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FSM optimizations; PSL enhancements

* Optimize setting of valid/data outputs to save
  one cycle
* Replace not working PSL stable assertion by
  seperate helper register and equal compare
T. Meissner 5 years ago
2 changed files with 65 additions and 25 deletions
  1. +33
  2. +32

+ 33
- 13
aes/rtl/vhdl/aes_dec.vhd View File

@ -108,19 +108,22 @@ begin
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
when t_rounds'high =>
when t_dec_rounds'high-1 =>
v_state := invshiftrow(v_state);
v_state := invsubbytes(v_state);
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
when t_rounds'high+1 =>
-- set data & valid to save one cycle
valid_o <= '1';
data_o <= get_state(v_state);
when t_dec_rounds'high =>
if (valid_o = '1' and accept_i = '1') then
valid_o <= '0';
data_o <= (others => '0');
s_round <= 0;
-- Set accept to save one cycle
accept_o <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
@ -135,17 +138,34 @@ begin
end process DeCryptP;
-- psl cover accept_o;
-- psl assert always (accept_o -> s_round = 0);
-- psl cover valid_i and accept_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_i and accept_o -> next not accept_o);
-- psl cover valid_o and accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and accept_i -> next not valid_o);
-- synthesis off
verification : block is
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
s_data <= data_o when rising_edge(clk_i) else
128x"0" when reset_i = '0';
-- psl cover accept_o;
-- psl assert always (accept_o -> s_round = 0);
-- psl cover valid_i and accept_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_i and accept_o -> next not accept_o);
-- psl cover valid_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_o -> s_round = t_dec_rounds'high);
-- psl cover valid_o and accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and accept_i -> next not valid_o);
-- psl cover valid_o and not accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next valid_o);
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next data_o = s_data);
-- psl cover valid_o and not accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next data_o'stable);
end block verification;
-- synthesis on
end generate IterG;

+ 32
- 12
aes/rtl/vhdl/aes_enc.vhd View File

@ -108,19 +108,22 @@ begin
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
when t_rounds'high =>
when t_enc_rounds'high-1 =>
v_state := subbytes(v_state);
v_state := shiftrow(v_state);
v_state := addroundkey(v_state, s_round_key);
s_round <= s_round + 1;
when t_rounds'high+1 =>
-- set data & valid to save one cycle
valid_o <= '1';
data_o <= get_state(v_state);
when t_enc_rounds'high =>
if (valid_o = '1' and accept_i = '1') then
valid_o <= '0';
data_o <= (others => '0');
s_round <= 0;
-- Set accept to save one cycle
accept_o <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
@ -135,17 +138,34 @@ begin
end process CryptP;
-- psl cover accept_o;
-- psl assert always (accept_o -> s_round = 0);
-- psl cover valid_i and accept_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_i and accept_o -> next not accept_o);
-- synthesis off
verification : block is
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(0 to 127);
s_data <= data_o when rising_edge(clk_i) else
128x"0" when reset_i = '0';
-- psl cover accept_o;
-- psl assert always (accept_o -> s_round = 0);
-- psl cover valid_o and accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and accept_i -> next not valid_o);
-- psl cover valid_i and accept_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_i and accept_o -> next not accept_o);
-- psl cover valid_o;
-- psl assert always (valid_o -> s_round = t_enc_rounds'high);
-- psl cover valid_o and accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and accept_i -> next not valid_o);
-- psl cover valid_o and not accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next valid_o);
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next data_o = s_data);
-- psl cover valid_o and not accept_i;
-- psl assert always (valid_o and not accept_i -> next data_o'stable);
end block verification;
-- synthesis on
end generate IterG;
