||
-- Hexadecimal File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileWriteX(FileName, HEX, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileWriteH ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteH (FileName : string) is | |||||
-- Hexadecimal File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant StartAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ; | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileWriteX(FileName, HEX, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileWriteH ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteB ( | |||||
-- Binary File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
FileName : string ; | |||||
StartAddr : std_logic_vector ; | |||||
EndAddr : std_logic_vector | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
FileWriteX(FileName, BINARY, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileWriteB ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteB (FileName : string ; StartAddr : std_logic_vector) is | |||||
-- Binary File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileWriteX(FileName, BINARY, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileWriteB ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure FileWriteB (FileName : string) is | |||||
-- Binary File Write | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
constant StartAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0') ; | |||||
constant EndAddr : std_logic_vector(AddrWidthVar - 1 downto 0) := (others => '1') ; | |||||
begin | |||||
FileWriteX(FileName, BINARY, StartAddr, EndAddr) ; | |||||
end FileWriteB ; | |||||
end protected body MemoryPType ; | |||||
end MemoryPkg ; |
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: MessagePkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: MessagePkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION, revision 2015.01 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis SynthWorks | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Package Defines | |||||
-- Data structure for multi-line name/message to be associated with a data structure. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Latest standard version available at: | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com/downloads | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 06/2010: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- 07/2014: 2014.07 Moved specialization required by CoveragePkg to CoveragePkg | |||||
-- 07/2014: 2014.07a Removed initialized pointers which can lead to memory leaks. | |||||
-- 01/2015: 2015.01 Removed initialized parameter from Get | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
use work.OsvvmGlobalPkg.all ; | |||||
use work.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all ; | |||||
use ieee.math_real.all ; | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
package MessagePkg is | |||||
type MessagePType is protected | |||||
procedure Set (MessageIn : String) ; | |||||
impure function Get (ItemNumber : integer) return string ; | |||||
impure function GetCount return integer ; | |||||
impure function IsSet return boolean ; | |||||
procedure Clear ; -- clear message | |||||
procedure Deallocate ; -- clear message | |||||
end protected MessagePType ; | |||||
end package MessagePkg ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body MessagePkg is | |||||
-- Local Data Structure Types | |||||
type LineArrayType is array (natural range <>) of line ; | |||||
type LineArrayPtrType is access LineArrayType ; | |||||
type MessagePType is protected body | |||||
variable MessageCount : integer := 0 ; | |||||
constant INITIAL_ITEM_COUNT : integer := 16 ; | |||||
variable MaxMessageCount : integer := 0 ; | |||||
variable MessagePtr : LineArrayPtrType ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Set (MessageIn : String) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable NamePtr : line ; | |||||
variable OldMaxMessageCount : integer ; | |||||
variable OldMessagePtr : LineArrayPtrType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
MessageCount := MessageCount + 1 ; | |||||
if MessageCount > MaxMessageCount then | |||||
OldMaxMessageCount := MaxMessageCount ; | |||||
MaxMessageCount := MaxMessageCount + INITIAL_ITEM_COUNT ; | |||||
OldMessagePtr := MessagePtr ; | |||||
MessagePtr := new LineArrayType(1 to MaxMessageCount) ; | |||||
for i in 1 to OldMaxMessageCount loop | |||||
MessagePtr(i) := OldMessagePtr(i) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
Deallocate( OldMessagePtr ) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
MessagePtr(MessageCount) := new string'(MessageIn) ; | |||||
end procedure Set ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function Get (ItemNumber : integer) return string is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if MessageCount > 0 then | |||||
if ItemNumber >= 1 and ItemNumber <= MessageCount then | |||||
return MessagePtr(ItemNumber).all ; | |||||
else | |||||
Alert(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "%% MessagePkg.Get input value out of range", FAILURE) ; | |||||
return "" ; -- error if this happens | |||||
end if ; | |||||
else | |||||
Alert(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "%% MessagePkg.Get message is not set", FAILURE) ; | |||||
return "" ; -- error if this happens | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function Get ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function GetCount return integer is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return MessageCount ; | |||||
end function GetCount ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function IsSet return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return MessageCount > 0 ; | |||||
end function IsSet ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Deallocate is -- clear message | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable CurPtr : LineArrayPtrType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to MessageCount loop | |||||
deallocate( MessagePtr(i) ) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
MessageCount := 0 ; | |||||
MaxMessageCount := 0 ; | |||||
deallocate( MessagePtr ) ; | |||||
end procedure Deallocate ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Clear is -- clear | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
Deallocate ; | |||||
end procedure Clear ; | |||||
end protected body MessagePType ; | |||||
end package body MessagePkg ; |
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: NamePkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: NamePkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis SynthWorks | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Package Defines | |||||
-- Data structure for name. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Latest standard version available at: | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com/downloads | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 06/2010: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- 07/2014: 2014.07 Moved specialization required by CoveragePkg to CoveragePkg | |||||
-- Separated name handling from message handling to simplify naming | |||||
-- 12/2014: 2014.07a Removed initialized pointers which can lead to memory leaks. | |||||
-- 05/2015 2015.06 Added input to Get to return when not initialized | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
package NamePkg is | |||||
type NamePType is protected | |||||
procedure Set (NameIn : String) ; | |||||
impure function Get (DefaultName : string := "") return string ; | |||||
impure function GetOpt return string ; | |||||
impure function IsSet return boolean ; | |||||
procedure Clear ; -- clear name | |||||
procedure Deallocate ; -- effectively alias to clear name | |||||
end protected NamePType ; | |||||
end package NamePkg ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body NamePkg is | |||||
type NamePType is protected body | |||||
variable NamePtr : line ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Set (NameIn : String) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
deallocate(NamePtr) ; | |||||
NamePtr := new string'(NameIn) ; | |||||
end procedure Set ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function Get (DefaultName : string := "") return string is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if NamePtr = NULL then | |||||
return DefaultName ; | |||||
else | |||||
return NamePtr.all ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function Get ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function GetOpt return string is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if NamePtr = NULL then | |||||
return NUL & "" ; | |||||
else | |||||
return NamePtr.all ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function GetOpt ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function IsSet return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return NamePtr /= NULL ; | |||||
end function IsSet ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Clear is -- clear name | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
deallocate(NamePtr) ; | |||||
end procedure Clear ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Deallocate is -- clear name | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
Clear ; | |||||
end procedure Deallocate ; | |||||
end protected body NamePType ; | |||||
end package body NamePkg ; |
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: OsvvmContext.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: OsvvmContext | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description | |||||
-- Context Declaration for OSVVM packages | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed by/for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Latest standard version available at: | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com/downloads | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 01/2015 2015.01 Initial Revision | |||||
-- 06/2015 2015.06 Added MemoryPkg | |||||
-- 11/2016 2016.11 Added TbUtilPkg and ResolutionPkg | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
context OsvvmContext is | |||||
library OSVVM ; | |||||
use OSVVM.NamePkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.TranscriptPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.TextUtilPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.OsvvmGlobalPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.RandomPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.CoveragePkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.MemoryPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.ResolutionPkg.all ; | |||||
use OSVVM.TbUtilPkg.all ; | |||||
end context OsvvmContext ; | |||||
@ -1,350 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: OsvvmGlobalPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: OsvvmGlobalPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION, revision 2015.01 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Global Settings for OSVVM packages | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 01/2014: 2015.01 Initial revision | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2015 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
use work.NamePkg.all ; | |||||
package OsvvmGlobalPkg is | |||||
-- FILE IO Global File Identifier -- Open using AlertLogPkg.TranscriptOpen | |||||
-- file TranscriptFile : text ; | |||||
-- Shared Options Type used in OSVVM | |||||
function IsEnabled (A : OsvvmOptionsType) return boolean ; -- Requires that TRUE is last and ENABLED is 2nd to last | |||||
function to_OsvvmOptionsType (A : boolean) return OsvvmOptionsType ; | |||||
-- Defaults for String values | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_ALERT_PREFIX : string := "%% Alert" ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_LOG_PREFIX : string := "%% Log " ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_PREFIX : string := "%% " ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_DONE_NAME : string := "DONE" ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_PASS_NAME : string := "PASSED" ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_FAIL_NAME : string := "FAILED" ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT : string := NUL & NUL & NUL ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_STRING_USE_DEFAULT : string := NUL & "" ; | |||||
-- Coverage Settings | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_PASS_FAIL : OsvvmOptionsType := FALSE ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_BIN_INFO : OsvvmOptionsType := TRUE ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_COUNT : OsvvmOptionsType := TRUE ; | |||||
constant OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_ANY_ILLEGAL : OsvvmOptionsType := FALSE ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SetOsvvmGlobalOptions ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
WritePassFail : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WriteBinInfo : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WriteCount : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WriteAnyIllegal : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WritePrefix : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
DoneName : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
PassName : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
FailName : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Accessor Functions | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C, D : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType ; | |||||
function IsOsvvmStringSet (A : string) return boolean ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B : string) return string ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C : string) return string ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C, D : string) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmWritePrefix(A : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmWritePrefix(A, B : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmDoneName(A : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmDoneName(A, B : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmPassName(A : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmPassName(A, B : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmFailName(A : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmFailName(A, B : String) return string ; | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWritePassFail(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType ; -- Cov | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWriteBinInfo(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType ; -- Cov | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWriteCount(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType ; -- Cov | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWriteAnyIllegal(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType ; -- Cov | |||||
procedure OsvvmDeallocate ; | |||||
type OptionsPType is protected | |||||
procedure Set (A: OsvvmOptionsType) ; | |||||
impure function get return OsvvmOptionsType ; | |||||
