* one_hot(): returns true when slv is one hot coded
* is_unknown(): return true when slv contains bits with unknown value
* uint_to_slv(): converts natural to slv (unsigned)
* slv_to_uint(): converts slv to natural (unsigned)
New functions added:
* count_ones(): returns number of 1 in a given std_logic_vector
* xor_reduce(): returns the xor of all bits in a std_logic_vector
Functions even_parity() & odd_parity() now use the xor_reduce function
to calc the parity.
The new common folder holds packages and designs, which can be used
either for synthesis & simulation. The first file is UtilP.vhd, a
package containing vatious helper functions:
* and_reduce(): function to and'ring all items of a vector, overloaded
for std_logic_vector & boolean_vector
* or_reduce(): function to or'ring all items of a vector, overloaded
for std_logic_vector & boolean_vector
* even_parity(): calculate the even parity of a std_logic_vector
* odd_parity(): calculate the odd parity of a std_logic_vector