Trying to verify Verilog/VHDL designs with formal methods and tools
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6 years ago
6 years ago
  1. The original repository is located on my own git-server at [](
  2. It is mirrored to github with every push, so both should be in sync.
  3. # formal_verification
  4. Tests and examples of using formal verification to check correctness of digital hardware designs. All tests are done with SymbiYosys, a front-end for formal verification flows based on [Yosys]( Some examples use the VHDL/SystemVerilog frontend plugin by Verific which isn't free SW and not included in the free Yosys version. See on the [Symbiotic EDA website]( for more information.
  5. ### alu
  6. A simple ALU design in VHDL, together with a formal testbench written in SystemVerilog. The testbench contains various simple SVA properties used by assert & cover directives which are proved with the SymbiYosys tool.
  7. ### counter
  8. A simple counter design in VHDL, together with a formal testbench written in SystemVerilog. The testbench contains various simple SVA properties used by assert & cover directives which are proved with the SymbiYosys tool.
  9. ### dlatch
  10. A simple test design which generates the `Unsupported cell type $dlatchsr` error using with Verific plugin.
  11. ### vai_reg
  12. A simple register file with VAI (valid-accept-interface) which serves as test design to try formal verification of FSMs.