usb-avr-cpld experiment board with FTDI FT232RL, ATMEGA88 & XC9572XL
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T. Meissner b8d183c04c declaration of F_CPU now in the makefile, only check in the c-source, if it was forgotten 13 years ago
avr declaration of F_CPU now in the makefile, only check in the c-source, if it was forgotten 13 years ago
cpld change timespec name from TS_Clk_i to TS_XcClk_i 13 years ago
eagle initial commit of design rules for manufacturing the pcb at q-print 13 years ago
pics update to latest schematic & board revision, now version 0.1 which is 13 years ago
README.textile added description of the 'cpld' which contains the cpld test design 13 years ago


h1. "usb-avr-cpld":

p(. A small experiment board with usb-connector, usb-serial bridge, avr controller & xilinx cpld


h3. Board's main parts:

* Ftdi FD232RL USB-UART bridge
* Atmel Atmega88
* Xilinx XC9572XL CPLD

h3. Test FW:

The folder "avr": contains a avr-gcc project with test routines for the Atmega88 controller.
It checks for the interfaces to the other devices. At the moment, a simply uart loop to the FT232RL
is implemented.

The folder "cpld": contains a xilinx ise / ghdl project with test design for the CPLD.
It checks for the interfaces to the other devices. At the moment, putting a simple "10101" pattern on the gpio pins is implemented.