@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ | |||||
library ieee; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all; | |||||
entity firo is | |||||
generic ( | |||||
TOGGLE : boolean := true | |||||
); | |||||
port ( | |||||
frun_i : in std_logic; | |||||
fdata_o : out std_logic | |||||
); | |||||
end entity firo; | |||||
architecture rtl of firo is | |||||
-- signal for inverter loop | |||||
signal s_ring : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_tff : std_logic; | |||||
-- attributes for synplify synthesis tool to preserve inverter loop | |||||
attribute syn_keep : boolean; | |||||
attribute syn_hier : string; | |||||
attribute syn_hier of rtl : architecture is "hard"; | |||||
attribute syn_keep of s_ring : signal is true; | |||||
attribute syn_keep of s_tff : signal is true; | |||||
begin | |||||
firoring : for index in 1 to 15 generate | |||||
s_ring(index) <= not(s_ring(index - 1)); | |||||
end generate; | |||||
s_ring(0) <= (s_ring(15) xor s_ring(14) xor s_ring(7) xor s_ring(6) xor s_ring(5) xor s_ring(4) xor s_ring(2)) and frun_i; | |||||
with_toggle : if TOGGLE generate | |||||
tffP : process(frun_i, s_ring(15)) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if (not frun_i) then | |||||
s_tff <= '0'; | |||||
elsif (rising_edge(s_ring(15))) then | |||||
s_tff <= not s_tff; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process tffP; | |||||
fdata_o <= s_ring(15) xor s_tff; | |||||
else generate | |||||
fdata_o <= s_ring(15); | |||||
end generate; | |||||
end architecture rtl; |
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ | |||||
library ieee; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all; | |||||
entity firo_ctrl is | |||||
generic ( | |||||
EXTRACT : boolean := true | |||||
); | |||||
port ( | |||||
-- system | |||||
clk_i : in std_logic; | |||||
rst_n_i : in std_logic; | |||||
-- axis in | |||||
tvalid_i : in std_logic; | |||||
tready_o : out std_logic; | |||||
-- axis out | |||||
tdata_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
tvalid_o : out std_logic; | |||||
tready_i : in std_logic; | |||||
-- firo | |||||
frun_o : out std_logic; | |||||
fdata_i : in std_logic | |||||
); | |||||
end entity firo_ctrl; | |||||
architecture rtl of firo_ctrl is | |||||
signal s_clk_counter : unsigned(4 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_run : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_firo_valid : std_logic; | |||||
type t_neumann_state is (BIT1, BIT2, BIT3, BIT4); | |||||
signal s_neumann_state : t_neumann_state; | |||||
signal s_neumann_buffer : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); | |||||
type t_register_state is (SLEEP, COLLECT, VALID); | |||||
signal s_register_state : t_register_state; | |||||
signal s_register_enable : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_register_din : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_register_data : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_register_counter : unsigned(2 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_register_length : natural range 1 to 2; | |||||
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); | |||||
begin | |||||
frun_o <= s_run when s_register_state = COLLECT else '0'; | |||||
s_data <= s_neumann_buffer & fdata_i; | |||||
ControllerP : process (clk_i) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if (rising_edge(clk_i)) then | |||||
if (s_register_state = SLEEP) then | |||||
s_clk_counter <= (others => '1'); | |||||
s_run <= '0'; | |||||
s_firo_valid <= '0'; | |||||
else | |||||
s_clk_counter <= s_clk_counter - 1; | |||||
s_firo_valid <= '0'; | |||||
if (s_clk_counter = 23 and s_run = '0') then | |||||
s_run <= '1'; | |||||
s_clk_counter <= (others => '1'); | |||||
end if; | |||||
if (s_clk_counter = 12 and s_run = '1') then | |||||
s_run <= '0'; | |||||
s_clk_counter <= (others => '1'); | |||||
end if; | |||||
if (s_clk_counter = 13 and s_run = '1') then | |||||
s_firo_valid <= '1'; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process ControllerP; | |||||
VON_NEUMANN : if EXTRACT generate | |||||