end protected OptionsPType ; | |||||
end OsvvmGlobalPkg ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body OsvvmGlobalPkg is | |||||
type OptionsPType is protected body | |||||
variable GlobalVar : OsvvmOptionsType ; | |||||
procedure Set (A : OsvvmOptionsType) is | |||||
begin | |||||
GlobalVar := A ; | |||||
end procedure Set ; | |||||
impure function get return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return GlobalVar ; | |||||
end function get ; | |||||
end protected body OptionsPType ; | |||||
shared variable WritePrefixVar : NamePType ; | |||||
shared variable DoneNameVar : NamePType ; | |||||
shared variable PassNameVar : NamePType ; | |||||
shared variable FailNameVar : NamePType ; | |||||
shared variable WritePassFailVar : OptionsPType ; -- := FALSE ; | |||||
shared variable WriteBinInfoVar : OptionsPType ; -- := TRUE ; | |||||
shared variable WriteCountVar : OptionsPType ; -- := TRUE ; | |||||
shared variable WriteAnyIllegalVar : OptionsPType ; -- := FALSE ; | |||||
function IsEnabled (A : OsvvmOptionsType) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return A >= ENABLED ; | |||||
end function IsEnabled ; | |||||
function to_OsvvmOptionsType (A : boolean) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
if A then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
else | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function to_OsvvmOptionsType ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SetOsvvmGlobalOptions ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
WritePassFail : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WriteBinInfo : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WriteCount : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WriteAnyIllegal : OsvvmOptionsType := OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
WritePrefix : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
DoneName : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
PassName : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT ; | |||||
FailName : string := OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if WritePassFail /= OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
WritePassFailVar.Set(WritePassFail) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if WriteBinInfo /= OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
WriteBinInfoVar.Set(WriteBinInfo) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if WriteCount /= OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
WriteCountVar.Set(WriteCount) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if WriteAnyIllegal /= OPT_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
WriteAnyIllegalVar.Set(WriteAnyIllegal) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if WritePrefix /= OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
WritePrefixVar.Set(WritePrefix) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if DoneName /= OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
DoneNameVar.Set(DoneName) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if PassName /= OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
PassNameVar.Set(PassName) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if FailName /= OSVVM_STRING_INIT_PARM_DETECT then | |||||
FailNameVar.Set(FailName) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure SetOsvvmGlobalOptions ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Accessor Functions | |||||
-- Local Function | |||||
function IsOsvvmOptionSet (A : OsvvmOptionsType) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return A > OPT_USE_DEFAULT ; | |||||
end function IsOsvvmOptionSet ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsOsvvmOptionSet(A) then | |||||
return A ; | |||||
elsif IsOsvvmOptionSet(B) then | |||||
return B ; | |||||
else | |||||
return C ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmOption ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C, D : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsOsvvmOptionSet(A) then | |||||
return A ; | |||||
elsif IsOsvvmOptionSet(B) then | |||||
return B ; | |||||
elsif IsOsvvmOptionSet(C) then | |||||
return C ; | |||||
else | |||||
return D ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmOption ; | |||||
-- Local Function | |||||
function IsOsvvmStringSet (A : string) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
if A'length = 0 then -- Null strings permitted | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
else | |||||
return A(A'left) /= NUL ; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end function IsOsvvmStringSet ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B : string) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsOsvvmStringSet(A) then | |||||
return A ; | |||||
else | |||||
return B ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmOption ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C : string) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsOsvvmStringSet(A) then | |||||
return A ; | |||||
elsif IsOsvvmStringSet(B) then | |||||
return B ; | |||||
else | |||||
return C ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmOption ; | |||||
function ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, C, D : string) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsOsvvmStringSet(A) then | |||||
return A ; | |||||
elsif IsOsvvmStringSet(B) then | |||||
return B ; | |||||
elsif IsOsvvmStringSet(C) then | |||||
return C ; | |||||
else | |||||
return D ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmOption ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmWritePrefix(A : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, WritePrefixVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_PREFIX) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmWritePrefix ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmWritePrefix(A, B : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, WritePrefixVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_PREFIX) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmWritePrefix ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmDoneName(A : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, DoneNameVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_DONE_NAME) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmDoneName ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmDoneName(A, B : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, DoneNameVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_DONE_NAME) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmDoneName ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmPassName(A : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, PassNameVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_PASS_NAME) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmPassName ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmPassName(A, B : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, PassNameVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_PASS_NAME) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmPassName ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmFailName(A : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, FailNameVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_FAIL_NAME) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmFailName ; | |||||
impure function ResolveOsvvmFailName(A, B : String) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, FailNameVar.GetOpt, OSVVM_DEFAULT_FAIL_NAME) ; | |||||
end function ResolveOsvvmFailName ; | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWritePassFail(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, WritePassFailVar.Get, OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_PASS_FAIL) ; | |||||
end function ResolveCovWritePassFail ; -- Cov | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWriteBinInfo(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, WriteBinInfoVar.Get, OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_BIN_INFO) ; | |||||
end function ResolveCovWriteBinInfo ; -- Cov | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWriteCount(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, WriteCountVar.Get, OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_COUNT) ; | |||||
end function ResolveCovWriteCount ; -- Cov | |||||
impure function ResolveCovWriteAnyIllegal(A, B : OsvvmOptionsType) return OsvvmOptionsType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return ResolveOsvvmOption(A, B, WriteAnyIllegalVar.Get, OSVVM_DEFAULT_WRITE_ANY_ILLEGAL) ; | |||||
end function ResolveCovWriteAnyIllegal ; -- Cov | |||||
procedure OsvvmDeallocate is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Free up space used by NamePType within OsvvmGlobalPkg | |||||
WritePrefixVar.Deallocate ; | |||||
DoneNameVar.Deallocate ; | |||||
PassNameVar.Deallocate ; | |||||
FailNameVar.Deallocate ; | |||||
WritePassFailVar.Set(FALSE) ; -- := FALSE ; | |||||
WriteBinInfoVar.Set(TRUE ) ; -- := TRUE ; | |||||
WriteCountVar.Set(TRUE ) ; -- := TRUE ; | |||||
WriteAnyIllegalVar.Set(FALSE) ; -- := FALSE ; | |||||
end procedure OsvvmDeallocate ; | |||||
end package body OsvvmGlobalPkg ; |
@ -1,234 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: RandomBasePkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: RandomBasePkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Defines Base randomization, seed definition, seed generation, | |||||
-- and seed IO functionality for RandomPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Defines: | |||||
-- Procedure Uniform - baseline randomization | |||||
-- Type RandomSeedType - the seed as a single object | |||||
-- function GenRandSeed from integer_vector, integer, or string | |||||
-- IO function to_string, & procedures write, read | |||||
-- | |||||
-- In revision 2.0 these types and functions are included by package reference. | |||||
-- Long term these will be passed as generics to RandomGenericPkg | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 01/2008: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification | |||||
-- 02/2009: 1.0 First Public Released Version | |||||
-- 02/25/2009 1.1 Replaced reference to std_2008 with a reference | |||||
-- to ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; | |||||
-- 03/01/2011 2.0 STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- Fixed abstraction by moving RandomParmType to RandomPkg.vhd | |||||
-- 4/2013 2013.04 No Changes | |||||
-- 5/2013 2013.05 No Changes | |||||
-- 1/2015 2015.01 Changed Assert/Report to Alert | |||||
-- 6/2015 2015.06 Changed GenRandSeed to impure | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2008 - 2015 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.math_real.all ; | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
use work.OsvvmGlobalPkg.all ; | |||||
use work.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
-- comment out following 2 lines with VHDL-2008. Leave in for VHDL-2002 | |||||
-- library ieee_proposed ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 | |||||
-- use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 | |||||
package RandomBasePkg is | |||||
-- RandomSeedType and Uniform can be replaced by any procedure that | |||||
-- produces a uniform distribution with 0 <= Value < 1 or 0 < Value < 1 | |||||
-- and maintains the same call interface | |||||
type RandomSeedType is array (1 to 2) of integer ; | |||||
procedure Uniform (Result : out real ; Seed : inout RandomSeedType) ; | |||||
-- Translate from integer_vector, integer, or string to RandomSeedType | |||||
-- Required by RandomPkg.InitSeed | |||||
-- GenRandSeed makes sure all values are in a valid range | |||||
impure function GenRandSeed(IV : integer_vector) return RandomSeedType ; | |||||
impure function GenRandSeed(I : integer) return RandomSeedType ; | |||||
impure function GenRandSeed(S : string) return RandomSeedType ; | |||||
-- IO for RandomSeedType. If use subtype, then create aliases here | |||||
-- in a similar fashion VHDL-2008 std_logic_textio. | |||||
-- Not required by RandomPkg | |||||
function to_string(A : RandomSeedType) return string ; | |||||
procedure write(variable L: inout line ; A : RandomSeedType ) ; | |||||
procedure read (variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ; good : out boolean ) ; | |||||
procedure read (variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ) ; | |||||
end RandomBasePkg ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body RandomBasePkg is | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
-- Uniform | |||||
-- Generate a random number with a Uniform distribution | |||||
-- Required by RandomPkg. All randomization is derived from here. | |||||
-- Value produced must be either: | |||||
-- 0 <= Value < 1 or 0 < Value < 1 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Current version uses ieee.math_real.Uniform | |||||
-- This abstraction allows higher precision version | |||||
-- of a uniform distribution to be used provided | |||||
-- | |||||
procedure Uniform ( | |||||
Result : out real ; | |||||
Seed : inout RandomSeedType | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
ieee.math_real.Uniform (Seed(Seed'left), Seed(Seed'right), Result) ; | |||||
end procedure Uniform ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
-- GenRandSeed | |||||
-- Convert integer_vector to RandomSeedType | |||||
-- Uniform requires two seed values of the form: | |||||
-- 1 <= SEED1 <= 2147483562; 1 <= SEED2 <= 2147483398 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- if 2 seed values are passed to GenRandSeed and they are | |||||
-- in the above range, then they must remain unmodified. | |||||
-- | |||||
impure function GenRandSeed(IV : integer_vector) return RandomSeedType is | |||||
alias iIV : integer_vector(1 to IV'length) is IV ; | |||||
variable Seed1 : integer ; | |||||
variable Seed2 : integer ; | |||||
constant SEED1_MAX : integer := 2147483562 ; | |||||
constant SEED2_MAX : integer := 2147483398 ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if iIV'Length <= 0 then -- no seed | |||||
Alert(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "RandomBasePkg.GenRandSeed received NULL integer_vector", FAILURE) ; | |||||
return (3, 17) ; -- if continue seed = (3, 17) | |||||
elsif iIV'Length = 1 then -- one seed value | |||||
-- inefficient handling, but condition is unlikely | |||||
return GenRandSeed(iIV(1)) ; -- generate a seed | |||||
else -- only use the left two values | |||||
-- 1 <= SEED1 <= 2147483562 | |||||
-- mod returns 0 to MAX-1, the -1 adjusts legal values, +1 adjusts them back | |||||
Seed1 := ((iIV(1)-1) mod SEED1_MAX) + 1 ; | |||||
-- 1 <= SEED2 <= 2147483398 | |||||
Seed2 := ((iIV(2)-1) mod SEED2_MAX) + 1 ; | |||||
return (Seed1, Seed2) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function GenRandSeed ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
-- GenRandSeed | |||||
-- transform a single integer into the internal seed | |||||
-- | |||||
impure function GenRandSeed(I : integer) return RandomSeedType is | |||||
variable result : integer_vector(1 to 2) ; | |||||
begin | |||||
