Examples of using PSL for functional and formal verification of VHDL with GHDL (and SymbiYosys)
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library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.pkg.all;
entity psl_onehot is
port (
clk : in std_logic
end entity psl_onehot;
architecture psl of psl_onehot is
signal a, b : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- 012345678901234
SEQ_A : hex_sequencer generic map ("111222444888888") port map (clk, a);
SEQ_B : hex_sequencer generic map ("111222444888999") port map (clk, b);
-- All is sensitive to rising edge of clk
default clock is rising_edge(clk);
-- This assertion holds
ONEHOT_0_a : assert always onehot(a);
-- This assertion fails at cycle 12
ONEHOT_1_a : assert always onehot(b);
-- Stop simulation after longest running sequencer is finished
-- Simulation only code by using pragmas
-- synthesis translate_off
stop_sim(clk, 15);
-- synthesis translate_on
end architecture psl;