process (clk_i, rst_n_i) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if (not rst_n_i) then | |||||
s_neumann_state <= BIT1; | |||||
s_register_enable <= '0'; | |||||
s_register_din <= "00"; | |||||
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then | |||||
case s_neumann_state is | |||||
when BIT1 => | |||||
s_register_enable <= '0'; | |||||
if (s_firo_valid) then | |||||
s_neumann_buffer(2) <= fdata_i; | |||||
s_neumann_state <= BIT2; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when BIT2 => | |||||
if (s_firo_valid) then | |||||
s_neumann_buffer(1) <= fdata_i; | |||||
s_neumann_state <= BIT3; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when BIT3 => | |||||
if (s_firo_valid) then | |||||
s_neumann_buffer(0) <= fdata_i; | |||||
s_neumann_state <= BIT4; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when BIT4 => | |||||
if (s_firo_valid) then | |||||
s_register_enable <= '1'; | |||||
s_register_length <= 1; | |||||
s_register_din <= "00"; | |||||
s_neumann_state <= BIT1; | |||||
case (s_data) is | |||||
when x"5" => | |||||
s_register_din <= "01"; | |||||
when x"1" | x"6" | x"7" => | |||||
s_register_length <= 2; | |||||
when x"2" | x"9" | x"b" => | |||||
s_register_din <= "01"; | |||||
s_register_length <= 2; | |||||
when x"4" | x"a" | x"d" => | |||||
s_register_din <= "10"; | |||||
s_register_length <= 2; | |||||
when x"8" | x"c" | x"e" => | |||||
s_register_din <= "11"; | |||||
s_register_length <= 2; | |||||
when x"0" | x"f" => | |||||
s_register_enable <= '0'; | |||||
when others => -- incl. x"3" | |||||
null; | |||||
end case; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when others => | |||||
null; | |||||
end case; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process; | |||||
else generate | |||||
s_register_enable <= s_firo_valid; | |||||
s_register_din(0) <= fdata_i; | |||||
s_register_length <= 1; | |||||
end generate; | |||||
ShiftRegisterP : process (clk_i, rst_n_i) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if (not rst_n_i) then | |||||
s_register_counter <= (others => '1'); | |||||
s_register_state <= SLEEP; | |||||
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then | |||||
case s_register_state is | |||||
when SLEEP => | |||||
if (tvalid_i) then | |||||
s_register_state <= COLLECT; | |||||
s_register_data(0) <= s_register_data(8); | |||||
end if; | |||||
when COLLECT => | |||||
if (s_register_enable) then | |||||
if (s_register_counter = 0) then | |||||
s_register_data <= s_register_din(1) & s_register_data(6 downto 0) & s_register_din(0); | |||||
s_register_state <= VALID; | |||||
elsif (s_register_counter = 1) then | |||||
if (s_register_length = 1) then | |||||
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(6 downto 0) & s_register_din(0); | |||||
end if; | |||||
if (s_register_length = 2) then | |||||
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(5 downto 0) & s_register_din; | |||||
s_register_state <= VALID; | |||||
end if; | |||||
else | |||||
if (s_register_length = 1) then | |||||
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(6 downto 0) & s_register_din(0); | |||||
else | |||||
s_register_data(7 downto 0) <= s_register_data(5 downto 0) & s_register_din; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
s_register_counter <= s_register_counter - s_register_length; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when VALID => | |||||
if (tready_i) then | |||||
s_register_state <= SLEEP; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when others => | |||||
null; | |||||
end case; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process ShiftRegisterP; | |||||
tready_o <= '1' when s_register_state = SLEEP else '0'; | |||||
tvalid_o <= '1' when s_register_state = VALID else '0'; | |||||
tdata_o <= s_register_data(7 downto 0); | |||||
end architecture rtl; |
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ | |||||
-- This design implements a register file which can | |||||
-- be accessed by an UART with 9600 baud | |||||
-- | |||||
-- See into uart_ctrl.vhd for documentation of the protocol | |||||
