-- Copyright (c) 2014 - 2022 by Torsten Meissner
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--+ including vhdl 2008 libraries
--+ These lines can be commented out when using
--+ a simulator with built-in VHDL 2008 support
--library ieee_proposed;
-- use ieee_proposed.standard_additions.all;
-- use ieee_proposed.std_logic_1164_additions.all;
library libvhdl;
use libvhdl.AssertP.all;
package SimP is
procedure wait_cycles (signal clk : in std_logic; n : in natural);
procedure spi_master ( data_in : in std_logic_vector; data_out : out std_logic_vector;
signal sclk : inout std_logic; signal ste : out std_logic;
signal mosi : out std_logic; signal miso : in std_logic;
dir : in natural range 0 to 1; cpol : in natural range 0 to 1;
cpha : in natural range 0 to 1; period : in time);
procedure spi_slave ( data_in : in std_logic_vector; data_out : out std_logic_vector;
signal sclk : in std_logic; signal ste : in std_logic;
signal mosi : in std_logic; signal miso : out std_logic;
dir : in natural range 0 to 1; cpol : in natural range 0 to 1;
cpha : in natural range 0 to 1);
end package SimP;
package body SimP is
-- wait for n rising edges on clk
procedure wait_cycles (signal clk : in std_logic; n : in natural) is
for i in 1 to n loop
wait until rising_edge(clk);
end loop;
end procedure wait_cycles;
-- configurable spi master which supports all combinations of cpol & cpha
procedure spi_master ( data_in : in std_logic_vector; data_out : out std_logic_vector;
signal sclk : inout std_logic; signal ste : out std_logic;
signal mosi : out std_logic; signal miso : in std_logic;
dir : in natural range 0 to 1; cpol : in natural range 0 to 1;
cpha : in natural range 0 to 1; period : in time) is
assert_equal(data_in'length, data_out'length, spi_master'simple_name & ": data_in & data_out must have same length!");
sclk <= std_logic'val(cpol+2);
ste <= '0';
if (cpha = 0) then
for i in data_in'range loop
if (dir = 0) then
mosi <= data_in(data_in'high - i);
mosi <= data_in(i);
end if;
wait for period/2;
sclk <= not(sclk);
if (dir = 0) then
data_out(data_out'high - i) := miso;
data_out(i) := miso;
end if;
wait for period/2;
sclk <= not(sclk);
end loop;
wait for period/2;
mosi <= '1';
wait for period/2;
for i in data_in'range loop
sclk <= not(sclk);
if (dir = 0) then
mosi <= data_in(data_in'high - i);
mosi <= data_in(i);
end if;
wait for period/2;
sclk <= not(sclk);
if (dir = 0) then
data_out(data_out'high - i) := miso;
data_out(i) := miso;
end if;
wait for period/2;
end loop;
end if;
ste <= '1';
mosi <= '1';
wait for period/2;
end procedure spi_master;
-- configurable spi slave which supports all combinations of cpol & cpha
procedure spi_slave ( data_in : in std_logic_vector; data_out : out std_logic_vector;
signal sclk : in std_logic; signal ste : in std_logic;
signal mosi : in std_logic; signal miso : out std_logic;
dir : in natural range 0 to 1; cpol : in natural range 0 to 1;
cpha : in natural range 0 to 1) is
variable v_cpol : std_logic := std_logic'val(cpol+2);
assert_equal(data_in'length, data_out'length, spi_slave'simple_name & ": data_in & data_out must have same length!");
miso <= 'Z';
wait until ste = '0';
if (cpha = 0) then
for i in data_in'range loop
if (dir = 0) then
miso <= data_in(data_in'high - i);
miso <= data_in(i);
end if;
wait until sclk'event and sclk = not(v_cpol);
if (dir = 0) then
data_out(data_out'high - i) := mosi;
data_out(i) := mosi;
end if;
wait until sclk'event and sclk = v_cpol;
end loop;
for i in data_in'range loop
wait until sclk'event and sclk = not(v_cpol);
if (dir = 0) then
miso <= data_in(data_in'high - i);
miso <= data_in(i);
end if;
wait until sclk'event and sclk = v_cpol;
if (dir = 0) then
data_out(data_out'high - i) := mosi;
data_out(i) := mosi;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
wait until ste = '1';
miso <= 'Z';
end procedure spi_slave;
end package body SimP;