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Add UART receive component & UART testbench

* New UART receive component with features similar to UART tx
* New UART simple testbench for the UART components
* TODO: checking of parity error
* Functional coverage
* Formal verification
T. Meissner 5 years ago
3 changed files with 321 additions and 3 deletions
  1. +150
  2. +13
  3. +158

+ 150
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syn/UartRx.vhd View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
-- ======================================================================
-- UART Receiver
-- Copyright (C) 2020 Torsten Meissner
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-- Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-- ======================================================================
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity UartRx is
generic (
DATA_LENGTH : positive range 5 to 9 := 8;
PARITY : boolean := true;
CLK_DIV : natural := 10
port (
reset_n_i : in std_logic; -- async reset
clk_i : in std_logic; -- clock
data_o : out std_logic_vector(DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0); -- data output
error_o : out std_logic; -- rx error
valid_o : out std_logic; -- output data valid
accept_i : in std_logic; -- output data accepted
rx_i : in std_logic -- uart rx input
end entity UartRx;
architecture rtl of UartRx is
function odd_parity (data : in std_logic_vector(DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0)) return std_logic is
variable v_data : std_logic := '0';
for i in data'range loop
v_data := v_data xor data(i);
end loop;
return not v_data;
end function odd_parity;
function to_integer (data : in boolean) return integer is
if data then
return 1;
return 0;
end if;
end function to_integer;
type t_uart_state is (IDLE, RECEIVE, VALID);
signal s_uart_state : t_uart_state;
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(DATA_LENGTH+1+to_integer(PARITY) downto 0);
signal s_clk_en : boolean;
ClkDivP : process (clk_i, reset_n_i) is
variable v_clk_cnt : natural range 0 to CLK_DIV-1;
if (reset_n_i = '0') then
s_clk_en <= false;
v_clk_cnt := CLK_DIV-1;
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
s_clk_en <= false;
if (s_uart_state = IDLE) then
v_clk_cnt := CLK_DIV-2;
elsif (s_uart_state = RECEIVE) then
if (v_clk_cnt = 0) then
v_clk_cnt := CLK_DIV-1;
v_clk_cnt := v_clk_cnt - 1;
end if;
if (v_clk_cnt = CLK_DIV/2-1) then
s_clk_en <= true;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process ClkDivP;
RxP : process (clk_i, reset_n_i) is
variable v_bit_cnt : natural range 0 to s_data'length-1;
if (reset_n_i = '0') then
s_uart_state <= IDLE;
s_data <= (others => '0');
valid_o <= '0';
v_bit_cnt := 0;
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then
FsmL : case s_uart_state is
when IDLE =>
valid_o <= '0';
v_bit_cnt := s_data'length-1;
if (rx_i = '0') then
s_uart_state <= RECEIVE;
end if;
when RECEIVE =>
if (s_clk_en) then
s_data <= rx_i & s_data(s_data'length-1 downto 1);
if (v_bit_cnt = 0) then
valid_o <= '1';
s_uart_state <= VALID;
v_bit_cnt := v_bit_cnt - 1;
end if;
end if;
when VALID =>
valid_o <= '1';
if (valid_o = '1' and accept_i = '1') then
valid_o <= '0';
s_uart_state <= IDLE;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process RxP;
ParityG : if PARITY generate
data_o <= s_data(s_data'length-3 downto 1);
error_o <= '1' when odd_parity(s_data(s_data'length-3 downto 1)) /= s_data(s_data'length-2) or
s_data(s_data'length-1) = '0' else
else generate
data_o <= s_data(s_data'length-2 downto 1);
error_o <= '1' when s_data(s_data'length-1) = '0' else '0';
end generate ParityG;
end architecture rtl;

+ 13
- 3
test/Makefile View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ VHD_STD := 08
.PHONY: all
all: queue dict stack sim wishbone
all: queue dict stack sim wishbone uart
OsvvmContext.o: $(OSVVM_SRC)/*.vhd
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ OsvvmContext.o: $(OSVVM_SRC)/*.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) --work=osvvm $(OSVVM_SRC)/ScoreboardPkg_int.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) --work=osvvm $(OSVVM_SRC)/ResolutionPkg.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) --work=osvvm $(OSVVM_SRC)/TbUtilPkg.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) --work=osvvm $(OSVVM_SRC)/OsvvmContext.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) --work=osvvm $(OSVVM_SRC)/OsvvmContext.vhd
UtilsP.o: $(CMN_SRC)/UtilsP.vhd
@ -57,16 +57,25 @@ simt: OsvvmContext.o UtilsP.o AssertP.o QueueP.o SimP.o SimT.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) SimT.vhd
ghdl -e --std=$(VHD_STD) $@
spit: OsvvmContext.o UtilsP.o $(SYN_SRC)/SpiSlaveE.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/SpiMasterE.vhd SpiT.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) -fpsl $(SYN_SRC)/SpiSlaveE.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/SpiMasterE.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) -fpsl SpiT.vhd
ghdl -e --std=$(VHD_STD) $@
uartt: OsvvmContext.o UtilsP.o $(SYN_SRC)/UartTx.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/UartRx.vhd UartT.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) -fpsl $(SYN_SRC)/UartTx.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/UartRx.vhd
ghdl -a --std=$(VHD_STD) -fpsl UartT.vhd
ghdl -e --std=$(VHD_STD) $@
.PHONY: spi
spi: spit
ghdl -r --std=$(VHD_STD) $@t --wave=$@t.ghw
.PHONY: uart
uart: uartt
ghdl -r --std=$(VHD_STD) $@t --wave=$@t.ghw
wishbonet: OsvvmContext.o AssertP.o SimP.o QueueP.o DictP.o UtilsP.o $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneCheckerE.vhd \
$(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneP.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneMasterE.vhd $(SYN_SRC)/WishBoneSlaveE.vhd WishBoneT.vhd
@ -96,6 +105,7 @@ clean:
rm -f stringt
rm -f simt
rm -f spit
rm -f uartt
rm -f wishbonet
rm -f *.json