-- used to read / write the register file. | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all; | |||||
use ieee.math_real.all; | |||||
library gatemate; | |||||
use gatemate.components.all; | |||||
entity uart_trng is | |||||
generic ( | |||||
SIM : natural := 0 | |||||
); | |||||
port ( | |||||
clk_i : in std_logic; -- 10 MHz clock | |||||
rst_n_i : in std_logic; -- SW3 button | |||||
uart_tx_o : out std_logic -- PMODA IO5 | |||||
); | |||||
end entity uart_trng; | |||||
architecture rtl of uart_trng is | |||||
signal s_pll_clk : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_pll_lock : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_rst_n : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_cfg_end : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_uart_tx_tdata : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_uart_tx_tvalid : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_uart_tx_tready : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_firo_run : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_firo_data : std_logic; | |||||
begin | |||||
pll : CC_PLL | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
REF_CLK => "10", | |||||
OUT_CLK => "10", | |||||
PERF_MD => "ECONOMY" | |||||
) | |||||
port map ( | |||||
CLK_REF => clk_i, | |||||
CLK_FEEDBACK => '0', | |||||
USR_CLK_REF => '0', | |||||
USR_LOCKED_STDY_RST => '0', | |||||
USR_PLL_LOCKED_STDY => open, | |||||
USR_PLL_LOCKED => s_pll_lock, | |||||
CLK270 => open, | |||||
CLK180 => open, | |||||
CLK0 => s_pll_clk, | |||||
CLK90 => open, | |||||
CLK_REF_OUT => open | |||||
); | |||||
cfg_end_inst : CC_CFG_END | |||||
port map ( | |||||
CFG_END => s_cfg_end | |||||
); | |||||
firo_ctrl : entity work.firo_ctrl | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
EXTRACT => true | |||||
) | |||||
port map ( | |||||
-- system | |||||
rst_n_i => s_rst_n, | |||||
clk_i => s_pll_clk, | |||||
-- axis in | |||||
tvalid_i => '1', | |||||
tready_o => open, | |||||
-- axis out | |||||
tdata_o => s_uart_tx_tdata, | |||||
tvalid_o => s_uart_tx_tvalid, | |||||
tready_i => s_uart_tx_tready, | |||||
-- firo | |||||
frun_o => s_firo_run, | |||||
fdata_i => s_firo_data | |||||
); | |||||
SIMULATION : if (SIM /= 0) generate | |||||
-- simple random bit generator | |||||
RandomGenP : process (s_pll_clk, s_firo_run) is | |||||
variable v_seed1, v_seed2 : positive := 1; | |||||
variable v_real_rand : real; | |||||
begin | |||||
if (not s_firo_run) then | |||||
s_firo_data <= '0'; | |||||
elsif (s_pll_clk'event) then | |||||
uniform(v_seed1, v_seed2, v_real_rand); | |||||
if (v_real_rand < 0.5) then | |||||
s_firo_data <= '0'; | |||||
else | |||||
s_firo_data <= '1'; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process RandomGenP; | |||||
else generate | |||||
firo : entity work.firo | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
TOGGLE => true | |||||
) | |||||
port map ( | |||||
frun_i => s_firo_run, | |||||
fdata_o => s_firo_data | |||||
); | |||||
end generate; | |||||
uart_tx : entity work.uart_tx | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
CLK_DIV => 1040 | |||||
) | |||||
port map ( | |||||
-- globals | |||||
rst_n_i => s_rst_n, | |||||
clk_i => s_pll_clk, | |||||
-- axis user interface | |||||
tdata_i => s_uart_tx_tdata, | |||||
tvalid_i => s_uart_tx_tvalid, | |||||
tready_o => s_uart_tx_tready, | |||||
-- uart interface | |||||
tx_o => uart_tx_o | |||||
); | |||||
s_rst_n <= rst_n_i and s_pll_lock and s_cfg_end; | |||||
end architecture; |
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ | |||||
-- Copyright (c) 2022 by Torsten Meissner | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |||||
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |||||
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at | |||||
-- | |||||
-- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | |||||
-- | |||||
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |||||
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |||||
-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |||||
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |||||