result(1) := I ; | |||||
result(2) := I/3 + 1 ; | |||||
return GenRandSeed(result) ; -- make value ranges legal | |||||
end function GenRandSeed ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
-- GenRandSeed | |||||
-- transform a string value into the internal seed | |||||
-- usage: RV.GenRandSeed(RV'instance_path)); | |||||
-- | |||||
impure function GenRandSeed(S : string) return RandomSeedType is | |||||
constant LEN : integer := S'length ; | |||||
constant HALF_LEN : integer := LEN/2 ; | |||||
alias revS : string(LEN downto 1) is S ; | |||||
variable result : integer_vector(1 to 2) ; | |||||
variable temp : integer := 0 ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to HALF_LEN loop | |||||
temp := (temp + character'pos(revS(i))) mod (integer'right - 2**8) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
result(1) := temp ; | |||||
for i in HALF_LEN + 1 to LEN loop | |||||
temp := (temp + character'pos(revS(i))) mod (integer'right - 2**8) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
result(2) := temp ; | |||||
return GenRandSeed(result) ; -- make value ranges legal | |||||
end function GenRandSeed ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
function to_string(A : RandomSeedType) return string is | |||||
begin | |||||
return to_string(A(A'left)) & " " & to_string(A(A'right)) ; | |||||
end function to_string ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
procedure write(variable L: inout line ; A : RandomSeedType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
write(L, to_string(A)) ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
procedure read(variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ; good : out boolean ) is | |||||
variable iReadValid : boolean ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
read(L, A(i), iReadValid) ; | |||||
exit when not iReadValid ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
good := iReadValid ; | |||||
end procedure read ; | |||||
----------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
procedure read(variable L: inout line ; A : out RandomSeedType ) is | |||||
variable ReadValid : boolean ; | |||||
begin | |||||
read(L, A, ReadValid) ; | |||||
AlertIfNot(ReadValid, OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "RandomBasePkg.read[line, RandomSeedType] failed", FAILURE) ; | |||||
end procedure read ; | |||||
end RandomBasePkg ; |
@ -1,392 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: ResolutionPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: ResolutionPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis email: jim@SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Package Defines | |||||
-- resolved resolution functions for integer, real, and time | |||||
-- types resolved_integer, resolved_real, resolved_time | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 09/2006: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification | |||||
-- 02/2009: 1.0 VHDL-2008 STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- 05/2015 2015.05 Added Alerts | |||||
-- -- Replaced Alerts with asserts as alerts are illegal in pure functions | |||||
-- 11/2016 2016.11 Removed Asserts as they are not working as intended. | |||||
-- See ResolutionPkg_debug as it uses Alerts to correctly detect errors | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2005 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file may be modified and distributed under | |||||
-- the terms of the ARTISTIC License as published by | |||||
-- The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of the License, | |||||
-- or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all ; | |||||
library osvvm ; | |||||
use osvvm.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
package ResolutionPkg is | |||||
constant MULTIPLE_DRIVER_SEVERITY : severity_level := ERROR ; | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Note that not all simulators support resolution functions of the form: | |||||
-- subtype std_logic_vector_max is (resolved_max) std_ulogic_vector ; | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Hence, types of the form are offered as a temporary workaround until they do: | |||||
-- std_logic_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- resolved_max | |||||
-- return maximum value. | |||||
-- No initializations required on ports, default of type'left is ok | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic ; | |||||
subtype std_logic_max is resolved_max std_ulogic ; | |||||
subtype std_logic_vector_max is (resolved_max) std_ulogic_vector ; | |||||
type std_logic_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
subtype unsigned_max is (resolved_max) unresolved_unsigned ; | |||||
type unsigned_max_c is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
subtype signed_max is (resolved_max) unresolved_signed ; | |||||
type signed_max_c is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : bit_vector) return bit ; | |||||
subtype bit_max is resolved_max bit ; | |||||
subtype bit_vector_max is (resolved_max) bit_vector ; | |||||
type bit_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of bit_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : integer_vector ) return integer ; | |||||
subtype integer_max is resolved_max integer ; | |||||
subtype integer_vector_max is (resolved_max) integer_vector ; | |||||
type integer_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of integer_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : time_vector ) return time ; | |||||
subtype time_max is resolved_max time ; | |||||
subtype time_vector_max is (resolved_max) time_vector ; | |||||
type time_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of time_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : real_vector ) return real ; | |||||
subtype real_max is resolved_max real ; | |||||
subtype real_vector_max is (resolved_max) real_vector ; | |||||
type real_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of real_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : string) return character ; | |||||
subtype character_max is resolved_max character ; | |||||
subtype string_max is (resolved_max) string ; | |||||
type string_max_c is array (positive range <>) of character_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : boolean_vector) return boolean ; | |||||
subtype boolean_max is resolved_max boolean ; | |||||
subtype boolean_vector_max is (resolved_max) boolean_vector ; | |||||
type boolean_vector_max_c is array (natural range <>) of boolean_max ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
-- return sum of values that /= type'left | |||||
-- No initializations required on ports, default of type'left is ok | |||||
function resolved_sum ( s : integer_vector ) return integer ; | |||||
subtype integer_sum is resolved_sum integer ; | |||||
subtype integer_vector_sum is (resolved_sum) integer_vector ; | |||||
type integer_vector_sum_c is array (natural range <>) of integer_sum ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_sum ( s : time_vector ) return time ; | |||||
subtype time_sum is resolved_sum time ; | |||||
subtype time_vector_sum is (resolved_sum) time_vector ; | |||||
type time_vector_sum_c is array (natural range <>) of time_sum ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
function resolved_sum ( s : real_vector ) return real ; | |||||
subtype real_sum is resolved_sum real ; | |||||
subtype real_vector_sum is (resolved_sum) real_vector ; | |||||
type real_vector_sum_c is array (natural range <>) of real_sum ; -- for non VHDL-2008 | |||||
-- resolved_weak | |||||
-- Special just for std_ulogic | |||||
-- No initializations required on ports, default of type'left is ok | |||||
function resolved_weak (s : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic ; -- no init, type'left | |||||
subtype std_logic_weak is resolved_weak std_ulogic ; | |||||
subtype std_logic_vector_weak is (resolved_weak) std_ulogic_vector ; | |||||
-- legacy stuff | |||||
-- requires ports to be initialized to 0 in the appropriate type. | |||||
function resolved ( s : integer_vector ) return integer ; | |||||
subtype resolved_integer is resolved integer ; | |||||
function resolved ( s : time_vector ) return time ; | |||||
subtype resolved_time is resolved time ; | |||||
function resolved ( s : real_vector ) return real ; | |||||
subtype resolved_real is resolved real ; | |||||
function resolved (s : string) return character ; -- same as resolved_max | |||||
subtype resolved_character is resolved character ; | |||||
-- subtype resolved_string is (resolved) string ; -- subtype will replace type later | |||||
type resolved_string is array (positive range <>) of resolved_character; -- will change to subtype -- assert but no init | |||||
function resolved ( s : boolean_vector) return boolean ; --same as resolved_max | |||||
subtype resolved_boolean is resolved boolean ; | |||||
end package ResolutionPkg ; | |||||
package body ResolutionPkg is | |||||
-- resolved_max | |||||
-- return maximum value. Assert FAILURE if more than 1 /= type'left | |||||
-- No initializations required on ports, default of type'left is ok | |||||
-- Optimized version is just the following: | |||||
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- function resolved_max ( s : <array_type> ) return <element_type> is | |||||
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- begin | |||||
-- return maximum(s) ; | |||||
-- end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max (s : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : bit_vector ) return bit is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : integer_vector ) return integer is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : time_vector ) return time is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : real_vector ) return real is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : string ) return character is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_max ( s : boolean_vector) return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return maximum(s) ; | |||||
end function resolved_max ; | |||||
-- resolved_sum - appropriate for numeric types | |||||
-- return sum of values that /= type'left | |||||
-- No initializations required on ports, default of type'left is ok | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_sum ( s : integer_vector ) return integer is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : integer := 0 ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= integer'left then | |||||
result := s(i) + result; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved_sum ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_sum ( s : time_vector ) return time is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : time := 0 sec ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= time'left then | |||||
result := s(i) + result; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved_sum ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_sum ( s : real_vector ) return real is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : real := 0.0 ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= real'left then | |||||
result := s(i) + result; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved_sum ; | |||||
-- resolved_weak | |||||
-- Special just for std_ulogic | |||||
-- No initializations required on ports, default of type'left is ok | |||||
type stdlogic_table is array(STD_ULOGIC, STD_ULOGIC) of STD_ULOGIC; | |||||
constant weak_resolution_table : stdlogic_table := ( | |||||
-- Resolution order: Z < U < W < X < - < L < H < 0 < 1 | |||||
-- --------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
-- | U X 0 1 Z W L H - | | | |||||
-- --------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'U', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-'), -- | U | | |||||
('X', 'X', '0', '1', 'X', 'X', 'L', 'H', '-'), -- | X | | |||||
('0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'), -- | 0 | | |||||
('1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1'), -- | 1 | | |||||
('U', 'X', '0', '1', 'Z', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-'), -- | Z | | |||||
('W', 'X', '0', '1', 'W', 'W', 'L', 'H', '-'), -- | W | | |||||
('L', 'L', '0', '1', 'L', 'L', 'L', 'H', 'L'), -- | L | | |||||
('H', 'H', '0', '1', 'H', 'H', 'W', 'H', 'H'), -- | H | | |||||
('-', '-', '0', '1', '-', '-', 'L', 'H', '-') -- | - | | |||||
); | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved_weak (s : std_ulogic_vector) return std_ulogic is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : std_ulogic := 'Z' ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
result := weak_resolution_table(result, s(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved_weak ; | |||||
-- legacy stuff. | |||||
-- requires ports to be initialized to 0 in the appropriate type. | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved ( s : integer_vector ) return integer is | |||||
-- requires interface to be initialized to 0 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : integer := 0 ; | |||||
variable failed : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= 0 then | |||||
failed := failed or (result /= 0) ; | |||||
result := maximum(s(i),result); | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
assert not failed report "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on integer" severity MULTIPLE_DRIVER_SEVERITY ; | |||||
-- AlertIf(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, failed, "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on integer") ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved ( s : time_vector ) return time is | |||||
-- requires interface to be initialized to 0 ns | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : time := 0 ns ; | |||||
variable failed : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) > 0 ns then | |||||
failed := failed or (result /= 0 ns) ; | |||||
result := maximum(s(i),result); | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
assert not failed report "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on time" severity MULTIPLE_DRIVER_SEVERITY ; | |||||
-- AlertIf(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, failed, "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on time") ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved ( s : real_vector ) return real is | |||||
-- requires interface to be initialized to 0.0 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : real := 0.0 ; | |||||
variable failed : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= 0.0 then | |||||
failed := failed or (result /= 0.0) ; | |||||
result := maximum(s(i),result); | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
assert not failed report "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on real" severity MULTIPLE_DRIVER_SEVERITY ; | |||||
-- AlertIf(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, failed, "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on real") ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved (s : string) return character is | |||||
-- same as resolved_max | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : character := NUL ; | |||||