+ 158
- 0
test/UartT.vhd View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
-- ======================================================================
-- UART testbench
-- Copyright (C) 2020 Torsten Meissner
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-- Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-- ======================================================================
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library osvvm;
use osvvm.RandomPkg.all;
use std.env.all;
entity UartT is
end entity UartT;
architecture sim of UartT is
component UartTx is
generic (
DATA_LENGTH : positive range 5 to 9 := 8;
PARITY : boolean := false;
CLK_DIV : natural := 10
port (
reset_n_i : in std_logic; -- async reset
clk_i : in std_logic; -- clock
data_i : in std_logic_vector(DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0); -- data input
valid_i : in std_logic; -- input data valid
accept_o : out std_logic; -- inpit data accepted
tx_o : out std_logic -- uart tx data output
end component UartTx;
component UartRx is
generic (
DATA_LENGTH : positive range 5 to 9 := 8;
PARITY : boolean := true;
CLK_DIV : natural := 10
port (
reset_n_i : in std_logic; -- async reset
clk_i : in std_logic; -- clock
data_o : out std_logic_vector(DATA_LENGTH-1 downto 0); -- data output
error_o : out std_logic; -- rx error
valid_o : out std_logic; -- output data valid
accept_i : in std_logic; -- output data accepted
rx_i : in std_logic -- uart rx input
end component UartRx;
constant c_data_length : positive range 5 to 8 := 8;
signal s_reset_n : std_logic := '0';
signal s_clk : std_logic := '1';
signal s_tx_data : std_logic_vector(c_data_length-1 downto 0);
signal s_tx_valid : std_logic;
signal s_tx_accept : std_logic;
signal s_rx_data : std_logic_vector(c_data_length-1 downto 0);
signal s_rx_error : std_logic;
signal s_rx_valid : std_logic;
signal s_rx_accept : std_logic;
signal s_uart : std_logic;
Dut_UartTx : UartTx
generic map (
DATA_LENGTH => c_data_length,
PARITY => true,
CLK_DIV => 10
port map (
reset_n_i => s_reset_n,
clk_i => s_clk,
data_i => s_tx_data,
valid_i => s_tx_valid,
accept_o => s_tx_accept,
tx_o => s_uart
Dut_UartRx : UartRx
generic map (
DATA_LENGTH => c_data_length,
PARITY => true,
CLK_DIV => 10
port map (
reset_n_i => s_reset_n,
clk_i => s_clk,
data_o => s_rx_data,
error_o => s_rx_error,
valid_o => s_rx_valid,
accept_i => s_rx_accept,
rx_i => s_uart
s_clk <= not s_clk after 5 ns;
s_reset_n <= '1' after 20 ns;
TestP : process is
variable v_data : std_logic_vector(c_data_length-1 downto 0);
variable v_random : RandomPType;
s_tx_valid <= '0';
s_rx_accept <= '0';
s_tx_data <= (others => '0');
wait until s_reset_n = '1';
for i in 0 to 2**c_data_length-1 loop
wait until rising_edge(s_clk);
s_tx_valid <= '1';
s_rx_accept <= '1';
v_data := v_random.RandSlv(8);
s_tx_data <= v_data;
wait until rising_edge(s_clk) and s_tx_accept = '1';
s_tx_valid <= '0';
wait until rising_edge(s_clk) and s_rx_valid = '1';
assert s_rx_data = v_data
report "Received data 0x" & to_hstring(s_rx_data) & ", expected 0x" & to_hstring(v_data)
severity failure;
assert s_rx_error = '0'
report "Received error 0b" & to_string(s_rx_error) & ", expected 0b0"
severity failure;
end loop;
wait for 10 us;
end process TestP;
end architecture sim;