-- limitations under the License. | |||||
library ieee; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all; | |||||
entity uart_tx is | |||||
generic ( | |||||
CLK_DIV : natural := 10 | |||||
); | |||||
port ( | |||||
-- globals | |||||
rst_n_i : in std_logic; | |||||
clk_i : in std_logic; | |||||
-- axis user interface | |||||
tdata_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
tvalid_i : in std_logic; | |||||
tready_o : out std_logic; | |||||
-- uart interface | |||||
tx_o : out std_logic | |||||
); | |||||
end entity uart_tx; | |||||
architecture rtl of uart_tx is | |||||
type t_uart_state is (IDLE, SEND); | |||||
signal s_uart_state : t_uart_state; | |||||
signal s_data : std_logic_vector(tdata_i'length+1 downto 0); | |||||
signal s_clk_cnt : natural range 0 to CLK_DIV-1; | |||||
signal s_clk_en : std_logic; | |||||
signal s_bit_cnt : natural range 0 to s_data'length-1; | |||||
begin | |||||
ClkDivP : process (clk_i, rst_n_i) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if (not rst_n_i) then | |||||
s_clk_cnt <= CLK_DIV-1; | |||||
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then | |||||
if (s_uart_state = IDLE) then | |||||
s_clk_cnt <= CLK_DIV-2; | |||||
elsif (s_uart_state = SEND) then | |||||
if (s_clk_cnt = 0) then | |||||
s_clk_cnt <= CLK_DIV-1; | |||||
else | |||||
s_clk_cnt <= s_clk_cnt - 1; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process ClkDivP; | |||||
s_clk_en <= '1' when s_uart_state = SEND and s_clk_cnt = 0 else '0'; | |||||
TxP : process (clk_i, rst_n_i) is | |||||
begin | |||||
if (not rst_n_i) then | |||||
s_uart_state <= IDLE; | |||||
s_data <= (0 => '1', others => '0'); | |||||
s_bit_cnt <= 0; | |||||
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i)) then | |||||
FsmL : case s_uart_state is | |||||
when IDLE => | |||||
s_bit_cnt <= s_data'length-1; | |||||
if (tvalid_i) then | |||||
s_data <= '1' & tdata_i & '0'; | |||||
s_uart_state <= SEND; | |||||
end if; | |||||
when SEND => | |||||
if (s_clk_en) then | |||||
s_data <= '1' & s_data(s_data'length-1 downto 1); | |||||
if (s_bit_cnt = 0) then | |||||
s_uart_state <= IDLE; | |||||
else | |||||
s_bit_cnt <= s_bit_cnt - 1; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end case; | |||||
end if; | |||||
end process TxP; | |||||
tready_o <= '1' when s_uart_state = IDLE else '0'; | |||||
tx_o <= s_data(0); | |||||
end architecture rtl; |
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
DESIGN_NAME := uart_trng | |||||
LIB_SRC := ../../lib/rtl_components.vhd ../../lib/sim_components.vhd | |||||
RTL_SRC := ../rtl/uart_tx.vhd ../rtl/firo.vhd ../rtl/firo_ctrl.vhd ../rtl/${DESIGN_NAME}.vhd | |||||
SIM_SRC := tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.vhd | |||||
SIM_FLAGS := --std=08 -fpsl --workdir=work | |||||
.PHONY: all compile sim clean | |||||
all: sim | |||||
compile: tb_${DESIGN_NAME} | |||||
tb_${DESIGN_NAME}: ${LIB_SRC} ${RTL_SRC} ${SIM_SRC} | |||||
mkdir -p work | |||||
@echo "Analyze gatemate library ..." | |||||
ghdl -a ${SIM_FLAGS} --work=gatemate ${LIB_SRC} | |||||
@echo "Analyze testbench & design ..." | |||||
ghdl -a ${SIM_FLAGS} -Pwork ${RTL_SRC} ${SIM_SRC} | |||||
@echo "Elaborate testbench & design ..." | |||||
ghdl -e ${SIM_FLAGS} -Pwork $@ | |||||
sim: tb_${DESIGN_NAME} | |||||
@echo "Run testbench ..." | |||||
ghdl -r ${SIM_FLAGS} -Pwork tb_${DESIGN_NAME} --assert-level=error --wave=tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.ghw | |||||
work: | |||||
mkdir $@ | |||||
clean: | |||||
@echo "Cleaning simulation files ..." | |||||
rm -rf tb_${DESIGN_NAME} tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.ghw *.o work/ |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ | |||||
library ieee ; | |||||
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; | |||||
use ieee.numeric_std.all; | |||||
use std.env.all; | |||||
entity tb_uart_trng is | |||||
end entity tb_uart_trng; | |||||
architecture sim of tb_uart_trng is | |||||
signal s_clk : std_logic := '1'; | |||||
signal s_rst_n : std_logic := '0'; | |||||
signal s_uart_tx : std_logic; | |||||