variable failed : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= NUL then | |||||
failed := failed or (result /= NUL) ; | |||||
result := maximum(result, s(i)) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
assert not failed report "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on character" severity MULTIPLE_DRIVER_SEVERITY ; | |||||
-- AlertIf(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, failed, "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on character") ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function resolved ( s : boolean_vector) return boolean is | |||||
-- same as resolved_max | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
variable failed : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) then | |||||
failed := failed or result ; | |||||
result := TRUE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
assert not failed report "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on boolean" severity MULTIPLE_DRIVER_SEVERITY ; | |||||
-- AlertIf(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, failed, "ResolutionPkg.resolved: multiple drivers on boolean") ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved ; | |||||
end package body ResolutionPkg ; |
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: ScoreBoardPkg_int.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: ScoreBoardPkg_int | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Instance of Generic Package ScoreboardGenericPkg for integer | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Latest standard version available at: | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com/downloads | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 08/2012 2012.08 Generic Instance of ScoreboardGenericPkg | |||||
-- 08/2014 2013.08 Updated interface for Match and to_string | |||||
-- 11/2016 2016.11 Released as part of OSVVM library | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all ; | |||||
package ScoreBoardPkg_int is new work.ScoreboardGenericPkg | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
ExpectedType => integer, | |||||
ActualType => integer, | |||||
Match => "=", | |||||
expected_to_string => to_string, | |||||
actual_to_string => to_string | |||||
) ; |
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: ScoreBoardPkg_slv.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: ScoreBoardPkg_slv | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Instance of Generic Package ScoreboardGenericPkg for std_logic_vector | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Latest standard version available at: | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com/downloads | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 08/2012 2012.08 Generic Instance of ScoreboardGenericPkg | |||||
-- 08/2014 2013.08 Updated interface for Match and to_string | |||||
-- 11/2016 2016.11 Released as part of OSVVM library | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2006 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all ; | |||||
package ScoreBoardPkg_slv is new work.ScoreboardGenericPkg | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
ExpectedType => std_logic_vector, | |||||
ActualType => std_logic_vector, | |||||
Match => std_match, -- "=", [std_logic_vector, std_logic_vector return boolean] | |||||
expected_to_string => to_hstring, -- [std_logic_vector return string] | |||||
actual_to_string => to_hstring -- [std_logic_vector return string] | |||||
) ; |
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: SortListPkg_int.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: SortListPkg_int | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Sorting utility for array of scalars | |||||
-- Uses protected type so as to shrink and expand the data structure | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 06/2008: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification | |||||
-- 02/2009: 1.0 First Public Released Version | |||||
-- 02/25/2009 1.1 Replaced reference to std_2008 with a reference to | |||||
-- ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; | |||||
-- 06/16/2010 1.2 Added EraseList parameter to to_array | |||||
-- 3/2011 2.0 added inside as non protected type | |||||
-- 6/2011 2.1 added sort as non protected type | |||||
-- 4/2013 2013.04 No Changes | |||||
-- 5/2013 2013.05 No changes of substance. | |||||
-- Deleted extra variable declaration in procedure remove | |||||
-- 1/2014 2014.01 Added RevSort. Added AllowDuplicate paramter to Add procedure | |||||
-- 1/2015 2015.01 Changed Assert/Report to Alert | |||||
-- 11/2016 2016.11 Revised Add. When AllowDuplicate, add a matching value last. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2008 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
use work.OsvvmGlobalPkg.all ; | |||||
use work.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all ; | |||||
-- comment out following 2 lines with VHDL-2008. Leave in for VHDL-2002 | |||||
-- library ieee_proposed ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 | |||||
-- use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all ; -- remove with VHDL-2008 | |||||
package SortListPkg_int is | |||||
-- with VHDL-2008, convert package to generic package | |||||
-- convert subtypes ElementType and ArrayofElementType to generics | |||||
-- package SortListGenericPkg is | |||||
subtype ElementType is integer ; | |||||
subtype ArrayofElementType is integer_vector ; | |||||
impure function inside (constant E : ElementType; constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return boolean ; | |||||
impure function sort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType ; | |||||
impure function revsort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType ; | |||||
type SortListPType is protected | |||||
procedure add ( constant A : in ElementType ; constant AllowDuplicate : Boolean := FALSE ) ; | |||||
procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) ; | |||||
procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ; Min, Max : ElementType ) ; | |||||
procedure add ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) ; | |||||
-- Count items in list | |||||
impure function count return integer ; | |||||
impure function find_index ( constant A : ElementType) return integer ; | |||||
impure function inside (constant A : ElementType) return boolean ; | |||||
procedure insert ( constant A : in ElementType; constant index : in integer := 1 ) ; | |||||
impure function get ( constant index : in integer := 1 ) return ElementType ; | |||||
procedure erase ; | |||||
impure function Empty return boolean ; | |||||
procedure print ; | |||||
procedure remove ( constant A : in ElementType ) ; | |||||
procedure remove ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) ; | |||||
procedure remove ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) ; | |||||
impure function to_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType ; | |||||
impure function to_rev_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType ; | |||||
end protected SortListPType ; | |||||
end SortListPkg_int ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body SortListPkg_int is | |||||
impure function inside (constant E : ElementType; constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
if E = A(i) then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end function inside ; | |||||
type SortListPType is protected body | |||||
type ListType ; | |||||
type ListPointerType is access ListType ; | |||||
type ListType is record | |||||
A : ElementType ; | |||||
-- item_num : integer ; | |||||
NextPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
-- PrevPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
end record ; | |||||
variable HeadPointer : ListPointerType := NULL ; | |||||
-- variable TailPointer : ListPointerType := NULL ; | |||||
procedure add ( constant A : in ElementType ; constant AllowDuplicate : Boolean := FALSE ) is | |||||
variable CurPtr, tempPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, NULL) ; | |||||
elsif A = HeadPointer.A then -- ignore duplicates | |||||
if AllowDuplicate then | |||||
tempPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
elsif A < HeadPointer.A then | |||||
tempPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
AddLoop : loop | |||||
exit AddLoop when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; | |||||
exit AddLoop when A < CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; | |||||
if A = CurPtr.NextPtr.A then | |||||
-- if AllowDuplicate then -- changed s.t. insert at after match rather than before | |||||
-- exit AddLoop ; -- insert | |||||
-- else | |||||
if not AllowDuplicate then | |||||
return ; -- return without insert | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop AddLoop ; | |||||
tempPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
CurPtr.NextPtr := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure add ; | |||||
procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
add(A(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure add ; | |||||
procedure add ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ; Min, Max : ElementType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
if A(i) >= Min and A(i) <= Max then | |||||
add(A(i)) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure add ; | |||||
procedure add ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to A.Count loop | |||||
add(A.Get(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure add ; | |||||
-- Count items in list | |||||
impure function count return integer is | |||||
variable result : positive := 1 ; | |||||
variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
return 0 ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
loop | |||||
exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; | |||||
result := result + 1 ; | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function count ; | |||||
impure function find_index (constant A : ElementType) return integer is | |||||
variable result : positive := 2 ; | |||||
variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
return 0 ; | |||||
elsif A <= HeadPointer.A then | |||||
return 1 ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
loop | |||||
exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; | |||||
exit when A <= CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; | |||||
result := result + 1 ; | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function find_index ; | |||||
impure function inside (constant A : ElementType) return boolean is | |||||
variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if A = HeadPointer.A then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
loop | |||||
exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; | |||||
exit when A < CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; | |||||
if A = CurPtr.NextPtr.A then | |||||
return TRUE ; -- exit | |||||
end if; | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end function inside ; | |||||
procedure insert( constant A : in ElementType; constant index : in integer := 1 ) is | |||||
variable CurPtr, tempPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if index <= 1 then | |||||
tempPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
HeadPointer := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
for i in 3 to index loop | |||||
exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; -- end of list | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
tempPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
CurPtr.NextPtr := new ListType'(A, tempPtr) ; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end procedure insert ; | |||||
impure function get ( constant index : in integer := 1 ) return ElementType is | |||||
variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if index > Count then | |||||
Alert(OSVVM_ALERTLOG_ID, "SortLIstPkg_int.get index out of range", FAILURE) ; | |||||
return ElementType'left ; | |||||
elsif HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
return ElementType'left ; | |||||
elsif index <= 1 then | |||||
return HeadPointer.A ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
for i in 2 to index loop | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return CurPtr.A ; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end function get ; | |||||
procedure erase (variable CurPtr : inout ListPointerType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if CurPtr.NextPtr /= NULL then | |||||
erase (CurPtr.NextPtr) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
deallocate (CurPtr) ; | |||||
end procedure erase ; | |||||
procedure erase is | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer /= NULL then | |||||
erase(HeadPointer) ; | |||||
-- deallocate (HeadPointer) ; | |||||
HeadPointer := NULL ; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end procedure erase ; | |||||
impure function Empty return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return HeadPointer = NULL ; | |||||
end Empty ; | |||||
procedure print is | |||||
variable buf : line ; | |||||
variable CurPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
write (buf, string'("( )")) ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
write (buf, string'("(")) ; | |||||
loop | |||||
write (buf, CurPtr.A) ; | |||||
exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; | |||||
write (buf, string'(", ")) ; | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
write (buf, string'(")")) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
writeline(OUTPUT, buf) ; | |||||
end procedure print ; | |||||
procedure remove ( constant A : in ElementType ) is | |||||
variable CurPtr, tempPtr : ListPointerType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HeadPointer = NULL then | |||||
return ; | |||||
elsif A = HeadPointer.A then | |||||
tempPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
HeadPointer := HeadPointer.NextPtr ; | |||||
deallocate (tempPtr) ; | |||||
else | |||||
CurPtr := HeadPointer ; | |||||
loop | |||||
exit when CurPtr.NextPtr = NULL ; | |||||
if A = CurPtr.NextPtr.A then | |||||
tempPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
CurPtr.NextPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
deallocate (tempPtr) ; | |||||
exit ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
exit when A < CurPtr.NextPtr.A ; | |||||
CurPtr := CurPtr.NextPtr ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure remove ; | |||||
procedure remove ( constant A : in ArrayofElementType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
remove(A(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure remove ; | |||||
procedure remove ( variable A : inout SortListPType ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to A.Count loop | |||||
remove(A.Get(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure remove ; | |||||
impure function to_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType is | |||||
variable result : ArrayofElementType(1 to Count) ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to Count loop | |||||
