@ -6,7 +6,17 @@ Ongoing experiments with the Cologne Chip's GateMate FPGA architecture. All expe
### blink
### blink
Simple design which should display incrementing binary numbers with LED1-LED8 of the GateMate FPGA Starter Kit. It uses *CC_PLL* & *CC_CFG_END* primitives of the GateMate FPGA.
Simple design which should display a blinking LED waving from LED1-LED8 of the GateMate FPGA Starter Kit. It uses *CC_PLL* & *CC_CFG_END* primitives of the GateMate FPGA.
### uart_reg
Register file which can be accessed through UART. It uses *CC_PLL* & *CC_CFG_END* primitives of the GateMate FPGA. It contains 8 registers storing values of one byte each. The first received byte on the axis in port contains command & address:
* `7 ` reserved
* `6:4` register address
* `3:0` command (`0x0` read, `0x1` write)
In case of a write command, the payload has to follow with the next byte. In case of a read command, the value of the addressed register is returned on the axis out port. Register at address 0 is special. It contains the version and is read-only. Writes to that register are ignored.