constant c_baudrate : natural := 9600; | |||||
constant c_period_ns : time := 1000000000 / c_baudrate * ns; | |||||
procedure uart_send ( data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
signal tx : out std_logic) is | |||||
begin | |||||
report "UART send: 0x" & to_hstring(data); | |||||
tx <= '0'; | |||||
wait for c_period_ns; | |||||
for i in 0 to 7 loop | |||||
tx <= data(i); | |||||
wait for c_period_ns; | |||||
end loop; | |||||
tx <= '1'; | |||||
wait for c_period_ns; | |||||
end procedure; | |||||
procedure uart_recv ( data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
signal rx : in std_logic) is | |||||
begin | |||||
wait until not rx; | |||||
wait for c_period_ns; -- Skip start bit | |||||
wait for c_period_ns/2; | |||||
for i in 0 to 7 loop | |||||
data(i) := rx; | |||||
wait for c_period_ns; | |||||
end loop; | |||||
report "UART recv: 0x" & to_hstring(data); | |||||
end procedure; | |||||
begin | |||||
dut : entity work.uart_trng | |||||
generic map ( | |||||
SIM => 1 | |||||
) | |||||
port map ( | |||||
clk_i => s_clk, | |||||
rst_n_i => s_rst_n, | |||||
uart_tx_o => s_uart_tx | |||||
); | |||||
s_rst_n <= '1' after 120 ns; | |||||
s_clk <= not s_clk after 50 ns; | |||||
ReceiveP : process is | |||||
type t_exp is array (0 to 7) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
variable v_exp : t_exp; | |||||
variable v_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); | |||||
begin | |||||
wait until s_rst_n; | |||||
wait until rising_edge(s_clk); | |||||
-- First read all registers | |||||
for i in 0 to 7 loop | |||||
uart_recv(v_data, s_uart_tx); | |||||
end loop; | |||||
wait for 200 us; | |||||
report "Simulation finished :-)"; | |||||
stop(0); | |||||
end process; | |||||
end architecture; |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ | |||||
all: uart_trng | |||||
uart_trng: uart_trng.c | |||||
gcc -Wall uart_trng.c -o uart_trng | |||||
clean: | |||||
rm -rf uart_trng |
@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ | |||||
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard input/output definitions */ | |||||
#include <stdlib.h> | |||||
#include <stdint.h> /* Standard types */ | |||||
#include <string.h> /* String function definitions */ | |||||
#include <unistd.h> /* UNIX standard function definitions */ | |||||
#include <fcntl.h> /* File control definitions */ | |||||
#include <errno.h> /* Error number definitions */ | |||||
#include <termios.h> /* POSIX terminal control definitions */ | |||||
#include <sys/ioctl.h> | |||||
#ifdef __APPLE__ | |||||
// define 460k baud rate, seems not to be available in headers on osx | |||||
#define B460800 460800 | |||||
#endif | |||||
void help(void); | |||||
int serialport_init(const char* serialport, unsigned int baud); | |||||
int serialport_read_until(int fd, unsigned int until); | |||||
// Checks for an argument (characters with a leading '-') | |||||
// Returns 0 if argument does not exist or the index of argument | |||||
// type in the argv[] array | |||||
int parArgTypExists (int argc, char *argv[], char argType) | |||||
{ | |||||
char tmp[3]; | |||||
tmp[0] = '-'; | |||||
tmp[1] = argType; | |||||
tmp[2] = 0; | |||||
if (argc > 1) { | |||||
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { | |||||
if (!strcmp (argv[i], tmp)) | |||||
return i; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return 0; | |||||
} | |||||
// Get string argument value | |||||
// Returns 0 in error case, returns 1 if OK | |||||
// (string is limited to max. 4096 characters) | |||||
int parGetString (int argc, char *argv[], char argType, char *value) | |||||
{ | |||||
int a = parArgTypExists(argc, argv, argType); | |||||
// Check for errors | |||||
if (a == 0) return 0; | |||||
if (a >= (argc -1)) return 0; | |||||
if (strlen(argv[a+1]) > 256) return 0; | |||||
strcpy(value, argv[a+1]); | |||||
return 1; | |||||
} | |||||
// Get unsigned int argument value | |||||
// Returns 0 in error case, 1 if OK | |||||
int parGetUnsignedInt (int argc, char *argv[], char argType, | |||||
unsigned int *value) | |||||
{ | |||||