result(i) := Get(i) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
if EraseList then | |||||
erase ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function to_array ; | |||||
impure function to_rev_array (constant EraseList : boolean := FALSE) return ArrayofElementType is | |||||
variable result : ArrayofElementType(Count downto 1) ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to Count loop | |||||
result(i) := Get(i) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
if EraseList then | |||||
erase ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function to_rev_array ; | |||||
end protected body SortListPType ; | |||||
impure function sort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType is | |||||
variable Result : SortListPType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
Result.Add(A(i), TRUE) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return Result.to_array(EraseList => TRUE) ; | |||||
end function sort ; | |||||
impure function revsort (constant A : in ArrayofElementType) return ArrayofElementType is | |||||
variable Result : SortListPType ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
Result.Add(A(i), TRUE) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return Result.to_rev_array(EraseList => TRUE) ; | |||||
end function revsort ; | |||||
end SortListPkg_int ; | |||||
@ -1,851 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: TbUtilPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: TbUtilPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis email: jim@SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Package Defines | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 11/1999: 0.1 Initial revision | |||||
-- Numerous revisions for VHDL Testbenches and Verification | |||||
-- 10/2013 2013.10 Split out Text Utilities | |||||
-- 11/2016 2016.11 First Public Release Version | |||||
-- Updated naming for consistency. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
library osvvm ; | |||||
use osvvm.AlertLogPkg.all ; | |||||
use osvvm.TranscriptPkg.all ; | |||||
package TbUtilPkg is | |||||
constant CLK_ACTIVE : std_logic := '1' ; | |||||
constant t_sim_resolution : time := std.env.resolution_limit ; -- VHDL-2008 | |||||
-- constant t_sim_resolution : time := 1 ns ; -- for non VHDL-2008 simulators | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- ZeroOneHot, OneHot | |||||
-- OneHot: return true if exactly one value is 1 | |||||
-- ZeroOneHot: return false when more than one value is a 1 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function OneHot ( constant A : in std_logic_vector ) return boolean ; | |||||
function ZeroOneHot ( constant A : in std_logic_vector ) return boolean ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- RequestTransaction | |||||
-- Transaction initiation side of handshaking | |||||
-- Pairs with WaitForTransaction or one of its variations | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure RequestTransaction ( | |||||
signal Rdy : Out std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : In std_logic | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForTransaction | |||||
-- Model side of handshaking | |||||
-- Pairs with RequestTransaction | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForTransaction ( | |||||
signal Clk : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : Out std_logic | |||||
) ; | |||||
-- Variation for model that stops waiting when TimeOut is asserted | |||||
-- Intended for models that need to switch between instruction streams | |||||
-- such as a CPU when interrupt is pending | |||||
procedure WaitForTransaction ( | |||||
signal Clk : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : Out std_logic ; | |||||
signal TimeOut : In std_logic ; | |||||
constant Polarity : In std_logic := '1' | |||||
) ; | |||||
-- Set Ack to Model starting value | |||||
procedure StartTransaction ( signal Ack : Out std_logic ) ; | |||||
-- Set Ack to Model finishing value | |||||
procedure FinishTransaction ( signal Ack : Out std_logic ) ; | |||||
-- If a transaction is pending, return true | |||||
function TransactionPending ( signal Rdy : In std_logic ) return boolean ; | |||||
-- Variation for clockless models | |||||
procedure WaitForTransaction ( | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : Out std_logic | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Toggle, WaitForToggle | |||||
-- Used for communicating between processes | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Toggle ( | |||||
signal Sig : InOut std_logic ; | |||||
constant DelayVal : time | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure Toggle ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ) ; | |||||
procedure ToggleHS ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ) ; | |||||
function IsToggle ( signal Sig : In std_logic ) return boolean ; | |||||
procedure WaitForToggle ( signal Sig : In std_logic ) ; | |||||
-- Bit type versions | |||||
procedure Toggle ( signal Sig : InOut bit ; constant DelayVal : time ) ; | |||||
procedure Toggle ( signal Sig : InOut bit ) ; | |||||
procedure ToggleHS ( signal Sig : InOut bit ) ; | |||||
function IsToggle ( signal Sig : In bit ) return boolean ; | |||||
procedure WaitForToggle ( signal Sig : In bit ) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForBarrier | |||||
-- Barrier Synchronization | |||||
-- Multiple processes call it, it finishes when all have called it | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ; signal TimeOut : std_logic ; constant Polarity : in std_logic := '1') ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ; constant TimeOut : time ) ; | |||||
-- resolved_barrier : summing resolution used in conjunction with integer based barriers | |||||
function resolved_barrier ( s : integer_vector ) return integer ; | |||||
subtype integer_barrier is resolved_barrier integer ; | |||||
-- Usage of integer barriers requires resolved_barrier. Initialization to 1 recommended, but not required | |||||
-- signal barrier1 : resolved_barrier integer := 1 ; -- using the resolution function | |||||
-- signal barrier2 : integer_barrier := 1 ; -- using the subtype that already applies the resolution function | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut integer ) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut integer ; signal TimeOut : std_logic ; constant Polarity : in std_logic := '1') ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut integer ; constant TimeOut : time ) ; | |||||
-- Using separate signals | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier2 ( signal SyncOut : out std_logic ; signal SyncIn : in std_logic ) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier2 ( signal SyncOut : out std_logic ; signal SyncInV : in std_logic_vector ) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForClock | |||||
-- Sync to Clock - after a delay, after a number of clocks | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; constant Delay : in time ) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; constant NumberOfClocks : in integer := 1) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; signal Enable : in boolean ) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; signal Enable : in std_logic ; constant Polarity : std_logic := '1' ) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForLevel | |||||
-- Find a signal at a level | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForLevel ( signal A : in boolean ) ; | |||||
procedure WaitForLevel ( signal A : in std_logic ; Polarity : std_logic := '1' ) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- CreateClock, CreateReset | |||||
-- Note these do not exit | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure CreateClock ( | |||||
signal Clk : inout std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant DutyCycle : real := 0.5 | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure CheckClockPeriod ( | |||||
constant AlertLogID : AlertLogIDType ; | |||||
signal Clk : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant ClkName : string := "Clock" ; | |||||
constant HowMany : integer := 5 | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure CheckClockPeriod ( | |||||
signal Clk : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant ClkName : string := "Clock" ; | |||||
constant HowMany : integer := 5 | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure CreateReset ( | |||||
signal Reset : out std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetActive : in std_logic ; | |||||
signal Clk : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant tpd : time | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure LogReset ( | |||||
constant AlertLogID : AlertLogIDType ; | |||||
signal Reset : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetActive : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetName : in string := "Reset" ; | |||||
constant LogLevel : in LogType := ALWAYS | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure LogReset ( | |||||
signal Reset : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetActive : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetName : in string := "Reset" ; | |||||
constant LogLevel : in LogType := ALWAYS | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Deprecated subprogram names | |||||
-- Maintaining backward compatibility using aliases | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- History of RequestTransaction / WaitForTransaction | |||||
alias RequestAction is RequestTransaction [std_logic, std_logic] ; | |||||
alias WaitForRequest is WaitForTransaction [std_logic, std_logic, std_logic] ; | |||||
-- History of WaitForToggle | |||||
alias WaitOnToggle is WaitForToggle [std_logic] ; | |||||
-- History of WaitForBarrier | |||||
alias WayPointBlock is WaitForBarrier [std_logic] ; | |||||
alias SyncTo is WaitForBarrier2[std_logic, std_logic] ; | |||||
alias SyncTo is WaitForBarrier2[std_logic, std_logic_vector] ; | |||||
-- Backward compatible name | |||||
alias SyncToClk is WaitForClock [std_logic, time] ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Deprecated | |||||
-- subsumed by WaitForTransaction with Ack and TimeOut. | |||||
-- TimeOut works exactly like IntReq | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForTransactionOrIrq ( | |||||
signal Clk : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal IntReq : In std_logic | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Deprecated | |||||
-- WaitForAck, StrobeAck | |||||
-- Replaced by WaitForToggle and Toggle | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForAck ( signal Ack : In std_logic ) ; | |||||
procedure StrobeAck ( signal Ack : Out std_logic ) ; | |||||
end TbUtilPkg ; | |||||
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||||
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |||||
package body TbUtilPkg is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- ZeroOneHot, OneHot | |||||
-- OneHot: return true if exactly one value is 1 | |||||
-- ZeroOneHot: return false when more than one value is a 1 | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function OneHot ( constant A : in std_logic_vector ) return boolean is | |||||
variable found_one : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
if A(i) = '1' or A(i) = 'H' then | |||||
if found_one then | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
found_one := TRUE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return found_one ; -- found a one | |||||
end function OneHot ; | |||||
function ZeroOneHot ( constant A : in std_logic_vector ) return boolean is | |||||
variable found_one : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in A'range loop | |||||
if A(i) = '1' or A(i) = 'H' then | |||||
if found_one then | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
found_one := TRUE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return TRUE ; -- all zero or found a one | |||||
end function ZeroOneHot ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- RequestTransaction | |||||
-- Transaction initiation side of handshaking | |||||
-- Pairs with WaitForTransaction or one of its variations | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure RequestTransaction ( | |||||
signal Rdy : Out std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : In std_logic | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Record contains new transaction | |||||
Rdy <= '1' ; | |||||
-- Find Ack low = '0' | |||||
wait until Ack = '0' ; | |||||
-- Prepare for Next Transaction | |||||
Rdy <= '0' ; | |||||
-- Transaction Done | |||||
wait until Ack = '1' ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForTransaction | |||||
-- Model side of handshaking | |||||
-- Pairs with RequestTransaction | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForTransaction ( | |||||
signal Clk : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : Out std_logic | |||||
) is | |||||
variable AckTime : time ; | |||||
begin | |||||
-- End of Previous Cycle. Signal Done | |||||
Ack <= '1' ; -- #6 | |||||
AckTime := NOW ; | |||||
-- Find Start of Transaction | |||||
if Rdy /= '1' then -- #2 | |||||
wait until Rdy = '1' ; | |||||
else | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- allow Ack to update | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- align to clock if needed (not back-to-back transactions) | |||||
if NOW /= AckTime then | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Model active and owns the record | |||||
Ack <= '0' ; -- #3 | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
-- Variation for model that stops waiting when TimeOut is asserted | |||||
-- Intended for models that need to switch between instruction streams | |||||
-- such as a CPU when interrupt is pending | |||||
procedure WaitForTransaction ( | |||||
signal Clk : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : Out std_logic ; | |||||
signal TimeOut : In std_logic ; | |||||
constant Polarity : In std_logic := '1' | |||||
) is | |||||
variable AckTime : time ; | |||||
variable FoundRdy : boolean ; | |||||
begin | |||||
-- End of Previous Cycle. Signal Done | |||||
Ack <= '1' ; -- #6 | |||||
AckTime := NOW ; | |||||
-- Find Ready or Time out | |||||
if (Rdy /= '1' and TimeOut /= Polarity) then | |||||
wait until Rdy = '1' or TimeOut = Polarity ; | |||||
else | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- allow Ack to update | |||||
end if ; | |||||
FoundRdy := Rdy = '1' ; | |||||
-- align to clock if Rdy or TimeOut does not happen within delta cycles from Ack | |||||
if NOW /= AckTime then | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
if FoundRdy then | |||||
-- Model active and owns the record | |||||
Ack <= '0' ; -- #3 | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
-- Set Ack to Model starting value | |||||
-- Pairs with WaitForTransactionOrIrq above | |||||
procedure StartTransaction ( signal Ack : Out std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Ack <= '0' ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
-- Set Ack to Model finishing value | |||||
