@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
entity FiRoCtrlE is |
generic ( |
EXTRACT : boolean := true |
); |
port ( |
--+ system if |
Clk_i : in std_logic; |
Reset_i : in std_logic; |
--+ ctrl/status |
Start_i : in std_logic; |
--+ rnd data |
DataValid_o : out std_logic; |
Data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- firo |
Run_o : out std_logic; |
Data_i : in std_logic |
); |
end entity FiRoCtrlE; |
architecture rtl of FiRoCtrlE is |
signal s_clk_counter : unsigned(4 downto 0); |
signal s_run : std_logic; |
signal s_firo_valid : std_logic; |
type t_neumann_state is (BIT1, BIT2, BIT3, BIT4); |
signal s_neumann_state : t_neumann_state; |
signal s_neumann_buffer : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
type t_register_state is (SLEEP, COLLECT); |
signal s_register_state : t_register_state; |
signal s_register_enable : std_logic; |
signal s_register_din : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
signal s_register_data : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); |
signal s_register_counter : unsigned(2 downto 0); |
signal s_register_length : natural range 1 to 2; |
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
begin |
Run_o <= s_run when s_register_state = COLLECT else '0'; |
s_data <= s_neumann_buffer & Data_i; |
ControllerP : process (Clk_i) is |
variable v_clk_cnt : unsigned(4 downto 0); |
begin |
if (rising_edge(Clk_i)) then |
if (s_register_state = SLEEP) then |
v_clk_cnt := (others => '1'); |
s_run <= '0'; |
s_firo_valid <= '0'; |
else |
s_firo_valid <= '0'; |
if (v_clk_cnt = 23 and s_run = '0') then |
s_run <= '1'; |
v_clk_cnt := (others => '1'); |
end if; |
if (v_clk_cnt = 12 and s_run = '1') then |
s_run <= '0'; |
v_clk_cnt := (others => '1'); |
end if; |
if (v_clk_cnt = 13 and s_run = '1') then |
s_firo_valid := '1'; |
end if; |
v_clk_cnt := v_clk_cnt - 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process ControllerP; |
extractor : if EXTRACT generate |
VonNeumannP : process (Clk_i) is |
begin |
if (rising_edge(Clk_i)) then |
if (Reset_i = '0') then |
s_neumann_state <= BIT1; |
--s_neumann_buffer <= "000"; |
--s_register_enable <= '0'; |
--s_register_din <= "00"; |
else |
case s_neumann_state is |
when BIT1 => |
s_register_enable <= '0'; |
if (s_firo_valid = '1') then |
s_neumann_buffer(2) <= Data_i; |
s_neumann_state <= BIT2; |
end if; |
when BIT2 => |
if (s_firo_valid = '1') then |
s_neumann_buffer(1) <= Data_i; |
s_neumann_state <= BIT3; |
end if; |
when BIT3 => |
if (s_firo_valid = '1') then |
s_neumann_buffer(0) <= Data_i; |
s_neumann_state <= BIT4; |
end if; |
when BIT4 => |
if (s_firo_valid = '1') then |
s_register_enable <= '1'; |
s_register_length <= 1; |
s_register_din <= "00"; |
s_neumann_state <= BIT1; |
case (s_data) is |
when x"5" => |
s_register_din <= "01"; |
when x"1" | x"6" | x"7" => |
s_register_length <= 2; |
when x"2" | x"9" | x"b" => |
s_register_din <= "01"; |
s_register_length <= 2; |
when x"4" | x"a" | x"d" => |
s_register_din <= "10"; |
s_register_length <= 2; |
when x"8" | x"c" | x"e" => |
s_register_din <= "11"; |
s_register_length <= 2; |
when x"0" | x"f" => |
s_register_enable <= '0'; |
when others => -- incl. x"3" |
null; |
end case; |
end if; |
when others => |
null; |
end case; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process VonNeumannP; |
end generate; |
no_extractor : if not(EXTRACT) generate |
s_register_enable <= s_firo_valid; |
s_register_din(0) <= Data_i; |
s_register_length <= 1; |
end generate; |
Data_o <= s_register_data(7 downto 0); |
ShiftRegisterP : process (Clk_i) is |
begin |
if (rising_edge(Clk_i)) then |
if (Reset_i = '0') then |
s_register_counter <= (others => '1'); |
s_register_state <= SLEEP; |
DataValid_o <= '0'; |
else |
case s_register_state is |
when SLEEP => |
if (Start_i = '1') then |
DataValid_o <= '0'; |
s_register_state <= COLLECT; |
s_register_data(0) <= s_register_data(8); |
end if; |
when COLLECT => |
if (s_register_enable = '1') then |
if (s_register_counter = 0) then |
s_register_data <= s_register_din(1) & s_register_data(6 downto 0) & s_register_din(0); |
DataValid_o <= '1'; |
s_register_state <= SLEEP; |
elsif (s_register_counter = 1) then |
if (s_register_length = 1) then |
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(6 downto 0) & s_register_din(0); |
end if; |
if (s_register_length = 2) then |
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(5 downto 0) & s_register_din; |
DataValid_o <= '1'; |
s_register_state <= SLEEP; |
end if; |
else |
if (s_register_length = 1) then |
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(6 downto 0) & s_register_din(0); |
else |
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(5 downto 0) & s_register_din; |
end if; |
end if; |
s_register_counter <= s_register_counter - s_register_length; |
end if; |
when others => |
null; |
end case; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process ShiftRegisterP; |
end architecture rtl; |