int a = parArgTypExists (argc, argv, argType); | |||||
/* error checking */ | |||||
if (a == 0) return 0; | |||||
if (a >= (argc -1)) return 0; | |||||
a = sscanf(argv[a+1], "%iu", value); | |||||
return a; | |||||
} | |||||
void help(void) { | |||||
printf("Usage: uart_trng -p <serialport> [OPTIONS]\n" | |||||
"\n" | |||||
"Options:\n" | |||||
" -h, --help Print this help message\n" | |||||
" -p, --port=serialport Serial port where the uart_trng device is plugged on\n" | |||||
" -b, --baud=baudrate Baudrate (bps) of uart_trng device, default = 9600\n" | |||||
" -s, --size number of bytes to receive from uart_trng device,\n" | |||||
" 0 for reading until break with Ctrl-c, default = 1024\n" | |||||
"\n"); | |||||
} | |||||
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) | |||||
{ | |||||
int fd = 0; | |||||
int r = 0; | |||||
char serialport[256]; | |||||
unsigned int baudrate = 9600; | |||||
unsigned int size = 1024; | |||||
// check for command line arguments | |||||
if (argc == 1) { | |||||
help(); | |||||
return 1; | |||||
} | |||||
else { | |||||
if (parArgTypExists (argc, argv, 'h')) { | |||||
help(); | |||||
return 1; | |||||
} | |||||
// get serial port | |||||
if (parArgTypExists (argc, argv, 'p')) { | |||||
r = parGetString (argc, argv, 'p', serialport); | |||||
if (r == 0) { | |||||
return (1); | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
help(); | |||||
return (1); | |||||
} | |||||
// get baud rate | |||||
if (parArgTypExists (argc, argv, 'b')) { | |||||
r = parGetUnsignedInt (argc, argv, 'b', &baudrate); | |||||
if (r == 0) { | |||||
return (1); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// get read size in bytes | |||||
if (parArgTypExists (argc, argv, 's')) { | |||||
r = parGetUnsignedInt (argc, argv, 's', &size); | |||||
if (r == 0) { | |||||
return (1); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
fd = serialport_init(serialport, baudrate); | |||||
if (fd == -1) | |||||
return -1; | |||||
serialport_read_until(fd, size); | |||||
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); | |||||
} | |||||
int serialport_read_until(int fd, unsigned int until) | |||||
{ | |||||
char b[1]; | |||||
int index = 0; | |||||
int n; | |||||
while (1) { | |||||
while (1) { | |||||
// read one char | |||||
n = read(fd, b, 1); | |||||
// we had a read error | |||||
// check if there were no bytes to read or if it was a real error | |||||
if (n == -1) { | |||||
if (errno != EAGAIN) { | |||||
fprintf(stderr,"serial read error at byte %d", index); | |||||
return -1; | |||||
} | |||||
} else { | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
// we got no byte, so wait 10 ms for the next try | |||||
if (n == 0) { | |||||
usleep (10 * 1000); | |||||
continue; | |||||
} | |||||
printf("%c",b[0]); | |||||
if (until == 0) { | |||||
continue; | |||||
} else { | |||||
index++; | |||||
if (index == until) { | |||||
break; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
}; | |||||
fprintf(stderr,"uart_trng: read %d random bytes from device\n", until); | |||||
return 0; | |||||
} | |||||
// takes the string name of the serial port (e.g. "/dev/tty.usbserial","COM1") | |||||
// and a baud rate (bps) and connects to that port at that speed and 8N1. | |||||
// opens the port in fully raw mode so you can send binary data. | |||||
// returns valid fd, or -1 on error | |||||
int serialport_init(const char* serialport, unsigned int baud) | |||||
{ | |||||
struct termios toptions; | |||||
int fd; | |||||
fprintf(stderr,"init_serialport: opening port %s @ %u bps\n", | |||||
serialport, baud); | |||||
fd = open(serialport, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); | |||||
if (fd == -1) { | |||||
perror("init_serialport: Unable to open port "); | |||||
return -1; | |||||
} | |||||
if (tcgetattr(fd, &toptions) < 0) { | |||||
perror("init_serialport: Couldn't get term attributes"); | |||||
return -1; | |||||
} | |||||
speed_t brate = baud; // let you override switch below if needed | |||||
switch(baud) { | |||||
case 4800: brate=B4800; break; | |||||
case 9600: brate=B9600; break; | |||||
#ifdef B14400 | |||||