-- Pairs with WaitForTransactionOrIrq above | |||||
procedure FinishTransaction ( signal Ack : Out std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- End of Cycle | |||||
Ack <= '1' ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
-- If a transaction is pending, return true | |||||
-- Used to detect presence of transaction stream, | |||||
-- such as an interrupt handler | |||||
function TransactionPending ( | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic | |||||
) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return Rdy = '1' ; | |||||
end function ; | |||||
-- Variation for clockless models | |||||
procedure WaitForTransaction ( | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Ack : Out std_logic | |||||
) is | |||||
variable AckTime : time ; | |||||
begin | |||||
-- End of Previous Cycle. Signal Done | |||||
Ack <= '1' ; -- #6 | |||||
-- Find Start of Transaction | |||||
if Rdy /= '1' then -- #2 | |||||
wait until Rdy = '1' ; | |||||
else | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- allow Ack to update | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Model active and owns the record | |||||
Ack <= '0' ; -- #3 | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Toggle, WaitForToggle | |||||
-- Used for communicating between processes | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
type stdulogic_indexby_stdulogic is array (std_ulogic) of std_ulogic; | |||||
constant toggle_sl_table : stdulogic_indexby_stdulogic := ( | |||||
'0' => '1', | |||||
'L' => '1', | |||||
others => '0' | |||||
); | |||||
procedure Toggle ( | |||||
signal Sig : InOut std_logic ; | |||||
constant DelayVal : time | |||||
) is | |||||
variable iDelayVal : time ; | |||||
begin | |||||
iDelayVal := DelayVal ; | |||||
if iDelayVal > t_sim_resolution then | |||||
iDelayVal := iDelayVal - t_sim_resolution ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
Sig <= toggle_sl_table(Sig) after iDelayVal ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
procedure Toggle ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= toggle_sl_table(Sig) ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
procedure ToggleHS ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= toggle_sl_table(Sig) ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- Sig toggles | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- new values updated into record | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
function IsToggle ( signal Sig : In std_logic ) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return Sig'event ; | |||||
end function ; | |||||
procedure WaitForToggle ( signal Sig : In std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
wait on Sig ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
-- Bit type versions | |||||
procedure Toggle ( signal Sig : InOut bit ; constant DelayVal : time ) is | |||||
variable iDelayVal : time ; | |||||
begin | |||||
iDelayVal := DelayVal ; | |||||
if iDelayVal > t_sim_resolution then | |||||
iDelayVal := iDelayVal - t_sim_resolution ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
Sig <= not Sig after iDelayVal ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
procedure Toggle ( signal Sig : InOut bit ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= not Sig ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
procedure ToggleHS ( signal Sig : InOut bit ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= not Sig ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- Sig toggles | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- new values updated into record | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
function IsToggle ( signal Sig : In bit ) return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return Sig'event ; | |||||
end function ; | |||||
procedure WaitForToggle ( signal Sig : In bit ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
wait on Sig ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForBarrier | |||||
-- Barrier Synchronization | |||||
-- Multiple processes call it, it finishes when all have called it | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= 'H' ; | |||||
-- Wait until all processes set Sig to H | |||||
-- Level check not necessary since last value /= H yet | |||||
wait until Sig = 'H' ; | |||||
-- Deactivate and propagate to allow back to back calls | |||||
Sig <= '0' ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ; signal TimeOut : std_logic ; constant Polarity : in std_logic := '1') is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= 'H' ; | |||||
-- Wait until all processes set Sig to H | |||||
-- Level check not necessary since last value /= H yet | |||||
wait until Sig = 'H' or TimeOut = Polarity ; | |||||
-- Deactivate and propagate to allow back to back calls | |||||
Sig <= '0' ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut std_logic ; constant TimeOut : time ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= 'H' ; | |||||
-- Wait until all processes set Sig to H | |||||
-- Level check not necessary since last value /= H yet | |||||
wait until Sig = 'H' for TimeOut ; | |||||
-- Deactivate and propagate to allow back to back calls | |||||
Sig <= '0' ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- resolved_barrier | |||||
-- summing resolution used in conjunction with integer based barriers | |||||
function resolved_barrier ( s : integer_vector ) return integer is | |||||
variable result : integer := 0 ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in s'RANGE loop | |||||
if s(i) /= integer'left then | |||||
result := s(i) + result; | |||||
else | |||||
return integer'left ; -- removes the initialization requirement | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function resolved_barrier ; | |||||
-- Usage of integer barriers requires resolved_barrier. Initialization to 1 recommended, but not required | |||||
-- signal barrier1 : resolved_barrier integer := 1 ; -- using the resolution function | |||||
-- signal barrier2 : integer_barrier := 1 ; -- using the subtype that already applies the resolution function | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut integer ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= 0 ; | |||||
-- Wait until all processes set Sig to 0 | |||||
-- Level check not necessary since last value /= 0 yet | |||||
wait until Sig = 0 ; | |||||
-- Deactivate and propagate to allow back to back calls | |||||
Sig <= 1 ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut integer ; signal TimeOut : std_logic ; constant Polarity : in std_logic := '1') is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= 0 ; | |||||
-- Wait until all processes set Sig to 0 | |||||
-- Level check not necessary since last value /= 0 yet | |||||
wait until Sig = 0 or TimeOut = Polarity ; | |||||
-- Deactivate and propagate to allow back to back calls | |||||
Sig <= 1 ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier ( signal Sig : InOut integer ; constant TimeOut : time ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
Sig <= 0 ; | |||||
-- Wait until all processes set Sig to 0 | |||||
-- Level check not necessary since last value /= 0 yet | |||||
wait until Sig = 0 for TimeOut ; | |||||
-- Deactivate and propagate to allow back to back calls | |||||
Sig <= 1 ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier ; | |||||
-- Using separate signals | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier2 ( signal SyncOut : out std_logic ; signal SyncIn : in std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Activate Rdy | |||||
SyncOut <= '1' ; | |||||
-- Make sure our Rdy is seen | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
-- Wait until other process' Rdy is at level 1 | |||||
if SyncIn /= '1' then | |||||
wait until SyncIn = '1' ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Deactivate Rdy | |||||
SyncOut <= '0' ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier2 ; | |||||
procedure WaitForBarrier2 ( signal SyncOut : out std_logic ; signal SyncInV : in std_logic_vector ) is | |||||
constant ALL_ONE : std_logic_vector(SyncInV'Range) := (others => '1'); | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Activate Rdy | |||||
SyncOut <= '1' ; | |||||
-- Make sure our Rdy is seen | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
-- Wait until all other process' Rdy is at level 1 | |||||
if SyncInV /= ALL_ONE then | |||||
wait until SyncInV = ALL_ONE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- Deactivate Rdy | |||||
SyncOut <= '0' ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForBarrier2 ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForClock | |||||
-- Sync to Clock - after a delay, after a number of clocks | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; constant Delay : in time ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if delay > t_sim_resolution then | |||||
wait for delay - t_sim_resolution ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForClock ; | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; constant NumberOfClocks : in integer := 1) is | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to NumberOfClocks loop | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForClock ; | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; signal Enable : in boolean ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
wait on Clk until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE and Enable ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForClock ; | |||||
procedure WaitForClock ( signal Clk : in std_logic ; signal Enable : in std_logic ; constant Polarity : std_logic := '1' ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
wait on Clk until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE and Enable = Polarity ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForClock ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- WaitForLevel | |||||
-- Find a signal at a level | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForLevel ( signal A : in boolean ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if not A then | |||||
wait until A ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForLevel ; | |||||
procedure WaitForLevel ( signal A : in std_logic ; Polarity : std_logic := '1' ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if A /= Polarity then | |||||
-- wait on A until A = Polarity ; | |||||
if Polarity = '1' then | |||||
wait until A = '1' ; | |||||
else | |||||
wait until A = '0' ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure WaitForLevel ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- CreateClock, CreateReset | |||||
-- Note these do not exit | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure CreateClock ( | |||||
signal Clk : inout std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant DutyCycle : real := 0.5 | |||||
) is | |||||
constant HIGH_TIME : time := Period * DutyCycle ; | |||||
constant LOW_TIME : time := Period - HIGH_TIME ; | |||||
begin | |||||
if HIGH_TIME = LOW_TIME then | |||||
loop | |||||
Clk <= toggle_sl_table(Clk) after HIGH_TIME ; | |||||
wait on Clk ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
else | |||||
-- Schedule s.t. all assignments after the first occur on delta cycle 0 | |||||
Clk <= '0', '1' after LOW_TIME ; | |||||
wait for period - 1 ns ; -- allows after on future Clk <= '0' | |||||
loop | |||||
Clk <= '0' after 1 ns, '1' after LOW_TIME + 1 ns ; | |||||
wait for period ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure CreateClock ; | |||||
procedure CheckClockPeriod ( | |||||
constant AlertLogID : AlertLogIDType ; | |||||
signal Clk : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant ClkName : string := "Clock" ; | |||||
constant HowMany : integer := 5 | |||||
) is | |||||
variable LastLogTime, ObservedPeriod : time ; | |||||
begin | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
LastLogTime := now ; | |||||
-- Check First HowMany clocks | |||||
for i in 1 to HowMany loop | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
ObservedPeriod := now - LastLogTime ; | |||||
AffirmIf(AlertLogID, ObservedPeriod = Period, | |||||
"CheckClockPeriod: " & ClkName & " Period: " & to_string(ObservedPeriod) & | |||||
" = Expected " & to_string(Period)) ; | |||||
LastLogTime := now ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
wait ; | |||||
end procedure CheckClockPeriod ; | |||||
procedure CheckClockPeriod ( | |||||
signal Clk : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant ClkName : string := "Clock" ; | |||||
constant HowMany : integer := 5 | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
CheckClockPeriod ( | |||||
AlertLogID => ALERTLOG_DEFAULT_ID, | |||||
Clk => Clk, | |||||
Period => Period, | |||||
ClkName => ClkName, | |||||
HowMany => HowMany | |||||
) ; | |||||
end procedure CheckClockPeriod ; | |||||
procedure CreateReset ( | |||||
signal Reset : out std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetActive : in std_logic ; | |||||
signal Clk : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant Period : time ; | |||||
constant tpd : time | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
Reset <= ResetActive after tpd ; | |||||
wait for Period - t_sim_resolution ; | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
Reset <= not ResetActive after tpd ; | |||||
wait ; | |||||
end procedure CreateReset ; | |||||
procedure LogReset ( | |||||
constant AlertLogID : AlertLogIDType ; | |||||
signal Reset : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetActive : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetName : in string := "Reset" ; | |||||
constant LogLevel : in LogType := ALWAYS | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Does not log the value of Reset at time 0. | |||||
for_ever : loop | |||||
wait on Reset ; | |||||
if Reset = ResetActive then | |||||
LOG(AlertLogID, ResetName & " now active", INFO) ; | |||||
print("") ; | |||||
elsif Reset = not ResetActive then | |||||
LOG(AlertLogID, ResetName & " now inactive", INFO) ; | |||||
print("") ; | |||||
else | |||||
LOG(AlertLogID, ResetName & " = " & to_string(Reset), INFO) ; | |||||
print("") ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop for_ever ; | |||||
end procedure LogReset ; | |||||
procedure LogReset ( | |||||
signal Reset : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetActive : in std_logic ; | |||||
constant ResetName : in string := "Reset" ; | |||||
constant LogLevel : in LogType := ALWAYS | |||||
) is | |||||
begin | |||||
LogReset ( | |||||
AlertLogID => ALERTLOG_DEFAULT_ID, | |||||
Reset => Reset, | |||||
ResetActive => ResetActive, | |||||
ResetName => ResetName, | |||||
LogLevel => LogLevel | |||||
) ; | |||||
end procedure LogReset ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Deprecated | |||||
-- subsumed by WaitForTransaction with Ack and TimeOut. | |||||
-- TimeOut works exactly like IntReq | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForTransactionOrIrq ( | |||||
signal Clk : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal Rdy : In std_logic ; | |||||
signal IntReq : In std_logic | |||||
) is | |||||
variable AckTime : time ; | |||||
