- DESIGN_NAME := uart_aes
- AES_DIR := ../../cryptocores/aes/rtl/vhdl
- $(AES_DIR)/aes_pkg.vhd \
- $(AES_DIR)/aes_enc.vhd \
- $(AES_DIR)/../../../ctraes/rtl/vhdl/ctraes.vhd
- ../rtl/uart_aes_types.vhd \
- ../rtl/uart_tx.vhd \
- ../rtl/uart_rx.vhd \
- ../rtl/uart_ctrl.vhd \
- ../rtl/${DESIGN_NAME}.vhd
- GM_FILES := ../../lib/rtl_components.vhd
- GHDL_FLAGS := --std=08 --workdir=build -Pbuild
- ICARUSFLAGS := -Wall -Winfloop -g2012 -gspecify -Ttyp
- YOSYSPIPE := -nomx8
- # yosys -nomx8 option has to be used as GM FPGA hasn't any (working?) MUX8 cells (in contrast to documentation)
- # yosys -retime option causes design AES unit misbehavior (wrong results)
- # yosys -dff option can be used without risk (but leads to 2.5 mhz less fmax)
- PNRTOOL := $(shell which p_r)
- PNRFLAGS := -om 3 -cCP off
- # p_r +cCP option causes design AES unit misbehavior (wrong results != retime results)
- # p_r +sp option causes design AES unit misbehavior (wrong results != retime results != cCP results)
- # p_r +cCP with +gCP also breaks UART
- .PHONY: all syn imp prog syn_sim imp_sim
- all: imp
- syn: ${DESIGN_NAME}.v
- imp: ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit
- build/work-obj08.cf: ${WORK_FILES} build/gatemate-obj08.cf build/cryptocores-obj08.cf
- ghdl -a ${GHDL_FLAGS} --work=work ${WORK_FILES}
- build/cryptocores-obj08.cf: ${CRYPTO_SRC}
- ghdl -a $(GHDL_FLAGS) --work=cryptocores ${CRYPTO_SRC}
- build/gatemate-obj08.cf: ${GM_FILES}
- mkdir -p build
- ghdl -a ${GHDL_FLAGS} --work=gatemate ${GM_FILES}
- # Synthesis target for implementation
- ${DESIGN_NAME}.v: build/work-obj08.cf
- yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl ${GHDL_FLAGS} --warn-no-binding --no-formal ${DESIGN_NAME}; synth_gatemate -top $(DESIGN_NAME) ${YOSYSPIPE} -vlog $@' \
- 2>&1 | tee build/yosys-report.txt
- # Implementation target for FPGA
- cd build && \
- ${PNRTOOL} -i ../${DESIGN_NAME}.v -o $@ --ccf ../${DESIGN_NAME}.ccf $(PNRFLAGS) \
- 2>&1 | tee p_r-report.txt && \
- mv ${DESIGN_NAME}*.bit ../$@
- # Post-synthesis simulation target
- syn_sim: ${DESIGN_NAME}.v
- iverilog ${ICARUSFLAGS} -o tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_syn.vvp ${DESIGN_NAME}.v tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.v /usr/local/share/yosys/gatemate/cells_sim.v
- vvp -N tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_syn.vvp -fst
- # Post-implementation simulation target
- imp_sim: ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit
- iverilog ${ICARUSFLAGS} -o tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_imp.vvp build/${DESIGN_NAME}_00.v tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.v /opt/cc-toolchain-linux/bin/p_r/cpelib.v
- vvp -N tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_imp.vvp -fst
- # FPGA FW load per JTAG
- prog: ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit
- openFPGALoader -b gatemate_evb_jtag $<
- clean :
- echo "# Cleaning files"
- rm -rf build ${DESIGN_NAME}.v ${DESIGN_NAME}_sim.v ${DESIGN_NAME}.vhd ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit *.vvp *.fst