case 14400: brate=B14400; break; | |||||
#endif | |||||
case 19200: brate=B19200; break; | |||||
#ifdef B28800 | |||||
case 28800: brate=B28800; break; | |||||
#endif | |||||
case 38400: brate=B38400; break; | |||||
case 57600: brate=B57600; break; | |||||
case 115200: brate=B115200; break; | |||||
case 230400: brate=B230400; break; | |||||
case 460800: brate=B460800; break; | |||||
} | |||||
cfsetispeed(&toptions, brate); | |||||
cfsetospeed(&toptions, brate); | |||||
// 8N1 | |||||
toptions.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; | |||||
toptions.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; | |||||
toptions.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; | |||||
toptions.c_cflag |= CS8; | |||||
// no flow control | |||||
toptions.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; | |||||
toptions.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL; // turn on READ & ignore ctrl lines | |||||
toptions.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); // turn off s/w flow ctrl | |||||
toptions.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); // make raw | |||||
toptions.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; // make raw | |||||
// see: http://unixwiz.net/techtips/termios-vmin-vtime.html | |||||
toptions.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; | |||||
toptions.c_cc[VTIME] = 20; | |||||
if( tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &toptions) < 0) { | |||||
perror("init_serialport: Couldn't set term attributes"); | |||||
return -1; | |||||
} | |||||
return fd; | |||||
} | |||||
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ | |||||
DESIGN_NAME := uart_trng | |||||
WORK_FILES := ../rtl/uart_tx.vhd ../rtl/firo.vhd ../rtl/firo_ctrl.vhd ../rtl/${DESIGN_NAME}.vhd | |||||
GM_FILES := ../../lib/rtl_components.vhd | |||||
GHDL_FLAGS := --std=08 --workdir=build -Pbuild | |||||
YOSYSPIPE := -nomx8 -retime | |||||
# ATTENTION: -luttree option seems to mis-synthesize the design, broken with synth_gatemate? | |||||
PNRFLAGS := -om 2 | |||||
PNRTOOL := $(shell which p_r) | |||||
.PHONY: all syn imp prog syn_sim imp_sim | |||||
all: imp | |||||
syn: ${DESIGN_NAME}.v | |||||
imp: ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit | |||||
build/work-obj08.cf: ${WORK_FILES} build/gatemate-obj08.cf | |||||
ghdl -a ${GHDL_FLAGS} --work=work ${WORK_FILES} | |||||
build/gatemate-obj08.cf: ${GM_FILES} | |||||
mkdir -p build | |||||
ghdl -a ${GHDL_FLAGS} --work=gatemate ${GM_FILES} | |||||
# Synthesis target for implementation | |||||
${DESIGN_NAME}.v: build/work-obj08.cf | |||||
yosys -m ghdl -p 'ghdl ${GHDL_FLAGS} --warn-no-binding --no-formal ${DESIGN_NAME}; synth_gatemate -top $(DESIGN_NAME) ${YOSYSPIPE} -vlog $@' \ | |||||
2>&1 | tee build/yosys-report.txt | |||||
# Implementation target for FPGA | |||||
${DESIGN_NAME}.bit: ${DESIGN_NAME}.v ${DESIGN_NAME}.ccf | |||||
cd build && \ | |||||
${PNRTOOL} -i ../${DESIGN_NAME}.v -o $@ --ccf ../${DESIGN_NAME}.ccf $(PNRFLAGS) \ | |||||
2>&1 | tee p_r-report.txt && \ | |||||
mv ${DESIGN_NAME}*.bit ../$@ | |||||
# Post-synthesis simulation target | |||||
syn_sim: ${DESIGN_NAME}.v | |||||
iverilog -g2012 -o tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_syn.vvp ${DESIGN_NAME}.v tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.v /usr/local/share/yosys/gatemate/cells_sim.v | |||||
vvp -N tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_syn.vvp -fst | |||||
# Post-implementation simulation target | |||||
imp_sim: ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit | |||||
iverilog -g2012 -o tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_imp.vvp build/${DESIGN_NAME}_00.v tb_${DESIGN_NAME}.v /opt/cc-toolchain-linux/bin/p_r/cpelib.v | |||||
vvp -N tb_${DESIGN_NAME}_imp.vvp -fst | |||||
# FPGA FW load per JTAG | |||||
prog: ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit | |||||
openFPGALoader -b gatemate_evb_jtag $< | |||||
clean : | |||||
echo "# Cleaning files" | |||||
rm -rf build ${DESIGN_NAME}.v ${DESIGN_NAME}_sim.v ${DESIGN_NAME}.vhd ${DESIGN_NAME}.bit *.vvp *.fst |