constant POLARITY : std_logic := '1' ; | |||||
begin | |||||
AckTime := NOW ; | |||||
-- Find Ready or Time out | |||||
if (Rdy /= '1' and IntReq /= POLARITY) then | |||||
wait until Rdy = '1' or IntReq = POLARITY ; | |||||
else | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; -- allow Ack to update | |||||
end if ; | |||||
-- align to clock if Rdy or IntReq does not happen within delta cycles from Ack | |||||
if NOW /= AckTime then | |||||
wait until Clk = CLK_ACTIVE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Deprecated | |||||
-- WaitForAck, StrobeAck | |||||
-- Replaced by WaitForToggle and Toggle | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WaitForAck ( signal Ack : In std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Wait for Model to be done | |||||
wait until Ack = '1' ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
procedure StrobeAck ( signal Ack : Out std_logic ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
-- Model done, drive rising edge on Ack | |||||
Ack <= '0' ; | |||||
wait for 0 ns ; | |||||
Ack <= '1' ; | |||||
end procedure ; | |||||
end TbUtilPkg ; | |||||
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: TextUtilPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: TextUtilPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Shared Utilities for handling text files | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 01/2015: 2015.05 Initial revision | |||||
-- 01/2016: 2016.01 Update for L.all(L'left) | |||||
-- 11/2016: 2016.11 Added IsUpper, IsLower, to_upper, to_lower | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2015-2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; | |||||
package TextUtilPkg is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function IsUpper (constant Char : character ) return boolean ; | |||||
function IsLower (constant Char : character ) return boolean ; | |||||
function to_lower (constant Char : character ) return character ; | |||||
function to_lower (constant Str : string ) return string ; | |||||
function to_upper (constant Char : character ) return character ; | |||||
function to_upper (constant Str : string ) return string ; | |||||
function ishex (constant Char : character ) return boolean ; | |||||
function isstd_logic (constant Char : character ) return boolean ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SkipWhiteSpace ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Empty : out boolean | |||||
) ; | |||||
procedure SkipWhiteSpace (variable L : InOut line) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure EmptyOrCommentLine ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Empty : InOut boolean ; | |||||
variable MultiLineComment : inout boolean | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure ReadHexToken ( | |||||
-- Reads Upto Result'length values, less is ok. | |||||
-- Does not skip white space | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Result : Out std_logic_vector ; | |||||
variable StrLen : Out integer | |||||
) ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure ReadBinaryToken ( | |||||
-- Reads Upto Result'length values, less is ok. | |||||
-- Does not skip white space | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Result : Out std_logic_vector ; | |||||
variable StrLen : Out integer | |||||
) ; | |||||
end TextUtilPkg ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body TextUtilPkg is | |||||
constant LOWER_TO_UPPER_OFFSET : integer := character'POS('a') - character'POS('A') ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function "-" (R : character ; L : integer ) return character is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return character'VAL(character'pos(R) - L) ; | |||||
end function "-" ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function "+" (R : character ; L : integer ) return character is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return character'VAL(character'pos(R) + L) ; | |||||
end function "+" ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function IsUpper (constant Char : character ) return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if Char >= 'A' and Char <= 'Z' then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
else | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function IsUpper ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function IsLower (constant Char : character ) return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if Char >= 'a' and Char <= 'z' then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
else | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function IsLower ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function to_lower (constant Char : character ) return character is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsUpper(Char) then | |||||
return Char + LOWER_TO_UPPER_OFFSET ; | |||||
else | |||||
return Char ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function to_lower ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function to_lower (constant Str : string ) return string is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : string(Str'range) ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in Str'range loop | |||||
result(i) := to_lower(Str(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function to_lower ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function to_upper (constant Char : character ) return character is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if IsLower(Char) then | |||||
return Char - LOWER_TO_UPPER_OFFSET ; | |||||
else | |||||
return Char ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function to_upper ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function to_upper (constant Str : string ) return string is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable result : string(Str'range) ; | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in Str'range loop | |||||
result(i) := to_upper(Str(i)) ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
return result ; | |||||
end function to_upper ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function ishex (constant Char : character ) return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if Char >= '0' and Char <= '9' then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
elsif Char >= 'a' and Char <= 'f' then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
elsif Char >= 'A' and Char <= 'F' then | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
else | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end function ishex ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
function isstd_logic (constant Char : character ) return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
case Char is | |||||
when 'U' | 'X' | '0' | '1' | 'Z' | 'W' | 'L' | 'H' | '-' => | |||||
return TRUE ; | |||||
when others => | |||||
return FALSE ; | |||||
end case ; | |||||
end function isstd_logic ; | |||||
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- function iscomment (constant Char : character ) return boolean is | |||||
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- begin | |||||
-- case Char is | |||||
-- when '#' | '/' | '-' => | |||||
-- return TRUE ; | |||||
-- when others => | |||||
-- return FALSE ; | |||||
-- end case ; | |||||
-- end function iscomment ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SkipWhiteSpace ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Empty : out boolean | |||||
) is | |||||
variable Valid : boolean ; | |||||
variable Char : character ; | |||||
constant NBSP : CHARACTER := CHARACTER'val(160); -- space character | |||||
begin | |||||
Empty := TRUE ; | |||||
WhiteSpLoop : while L /= null and L.all'length > 0 loop | |||||
if (L.all(L'left) = ' ' or L.all(L'left) = NBSP or L.all(L'left) = HT) then | |||||
read (L, Char, Valid) ; | |||||
exit when not Valid ; | |||||
else | |||||
Empty := FALSE ; | |||||
return ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop WhiteSpLoop ; | |||||
end procedure SkipWhiteSpace ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SkipWhiteSpace ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line | |||||
) is | |||||
variable Empty : boolean ; | |||||
begin | |||||
SkipWhiteSpace(L, Empty) ; | |||||
end procedure SkipWhiteSpace ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
-- Package Local | |||||
procedure FindCommentEnd ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Empty : out boolean ; | |||||
variable MultiLineComment : inout boolean | |||||
) is | |||||
variable Valid : boolean ; | |||||
variable Char : character ; | |||||
begin | |||||
MultiLineComment := TRUE ; | |||||
Empty := TRUE ; | |||||
FindEndOfCommentLoop : while L /= null and L.all'length > 1 loop | |||||
read(L, Char, Valid) ; | |||||
if Char = '*' and L.all(L'left) = '/' then | |||||
read(L, Char, Valid) ; | |||||
Empty := FALSE ; | |||||
MultiLineComment := FALSE ; | |||||
exit FindEndOfCommentLoop ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure FindCommentEnd ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure EmptyOrCommentLine ( | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Empty : InOut boolean ; | |||||
variable MultiLineComment : inout boolean | |||||
) is | |||||
variable Valid : boolean ; | |||||
variable Next2Char : string(1 to 2) ; | |||||
constant NBSP : CHARACTER := CHARACTER'val(160); -- space character | |||||
begin | |||||
if MultiLineComment then | |||||
FindCommentEnd(L, Empty, MultiLineComment) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
EmptyCheckLoop : while not MultiLineComment loop | |||||
SkipWhiteSpace(L, Empty) ; | |||||
exit when Empty ; -- line null or 0 in length detected by SkipWhite | |||||
Empty := TRUE ; | |||||
exit when L.all(L'left) = '#' ; -- shell style comment | |||||
if L.all'length >= 2 then | |||||
if L'ascending then | |||||
Next2Char := L.all(L'left to L'left+1) ; | |||||
else | |||||
Next2Char := L.all(L'left to L'left-1) ; | |||||
end if; | |||||
exit when Next2Char = "//" ; -- C style comment | |||||
exit when Next2Char = "--" ; -- VHDL style comment | |||||
if Next2Char = "/*" then -- C style multi line comment | |||||
FindCommentEnd(L, Empty, MultiLineComment) ; | |||||
exit when Empty ; | |||||
next EmptyCheckLoop ; -- Found end of comment, restart processing line | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
Empty := FALSE ; | |||||
exit ; | |||||
end loop EmptyCheckLoop ; | |||||
end procedure EmptyOrCommentLine ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure ReadHexToken ( | |||||
-- Reads Upto Result'length values, less is ok. | |||||
-- Does not skip white space | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Result : Out std_logic_vector ; | |||||
variable StrLen : Out integer | |||||
) is | |||||
constant NumHexChars : integer := (Result'length+3)/4 ; | |||||
constant ResultNormLen : integer := NumHexChars * 4 ; | |||||
variable NextChar : character ; | |||||
variable CharCount : integer ; | |||||
variable ReturnVal : std_logic_vector(ResultNormLen-1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable ReadVal : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable ReadValid : boolean ; | |||||
begin | |||||
ReturnVal := (others => '0') ; | |||||
CharCount := 0 ; | |||||
ReadLoop : while L /= null and L.all'length > 0 loop | |||||
NextChar := L.all(L'left) ; | |||||
if ishex(NextChar) or NextChar = 'X' or NextChar = 'Z' then | |||||
hread(L, ReadVal, ReadValid) ; | |||||
ReturnVal := ReturnVal(ResultNormLen-5 downto 0) & ReadVal ; | |||||
CharCount := CharCount + 1 ; | |||||
exit ReadLoop when CharCount >= NumHexChars ; | |||||
elsif NextChar = '_' then | |||||
read(L, NextChar, ReadValid) ; | |||||
else | |||||
exit ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ReadLoop ; | |||||
if CharCount >= NumHexChars then | |||||
StrLen := Result'length ; | |||||
else | |||||
StrLen := CharCount * 4 ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
Result := ReturnVal(Result'length-1 downto 0) ; | |||||
end procedure ReadHexToken ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure ReadBinaryToken ( | |||||
-- Reads Upto Result'length values, less is ok. | |||||
-- Does not skip white space | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable L : InOut line ; | |||||
variable Result : Out std_logic_vector ; | |||||
variable StrLen : Out integer | |||||
) is | |||||
variable NextChar : character ; | |||||
variable CharCount : integer ; | |||||
variable ReadVal : std_logic ; | |||||
variable ReturnVal : std_logic_vector(Result'length-1 downto 0) ; | |||||
variable ReadValid : boolean ; | |||||
begin | |||||
ReturnVal := (others => '0') ; | |||||
CharCount := 0 ; | |||||
ReadLoop : while L /= null and L.all'length > 0 loop | |||||
NextChar := L.all(L'left) ; | |||||
if isstd_logic(NextChar) then | |||||
read(L, ReadVal, ReadValid) ; | |||||
ReturnVal := ReturnVal(Result'length-2 downto 0) & ReadVal ; | |||||
CharCount := CharCount + 1 ; | |||||
exit ReadLoop when CharCount >= Result'length ; | |||||
elsif NextChar = '_' then | |||||
read(L, NextChar, ReadValid) ; | |||||
else | |||||
exit ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end loop ReadLoop ; | |||||
StrLen := CharCount ; | |||||
Result := ReturnVal ; | |||||
end procedure ReadBinaryToken ; | |||||
end package body TextUtilPkg ; |
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: TranscriptPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: TranscriptPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- Contributor(s): | |||||
-- Jim Lewis jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Description: | |||||
-- Define file identifier TranscriptFile | |||||
-- provide subprograms to open, close, and print to it. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Developed for: | |||||
-- SynthWorks Design Inc. | |||||
-- VHDL Training Classes | |||||
-- 11898 SW 128th Ave. Tigard, Or 97223 | |||||
-- http://www.SynthWorks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 01/2015: 2015.01 Initial revision | |||||
-- 01/2016: 2016.01 TranscriptOpen function now calls procedure of same name | |||||
-- 11/2016: 2016.l1 Added procedure BlankLine | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2015-2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it | |||||
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the ARTISTIC License | |||||
-- as published by The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of | |||||
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- | |||||
use std.textio.all ; | |||||
package TranscriptPkg is | |||||
-- File Identifier to facilitate usage of one transcript file | |||||
file TranscriptFile : text ; | |||||
-- Cause compile errors if READ_MODE is passed to TranscriptOpen | |||||
-- Open and close TranscriptFile. Function allows declarative opens | |||||
procedure TranscriptOpen (Status: out FILE_OPEN_STATUS; ExternalName: STRING; OpenKind: WRITE_APPEND_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) ; | |||||
procedure TranscriptOpen (ExternalName: STRING; OpenKind: WRITE_APPEND_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) ; | |||||