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ | |||||
`timescale 1 ns/10 ps // time-unit = 1 ns, precision = 10 ps | |||||
// simplified CC_PLL model | |||||
module CC_PLL #( | |||||
parameter REF_CLK = "", // e.g. "10.0" | |||||
parameter OUT_CLK = "", // e.g. "50.0" | |||||
parameter PERF_MD = "", // LOWPOWER, ECONOMY, SPEED | |||||
parameter LOW_JITTER = 1, | |||||
parameter CI_FILTER_CONST = 2, | |||||
parameter CP_FILTER_CONST = 4 | |||||
)( | |||||
output CLK270, CLK180, CLK90, CLK0, CLK_REF_OUT | |||||
); | |||||
reg r_pll_clk; | |||||
reg r_user_pll_locked; | |||||
// OUT_FREQ = 1 MHz | |||||
integer clk_half_period = 50; | |||||
initial begin | |||||
r_pll_clk = 1'b0; | |||||
r_user_pll_locked = 1'b1; | |||||
end | |||||
always #clk_half_period r_pll_clk = ~r_pll_clk; | |||||
assign CLK0 = r_pll_clk; | |||||
assign USR_PLL_LOCKED = r_user_pll_locked; | |||||
endmodule | |||||
// simplified CC_CFG_END model | |||||
module CC_CFG_END ( | |||||
output CFG_END | |||||
); | |||||
assign CFG_END = 1'b1; | |||||
endmodule | |||||
module tb_uart_reg; | |||||
// DUT in/out | |||||
reg clk = 1'b0; | |||||
reg rst_n = 1'b1; | |||||
reg uart_rx; | |||||
wire uart_tx; | |||||
// Testbench variables | |||||
reg [7:0] tx_data = 8'h0; | |||||
reg [7:0] rx_data = 8'h0; | |||||
// Testbench 1/2 clock period | |||||
localparam clk_half_period = 50; | |||||
// UART period calculation (9600 baud) | |||||
localparam uart_bit_period = 1000000000 / 9600; | |||||
localparam uart_bit_half_period = uart_bit_period/2; | |||||
uart_reg UUT (.clk_i(clk), .rst_n_i(rst_n), .uart_rx_i(uart_rx), .uart_tx_o(uart_tx)); | |||||
// set dumpfile | |||||
initial begin | |||||
$dumpfile ("tb_uart_reg.fst"); | |||||
$dumpvars (0, tb_uart_reg); | |||||
end | |||||
// Setup simulation | |||||
initial begin | |||||
uart_rx = 1'b1; | |||||
#1 rst_n = 1'b0; | |||||
#120 rst_n = 1'b1; | |||||
end | |||||
// Generate 10 mhz clock | |||||
always #clk_half_period clk = !clk; | |||||
// Stimuli generator | |||||
initial | |||||
forever @(posedge rst_n) begin | |||||
uart_rx = 1'b1; | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
for (integer tx = 0; tx < 32; tx = tx + 1) begin | |||||
tx_data = tx; | |||||
$display ("UART send: 0x%h", tx_data); | |||||
uart_rx = 1'b0; | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
for (integer i = 0; i < 7; i = i + 1) begin | |||||
uart_rx = tx_data[i]; | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
end | |||||
uart_rx = 1'b1; | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
#uart_bit_period | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
end | |||||
end | |||||
// Checker | |||||
initial begin | |||||
@(posedge rst_n) | |||||
for (reg [7:0] rx = 0; rx < 32; rx = rx + 1) begin | |||||
@(negedge uart_tx) | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
#uart_bit_half_period; | |||||
for (integer i = 0; i < 7; i = i + 1) begin | |||||
rx_data[i] = uart_tx; | |||||
#uart_bit_period; | |||||
end | |||||
assert (rx_data == rx) | |||||
$display("UART recv: 0x%h", rx_data); | |||||
else | |||||
$warning("UART receive error, got 0x%h, expected 0x%h", rx_data, rx); | |||||
end | |||||
$display ("UART tests finished"); | |||||
$finish; | |||||
end | |||||
endmodule |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ | |||||
# Configuration for the Gatemate eval board | |||||
Pin_in "clk_i" Loc = "IO_SB_A8" | SCHMITT_TRIGGER=true; | |||||
Pin_in "rst_n_i" Loc = "IO_EB_B0"; # SW3 | |||||
Pin_out "uart_tx_o" Loc = "IO_NB_A0"; # PMODA IO1 | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[0]" Loc = "IO_NB_A4"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[1]" Loc = "IO_NB_A5"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[2]" Loc = "IO_NB_A6"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[3]" Loc = "IO_NB_A7"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[4]" Loc = "IO_NB_B4"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[5]" Loc = "IO_NB_B5"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[6]" Loc = "IO_NB_B6"; | |||||
Pin_out "debug_o[7]" Loc = "IO_NB_B7"; |