impure function TranscriptOpen (ExternalName: STRING; OpenKind: WRITE_APPEND_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) return FILE_OPEN_STATUS ; | |||||
procedure TranscriptClose ; | |||||
impure function IsTranscriptOpen return boolean ; | |||||
alias IsTranscriptEnabled is IsTranscriptOpen [return boolean] ; | |||||
-- Mirroring. When using TranscriptPkw WriteLine and Print, uses both TranscriptFile and OUTPUT | |||||
procedure SetTranscriptMirror (A : boolean := TRUE) ; | |||||
impure function IsTranscriptMirrored return boolean ; | |||||
alias GetTranscriptMirror is IsTranscriptMirrored [return boolean] ; | |||||
-- Write to TranscriptFile when open. Write to OUTPUT when not open or IsTranscriptMirrored | |||||
procedure WriteLine(buf : inout line) ; | |||||
procedure Print(s : string) ; | |||||
-- Create "count" number of blank lines | |||||
procedure BlankLine (count : integer := 1) ; | |||||
end TranscriptPkg ; | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
--- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |||||
package body TranscriptPkg is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
type LocalBooleanPType is protected | |||||
procedure Set (A : boolean) ; | |||||
impure function get return boolean ; | |||||
end protected LocalBooleanPType ; | |||||
type LocalBooleanPType is protected body | |||||
variable GlobalVar : boolean := FALSE ; | |||||
procedure Set (A : boolean) is | |||||
begin | |||||
GlobalVar := A ; | |||||
end procedure Set ; | |||||
impure function get return boolean is | |||||
begin | |||||
return GlobalVar ; | |||||
end function get ; | |||||
end protected body LocalBooleanPType ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
shared variable TranscriptEnable : LocalBooleanPType ; | |||||
shared variable TranscriptMirror : LocalBooleanPType ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure TranscriptOpen (Status: out FILE_OPEN_STATUS; ExternalName: STRING; OpenKind: WRITE_APPEND_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
file_open(Status, TranscriptFile, ExternalName, OpenKind) ; | |||||
if Status = OPEN_OK then | |||||
TranscriptEnable.Set(TRUE) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure TranscriptOpen ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure TranscriptOpen (ExternalName: STRING; OpenKind: WRITE_APPEND_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable Status : FILE_OPEN_STATUS ; | |||||
begin | |||||
TranscriptOpen(Status, ExternalName, OpenKind) ; | |||||
if Status /= OPEN_OK then | |||||
report "TranscriptPkg.TranscriptOpen file: " & | |||||
ExternalName & " status is: " & to_string(status) & " and is not OPEN_OK" severity FAILURE ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure TranscriptOpen ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function TranscriptOpen (ExternalName: STRING; OpenKind: WRITE_APPEND_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) return FILE_OPEN_STATUS is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable Status : FILE_OPEN_STATUS ; | |||||
begin | |||||
TranscriptOpen(Status, ExternalName, OpenKind) ; | |||||
return Status ; | |||||
end function TranscriptOpen ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure TranscriptClose is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if TranscriptEnable.Get then | |||||
file_close(TranscriptFile) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
TranscriptEnable.Set(FALSE) ; | |||||
end procedure TranscriptClose ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function IsTranscriptOpen return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return TranscriptEnable.Get ; | |||||
end function IsTranscriptOpen ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure SetTranscriptMirror (A : boolean := TRUE) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
TranscriptMirror.Set(A) ; | |||||
end procedure SetTranscriptMirror ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
impure function IsTranscriptMirrored return boolean is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
return TranscriptMirror.Get ; | |||||
end function IsTranscriptMirrored ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure WriteLine(buf : inout line) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
if not TranscriptEnable.Get then | |||||
WriteLine(OUTPUT, buf) ; | |||||
elsif TranscriptMirror.Get then | |||||
TEE(TranscriptFile, buf) ; | |||||
else | |||||
WriteLine(TranscriptFile, buf) ; | |||||
end if ; | |||||
end procedure WriteLine ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure Print(s : string) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
variable buf : line ; | |||||
begin | |||||
write(buf, s) ; | |||||
WriteLine(buf) ; | |||||
end procedure Print ; | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
procedure BlankLine (count : integer := 1) is | |||||
------------------------------------------------------------ | |||||
begin | |||||
for i in 1 to count loop | |||||
print("") ; | |||||
end loop ; | |||||
end procedure Blankline ; | |||||
end package body TranscriptPkg ; |
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: VendorCovApiPkg.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: VendorCovApiPkg | |||||
-- Revision: STANDARD VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: Jim Lewis email: jim@synthworks.com | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Based on work done in package VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd by: | |||||
-- ... | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Package Defines | |||||
-- A set of foreign procedures that link OSVVM's CoveragePkg | |||||
-- coverage model creation and coverage capture with the | |||||
-- built-in capability of a simulator. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: For more details, see CoveragePkg_release_notes.pdf | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 11/2016: 2016.11 Initial revision | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2016 by SynthWorks Design Inc. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Modified copies of this source file may be distributed | |||||
-- under the terms of the ARTISTIC License as published by | |||||
-- The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of the License, | |||||
-- or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- -- | |||||
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
package VendorCovApiPkg is | |||||
subtype VendorCovHandleType is integer; | |||||
-- Types for how coverage bins are represented. Matches OSVVM types. | |||||
type VendorCovRangeType is record | |||||
min: integer; | |||||
max: integer; | |||||
end record; | |||||
type VendorCovRangeArrayType is array ( integer range <> ) of VendorCovRangeType; | |||||
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Point/Item Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available | |||||
impure function VendorCovPointCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType; | |||||
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Cross Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available | |||||
impure function VendorCovCrossCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType; | |||||
-- Sets/Updates the name of the Coverage Model. | |||||
-- Should not be called until the data structure is created by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate. | |||||
-- Replaces name that was set by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate. | |||||
procedure VendorCovSetName( obj: VendorCovHandleType; name: string ); | |||||
-- Add a bin or set of bins to either a Point/Item or Cross Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Checking for sizing that is different from original sizing already done in OSVVM CoveragePkg | |||||
-- It is important to maintain an index that corresponds to the order the bins were entered as | |||||
-- that is used when coverage is recorded. | |||||
procedure VendorCovBinAdd( obj: VendorCovHandleType; bins: VendorCovRangeArrayType; Action: integer; atleast: integer; name: string ); | |||||
-- Increment the coverage of bin identified by index number. | |||||
-- Index ranges from 1 to Number of Bins. | |||||
-- Index corresponds to the order the bins were entered (starting from 1) | |||||
procedure VendorCovBinInc( obj: VendorCovHandleType; index: integer ); | |||||
end package; | |||||
package body VendorCovApiPkg is | |||||
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Point/Item Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available | |||||
impure function VendorCovPointCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return 0 ; | |||||
end function VendorCovPointCreate ; | |||||
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Cross Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available | |||||
impure function VendorCovCrossCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType is | |||||
begin | |||||
return 0 ; | |||||
end function VendorCovCrossCreate ; | |||||
-- Sets/Updates the name of the Coverage Model. | |||||
-- Should not be called until the data structure is created by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate. | |||||
-- Replaces name that was set by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate. | |||||
procedure VendorCovSetName( obj: VendorCovHandleType; name: string ) is | |||||
begin | |||||
end procedure VendorCovSetName ; | |||||
-- Add a bin or set of bins to either a Point/Item or Cross Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Checking for sizing that is different from original sizing already done in OSVVM CoveragePkg | |||||
-- It is important to maintain an index that corresponds to the order the bins were entered as | |||||
-- that is used when coverage is recorded. | |||||
procedure VendorCovBinAdd( obj: VendorCovHandleType; bins: VendorCovRangeArrayType; Action: integer; atleast: integer; name: string )is | |||||
begin | |||||
end procedure VendorCovBinAdd ; | |||||
-- Increment the coverage of bin identified by index number. | |||||
-- Index ranges from 1 to Number of Bins. | |||||
-- Index corresponds to the order the bins were entered (starting from 1) | |||||
procedure VendorCovBinInc( obj: VendorCovHandleType; index: integer )is | |||||
begin | |||||
end procedure VendorCovBinInc ; | |||||
end package body VendorCovApiPkg ; |
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ | |||||
-- | |||||
-- File Name: VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd | |||||
-- Design Unit Name: VendorCovApiPkg | |||||
-- Revision: ALDEC VERSION | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Maintainer: | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Package Defines | |||||
-- A set of foreign procedures that link OSVVM's CoveragePkg | |||||
-- coverage model creation and coverage capture with the | |||||
-- built-in capability of a simulator. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Revision History: For more details, see CoveragePkg_release_notes.pdf | |||||
-- Date Version Description | |||||
-- 11/2016: 2016.11 Initial revision | |||||
-- 12/2016 2016.11a Fixed an issue with attributes | |||||
-- | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2016 by Aldec. All rights reserved. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Verbatim copies of this source file may be used and | |||||
-- distributed without restriction. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Modified copies of this source file may be distributed | |||||
-- under the terms of the ARTISTIC License as published by | |||||
-- The Perl Foundation; either version 2.0 of the License, | |||||
-- or (at your option) any later version. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be | |||||
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied | |||||
-- PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for details. | |||||
-- | |||||
-- You should have received a copy of the license with this source. | |||||
-- If not download it from, | |||||
-- http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 | |||||
-- -- | |||||
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||
package VendorCovApiPkg is | |||||
subtype VendorCovHandleType is integer; | |||||
-- Types for how coverage bins are represented. Matches OSVVM types. | |||||
type VendorCovRangeType is record | |||||
min: integer; | |||||
max: integer; | |||||
end record; | |||||
type VendorCovRangeArrayType is array ( integer range <> ) of VendorCovRangeType; | |||||
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Point/Item Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available | |||||
impure function VendorCovPointCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType; | |||||
attribute foreign of VendorCovPointCreate[ string return VendorCovHandleType ]: function is "VHPI systf; cvg_CvpCreate"; | |||||
-- Create Initial Data Structure for Cross Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Sets initial name of the coverage model if available | |||||
impure function VendorCovCrossCreate( name: string ) return VendorCovHandleType; | |||||
attribute foreign of VendorCovCrossCreate[ string return VendorCovHandleType ]: function is "VHPI systf; cvg_CrCreate"; | |||||
-- Sets/Updates the name of the Coverage Model. | |||||
-- Should not be called until the data structure is created by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate. | |||||
-- Replaces name that was set by VendorCovPointCreate or VendorCovCrossCreate. | |||||
procedure VendorCovSetName( obj: VendorCovHandleType; name: string ); | |||||
attribute foreign of VendorCovSetName[ VendorCovHandleType, string ]: procedure is "VHPI systf; cvg_SetCoverName"; | |||||
-- Add a bin or set of bins to either a Point/Item or Cross Functional Coverage Model | |||||
-- Checking for sizing that is different from original sizing already done in OSVVM CoveragePkg | |||||
-- It is important to maintain an index that corresponds to the order the bins were entered as | |||||
-- that is used when coverage is recorded. | |||||
procedure VendorCovBinAdd( obj: VendorCovHandleType; bins: VendorCovRangeArrayType; Action: integer; atleast: integer; name: string ); | |||||
attribute foreign of VendorCovBinAdd[ VendorCovHandleType, VendorCovRangeArrayType, integer, integer, string ]: procedure is "VHPI systf; cvg_CvpCrBinCreate"; | |||||
-- Increment the coverage of bin identified by index number. | |||||
-- Index ranges from 1 to Number of Bins. | |||||
-- Index corresponds to the order the bins were entered (starting from 1) | |||||
procedure VendorCovBinInc( obj: VendorCovHandleType; index: integer ); | |||||
attribute foreign of VendorCovBinInc[ VendorCovHandleType, integer ]: procedure is "VHPI systf; cvg_CvpCrBinIncr"; | |||||
-- Action (integer): | |||||
-- constant COV_COUNT : integer := 1; | |||||
-- constant COV_IGNORE : integer := 0; | |||||
-- constant COV_ILLEGAL : integer := -1; | |||||
end package; | |||||
package body VendorCovApiPkg is | |||||
-- Replace any existing package body for this package | |||||
end package body VendorCovApiPkg ; |